#Onia2MuMu Rootupler
The Onia2MuMu Rootupler. This package is mean to be run after the BPH CompactSkim.
Onia2MuMuRootupler - Rootupler of the Onia2MuMu objects
OniaMM - Rootupler for genparticles objects, AOD
Setup: (should run with the same release in CompactSkim, but may run in any other)
cmsrel CMSSW_9_2_10
cd CMSSW_9_2_10/src/
git clone [email protected]:zhenhu/dimuon.git dimuon/Onia
cd dimuon/Onia/
scram b
- Run local test: (use your favorite input sample)
cd test
vi runOnia2MuMuRootupler.py
cmsRun runOnia2MuMuRootupler.py
You may need to uodate the trigger paths in Onia/src/Onia2MuMuRootupler.cc
- Produce root trees with this package for each dataset: Charmonium, MuOnia, DoubleMuon, DoubleMuonLowMass
The crab3 config: Onia/test/crabJobs/crab3_all.py
#Make the dimuom mass spectrum plot
- (Optional) Draw a plot for a single dataset
root -l runSinglePD.C++
- Produce data subsets for different triggers
root -l runGetTriggerSubset.C++
- Draw combined plot
root -l DrawPlot.C
#Official BPH CompactSkim
- Setup: it has been part of CMSSW_7_5_X onwards, but for earlier version, you can do:
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc491
source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/cmsset_default.sh
cmsrel CMSSW_7_4_6_patch6
cd CMSSW_7_4_6_patch6/src/
git cms-merge-topic alberto-sanchez:onia2mumu-74x
scram b
- Run: (adjust the inputs)
vi HeavyFlavorAnalysis/Skimming/test/runCompactSkim.py
cmsRun HeavyFlavorAnalysis/Skimming/test/runCompactSkim.py