This is a general release of all packages in the monorepo.
You may use individual packages by installing them via composer: composer require zf1s/zend-*
- see README.
- general: php 8.0 compatibility (#51)
- Remove default values from method signatures (#78)
- Fix iterators usage (#82)
- Fix Zend_Form_ElementTest (#81)
- Enforce types for PHP 8.0 (#80)
- Fix vsprintf TypeError for php 8.0 (#79)
- Fixed reflection deprecations for php 8.0 (#76)
- Make Zend_Validate_Date work as expected under PHP 8.0 (#75)
- Zend_Session Fix error handler for PHP8 usage (#99)
- Remove openssl deprecation for php 8.0 (#73)
- Remove libxml deprecations for php 8.0 (#65)
- Missing default values caused errorHandlerIgnore to fail under PHP 8.0 (#63)
- Replace version_compare on PHP_VERSION with PHP_VERSION_ID check (#53)
- Do not check get_magic_quotes_gpc value for php 5.4+ (#56)
- Remove usage of $php_errormsg (#42)
- Drop tests covering php older than 5.3.3 (#55)
- Drop code supporting php older than 5.3.3 (#54)
- Add guard on fclose in Zend_Mail_Storage_Mbox (#70)
- Fix Zend_Db issues with php8 (#106)
- php8 Zend_Log compatibility fixes (#107)
- [zend-paginator] prevent fatal error on php8 (#109)
- [zend-queue] prevent TypeError on md5 of non-string message (#110)
- [zend-loader] refactor broken resolvePharParentPath static method (#111)
- zend-acl
- Increase Performance in unsetting rules in ACL (#60)
- zend-application
- fix autoloading of Useragent class (#113)
- zend-db
- zend-exception
- allow Throwable in $previous (#112)
- zend-paginator
- fixed phpdoc typo (#86)
- zend-queue
- Adding support for durable subscribers and persistent message sending (#105)
- zend-view
- fix Zend_View_Abstract::__get() phpdoc (#87)
- Security
- Backport of fix for CVE-2021-3007 in Zend_Http_Response_Stream (#43)
- Infrastructure
- Restore locales before calling test assertions (#45)
- Enable "fail-fast" env for setup-php (#52)
- Move MySQL testing from Travis to GitHub Actions (#49)
- Use ubuntu-16.04 by default for faster setup-php (#72)
- Add php 8.0 to GitHub Actions ignoring its errors (#59)
- Allow newer php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint for php 8.0 (#58)
- Move composer.json validate of sub-packages to GitHub Actions (#40)
- Use parallel-lint for GitHub actions (#50)
- Move memcache testing from Travis to GitHub Actions (#47)
- GitHub Actions: Install composer dependencies (#41)
- Use staabm/annotate-pull-request-from-checkstyle to report violatons in GitHub (#66)
- Use gnu parallel for validating composer.json (#84)
- CI: Switch to Ubuntu 20.04 (#94)
- ditch travis in favor of gha workflow (#108)
- enable postgres on gha (#114)
- use mysql v5.7 in gha (#115)
🎉 Contributors: @glensc @Megatherium @staabm @falkenhawk