The Project was one of my firsts, accordingly the Architecture, Featureset and planning were terrible. I want to redo lazy-project-creaton in go(lang). The featureset will also be improved.
lazy-project-creation creates a local project in a workspace of your choice. In addition it will initialize a local repository, and create a remote github repository with the same name and after your configuration. It will then proceed to create a .gitignore, add the remote, add files, setup an initial commit which it finally pushes.
The basic functionality as stated will be available in April. I am currently working on the github integration and it is nearly done!
lazy-project-creation is my first cli tool provided as npm package:
- Install it globally!
- On it's first execution it will setup the needed configuration files, call it again to use!
- lazy-project-configuration uses a local configuration file, so your data stays with you!
- you need to configure and setup lazy-project-creation before using it to create projects
- you can edit the configuration file manually but it is recommended to use the tool (~/.config/lazy-project-creation/userConfig.json)
- to use the remote functionality you will have to add your github username and a personal access token.
- the default workspace is your home directory (change it according to your preferences)
- follow the configuration steps provided by lazy-project-creation
- use a complete, absolute path for each workspace
- to create a github repository and link it with your local project you need to provide a personal access token, it will only be stored in the config file on your system.
- the configuration file is located ~/.config/lazy-project-creation/userConfig.json
- the default workspace location is ~/
- Nodejs
- npm
$ npm i -g lazy-project-creation
github integration
- after github integration is implemented, bitbucket, gitlab will follow...
- project overview, creating remote repos from existing projects
Windows integration(maybe)
might choose to rewrite in "go" as when i am more familiar with that language.