This is vmware-host-modules DKMS support package for VMware workstation/player linux version, when install in ubuntu, this DKMS package will auto-build and install "vmware-host-modules" kernel modules when newer kernel version upgraded.
Before install vmware-host-modules, check vmware player or workstation installed production name and version in GUI concole, example:
vmware-installer -l
Product Name Product Version
==================== ====================
This is workstation, 12.5.5, remember there.
note: vmware-host-modules maintain earlest workstation/player version is 12.5
git clone
edit, change "BRANCH" to your workstation or player version, default is workstation 12.5.9
sudo apt-get install build-essential git dkms
sudo ./
if run again and got some problem, try run
sudo ./ clean
to clean exist DKMS package and build files.