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ESP32-Cam Security Node managed bij Home Assistant with ESPHome

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ESP32-Cam-Security-Node Project

ESP32-Cam Security Node managed bij Home Assistant with ESPHome


As with many of the projects we start, this one started simple and with a single purpose but quickly grew to what it is today. Current day, it’s one of the many devices i have build and configured in Home Assistant that has a crucial role in the area of security. It is build on ESP32-Cam combined with 2 motion detection sensors, 1 temperature sensor and a buzzer for audio notifications.

Besides the use of security (Cam & Motion detection) it also services roles in light control and doorbel control. I have created a couple of security display nodes (Security- Clock, Security-Cat) that show by using RGB Led and audio notification triggers of the security nodes. If there is enough intrest, i will document these projects as well.

Continuous improvement

As my partner often points out i have a issue with trying to improve everything. So if you have any suggestions or improvements i would be very happy to implement them! While writing this i realizes i could add a RGB Led and i will try to implement this short term. I would be very happy if someone could help with the RCWL-0516 because it is still giving false triggers……

Sensors & Components

I have used the sensors below in the project. I don’t have positive experience with the HC-SR501 and was unable to fix all the false triggers it gives. The STL files allow use of DHT11 or ds18b20, i think the DHT11 has better accuracy.

  • ESP32Cam -Microcontroller
  • AM312 – PIR Sensor
    • HC-SR501 -PIR Sensor (I was not able to fix the huge amount of false triggers)
  • Micro USB 5V DIP Adapter board – Power
  • Passive piezo buzzer
  • Dallas ds18b20 – Temperature Sensor
  • Resistor R4,7K
  • DHT11 – Temperature Sensor
  • RCWL-0516 – Doppler Sensor

PCB Design

The PCB i used is a PCB Board Hole Grid Board from 7cm x 3cm that i soldered the sensors on. All the sensors (ESP32 Cam & PIR) that are on the front of the PCB are detachable, to achieve this i soldered 2 rows of 8 female pins en for the PIR sensor a 3 row female pin.

For power & ground i sewed a wire on row 3 & 8 over the lengt of the PCB. The micro USB DIP i soldered on A4 for ground (i connected it to row 3) and A8 for 5v power.

PCB Front

PCB Front

PCB Back

PCB Back

ESP Home YAML file for Home Assistant

In the directory Code you can find the YAML file that i made and use in ESP Home in Home Assistant. Some important points are:

  • I use the secrets file in ESP Home for all sensitive or device related data.
  • The file makes use of the ds18b20 temperature sensor and not the DHT11 sensor.
  • The ds18b20 has a disadvance in accuracy and requires a offset in temperature.
  • To fix false alarms of the PIR & Doppler sensor i use a delayed_on value, for the PIR sensor it solves the false alarms.
  • The Doppler sensor still requires some troubleshooting to get more stable.
  name: livingroom-security-node
  platform: ESP32
  board: esp32cam

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  # Optional manual IP
    static_ip: !secret static_ip_livingroom-security-node
    gateway: !secret gateway
    subnet: !secret subnet
    dns1: !secret dns1

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Livingroom-Seurity-Node"
    password: !secret hotspot_livingroom-security-node


# Enable logging
  level: INFO

# Enable Home Assistant API
  password: !secret ota_livingroom-security-node

# ESP32 Cam configuration entry
    pin: GPIO0
    frequency: 20MHz
    sda: GPIO26
    scl: GPIO27
  data_pins: [GPIO5, GPIO18, GPIO19, GPIO21, GPIO36, GPIO39, GPIO34, GPIO35]
  vsync_pin: GPIO25
  href_pin: GPIO23
  pixel_clock_pin: GPIO22
  power_down_pin: GPIO32
  vertical_flip: true
  resolution: 1280x1024
  jpeg_quality: 10
# Image settings
  name: Livingroom Camera

# Binary Sensors PIR & Doppler configuration entry
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO13
    name: "Livingroom PIR Sensor"
    device_class: motion
      - delayed_on: 3000ms    
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO15
    name: "Livingroom Doppler Sensor"
    device_class: motion
      - delayed_on: 3000ms

# Output ESP32 Cam light & Buzzer rtttl configuration entry
  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO4
    id: gpio_4
  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO12
    id: rtttl_out
    channel: 2

  - platform: binary
    output: gpio_4
    name: "Livingroom Camera Light"
  output: rtttl_out
    - logger.log: 'Song ended!'

    - service: play_rtttl
        song_str: string
            rtttl: !lambda 'return song_str;'

# Temperature configuration entry
  - pin: GPIO14

  - platform: dallas
    address: 0x5B3C01D6079A2228
    name: "Livingroom Temperature Sensor"
      - offset: -9.6

3D Print STL files

I published the project on Thingiverse,

But the STL files can also be downloaded from the directory Designs.

Images – 3D print & Sensors & PCB

Security-Node Front Closed

PCB Front

Security-Node Front Open

PCB Front

Security-Node Back

PCB Front

Images – STL Screenshots

Security-Node body STL screenshot

Security-Node body STL screenshot

Security-Node ESP32 Cam & AM312 Lid STL screenshot

Security-Node ESP32 Cam & AM312 Lid STL screenshot

Security-Node RCWL Doppler Lid STL screenshot

Security-Node RCWL Doppler Lid STL screenshot

Security-Node ESP32 Cam & HC-SR501 Lid STL screenshot

Security-Node ESP32 Cam & HC-SR501 Lid STL screenshot

Images – 3D print Pictures

Security-Node Body Front

Security-Node Body Front

Security-Node Body Back

Security-Node Body Back

Security-Node RCWL Doppler Lid

Security-Node RCWL Doppler Lid

Security-Node ESP32 Cam & AM312 Lid

Security-Node ESP32 Cam & AM312 Lid

Security-Node ESP32 Cam & HC-SR501 Lid

Security-Node ESP32 Cam & HC-SR501 Lid

Images – Sensors & PCB

PCB empty

PCB Empty

PCB Back

PCB Back

PCB Front

PCB Front


ESP32-Cam Security Node managed bij Home Assistant with ESPHome






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