This library wraps deep-diff#diff()
All the computed diffs are the same except for array element edits.
Just like the usage with deep-diff
const diff = require('deep-diff-keep-element').diff;
const objLeft = {...};
const objRight = {...};
const result = diff(objLeft, objRight);
npm install deep-diff-keep-element --save
First, it's a proposal that illustrates what we needed.
For our auditing system we needed to persist the whole array element and not just the difference.
The object difference for
const objA = {array: [{a: 1, b:3, c:0}]};
const objB = {array: [{a: 2, b:4, c:0}]};
would look in the original deep-diff like:
kind: "E",
lhs: 1,
rhs: 2,
path: ["array", 0, "a"]
With this utility the result keeps the original and changed elements. It also has the kind
as A
and changes the structure a bit:
kind: "A",
path: ["array", 0],
item: {
kind: "E",
path: ["a"],
lhs: {a: 1, b:3, c:0},
rhs: {a: 2, b:4, c:0}
"kind": "A",
"path": ["array", 0],
"item": {
"kind": "D",
"path": ["a"],
"lhs": {a: 1, b: 2},
"rhs": {}
npm install
npm test