Takes a tweet url, requests the json
from Twitter oEmbed, parses the json
for the html
element and returns it to your template. The html returned is ready to go and will be shown as a tweet on your web page. This uses the Requests library for Python.
$ pip install requests
This template tag is ultralite 💪 so you dont even need to bother installing it as an app. Just create a templatetags
directory within your app directory at the same level as your models.py
file. Then create the __init__.py
and tweet_tags.py
files. All of this can be copied from the repo 😉.
appfolder/ __init__.py models.py views.py templatetags/ #create this if you dont have one already. __init__.py #create this! It's just an empty file but all template tags require it!! tweet_tags.py #you get the idea...it's in the repo.
DjangoDocs As with any new template tag you should restart the server to ensure the tag is registered.
To use the tag in your template include the {% load tweet_tags %}
in your template and you are good to go! Just use the tag and give it a url.
{% tweet_tags <tweeturl> %}
is the url to the tweet you want embedded on your page. It can be hard coded or a variable passed from your view.
{% autoescape off %}
{% endautoescape %}
tags can be wrapped around the {% tweet_tags <tweeturl> %}
to stop the html from being escaped by the django interpreter. This is neccesary unless you already have the django environment variable turned off.
This will loop through the tweets
queryset defined in the view. Send the url of each tweet object to the tag function and return the embed html into the mdl-card
div in the template.
{% load tweet_tags %} {% for tweet in tweets %} <div class="mdl-card__media"> {% autoescape off %}{% tweet_tags tweet.url %}{% endautoescape %} <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </div> {% endfor %}
def template(request): if request.user.is_authenticated: tweets = tweet.objects.filter(user=request.user) return render(request, 'app/template.html', {'tweets': tweets}) else: return redirect('login')