title: Server view of card synchronisation
participant John
participant Server
participant Alice
Note over John,Alice : Sync cards with Server
activate Server
Server -->>+ Alice: async getCards()
Server -->>+ John: async getCards()
Server -->> Server: await all answers
Alice -->>- Server: myCards
John -->>- Server: myCards
deactivate Server
Note over John,Alice: Broadcast cards to participants
activate Server
Server -->>+ Alice: allCards
deactivate Alice
Server -->>+ John: allCards
deactivate John
deactivate Server
title: Client view of card sending
participant Server
participant ConnectionService
participant CardService
participant AFrame
participant Zones
activate Server
Server -->>+ ConnectionService: async getCards()
ConnectionService ->>+ CardService: welche karten sind aktiv?
CardService ->>+ AFrame: getFoundMarkers()
AFrame -->>- CardService: foundMarkers
CardService ->>+ Zones: which cards are in which zone?
Zones -->>- CardService: zone info of the cards
CardService -->> CardService: construct card objects
CardService -->>- ConnectionService: card objects
ConnectionService -->>- Server: myCards
deactivate Server
title: Client view of card broadcast
participant Server
participant ConnectionService
participant CardService
participant AFrame
activate Server
Server -->>+ ConnectionService: async allCards
ConnectionService -->>+ CardService: allCards
CardService ->> CardService: transform card objects
CardService ->>+ AFrame: setCards(allCards)
AFrame -->>- CardService: void
CardService -->>- ConnectionService: void
activate AFrame
AFrame -->>- AFrame: render
deactivate ConnectionService