This is the artifact of Derivative-Guided Symbolic Execution under submission to POPL 2025. The derivative-guided symbolic execution engine HATch, along with its derivative-free variant, are provided. Please follow the instructions below for installation and reproduction of experiment results.
We recommend the use of machines with at least 8 GB memory – HATch
raises errors when memory usage exceeds 8GB. All experiments were
performed on AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 6850U with 32 GB RAM. The artifact is
provided as a Docker image.
Before proceeding, try docker run hello-world
to ensure that Docker works as intended.
You may either load the pre-built docker image:
docker load < ../hatch.tar.gz
or build the docker image on your own:
docker build . --tag hatch
Then start a shell environment in the docker image:
docker run -i --rm -t hatch
Lastly, compile HATch and find the executable at `_build/default/bin/main.exe`:
dune build --profile release
Directory data/ri
stores various benchmarks in its subfolders, each
corresponding to an abstract data type (ADT) and its underlying stateful
representation type. Consider the implementation of Stack
, the sub-directory data/ri/Stack_LinkedList
- the auxiliary definitions of common symbolic regular expressions in
; - the specification of
's methods
; - the safety property represented by a symbolic regular expression in
, and; - the definition of
's methods, e.g.,
, and their respective buggy variant (_buggy
postfix), with accompanying specification that manifest the safety property.
Now we have HATch falsify the buggy implementation of
(in place of ${bench}
timeout -v 1m _build/default/bin/main.exe symb-exec meta-config.json data/ri/${bench} -empty-aware -exec-bound 20 -eff-append-bound 5
HATch falsifies the implementation by finding an execution path with
: the path condition collected along the execution pathTrace
: the trace of symbolic events that witness the execution pathR_cont
: a symbolic regular expression accepting traces that the execution can produce without violating the safety propertyexpr
: the term under execution
Preemptive Hatch
Phi = x:{v:Elem.t | true}, s:{v:Cell.t | true}, x_30_2:{v:bool | ¬v}, _x_5:{v:Cell.t | true}, c_2:{v:Cell.t | v == _x_5}, x_31_2:{v:bool | v <=> c_2 == s}, x_32_2:{v:bool | (v <=> ¬x_31_2) ∧ v}, x_30_11:{v:bool | ¬v}, _x_14:{v:Cell.t | true}, c_11:{v:Cell.t | v == _x_14}, x_31_11:{v:bool | v <=> c_11 == s}, x_32_11:{v:bool | (v <=> ¬x_31_11) ∧ ¬v}
Trace = ⟨hasPrev x_0 = vret | ¬vret⟩; ⟨newCell x_0 = vret | vret == _x_5 ∧ ¬vret == c_11⟩; ⟨hasPrev x_0 = vret | ¬vret⟩; ⟨newCell x_0 = vret | vret == _x_14 ∧ vret == c_11⟩; ⟨putCellContent x_0 x_1 = vret | x_0 == c_11 ∧ x_1 == x⟩; ⟨setNext x_0 x_1 = vret | x_0 == c_11 ∧ x_1 == s ∧ x_0 == x_1⟩
R_cont = ∅
expr =
(let (f_1 : Cell.t) =
(let (c'_2 : Cell.t) = (c_11 : Cell.t) in (c'_2 : Cell.t) : Cell.t) in
(f_1 : Cell.t) : Cell.t)
DT(Stack) Task 1(cons): exec time 0.519420(s), check failed
In this case, Phi
and Trace
together are satisfiable – the
associated state is reachable – and R_cont
is empty. Therefore,
HATch determines that the execution path is falsified.
The derivative-free variant of HATch
can also falsify the buggy
implementation, though it takes longer:
timeout -v 1m _build/default/bin/main.exe symb-exec meta-config.json data/ri/${bench} -no-deriv -exec-bound 20
Terminated Hatch
Phi = x:{v:Elem.t | true}, s:{v:Cell.t | true}, x_30_2:{v:bool | ¬v}, _x_5:{v:Cell.t | true}, c_2:{v:Cell.t | v == _x_5}, x_31_2:{v:bool | v <=> c_2 == s}, x_32_2:{v:bool | (v <=> ¬x_31_2) ∧ ¬v}
R_curr = ((((((((.\⟨setNext x_0 x_1 = vret | x_0 == x_1⟩)* ∧ (.*;(⟨setNext x_0 x_1 = vret | x_1 == s⟩;.*))ᶜ);⟨hasPrev x_0 = vret | ¬vret⟩) ∧ .*);⟨newCell x_0 = vret | vret == _x_5⟩) ∧ (.*;(⟨newCell x_0 = vret | vret == c_2⟩;.*)));⟨putCellContent x_0 x_1 = vret | x_0 == c_2 ∧ x_1 == x⟩) ∧ .*);⟨setNext x_0 x_1 = vret | x_0 == c_2 ∧ x_1 == s⟩
expr =
(c_2 : Cell.t)
DT(Stack) Task 1(cons): exec time 1.592408(s), check failed
We regard prior work on type checking automata-augmented refinement type as the baseline verifier:
timeout -v 1m _build/default/bin/main.exe ri-type-check meta-config.json data/ri/${bench}
Compared to HATch, the verifier also takes longer time to falsify the same buggy implementation:
DT(Stack) Task 1(cons): exec time 1.556991(s), check failed
See Section Experiments for the complete list of methods associated with each pair of ADT and its representation type.
The following table lists all methods whose buggy implementation are falsified by HATch (first column). The next three columns are also illustrated in Table 1 of the paper while the last two columns are omitted.
ADT_ReprType/method | HATch | Naive | SpeedUp/ | Verifier | SpeedUp/ |
time(s) | time(s) | Naive | time(s) | Verifier | |
Stack_LinkedList/cons | 0.29 | 0.91 | × 3.1 | 1.03 | × 3.6 |
Stack_LinkedList/concat_aux | 0.17 | 7.40 | × 43.5 | 2.08 | × 12.2 |
Stack_KVStore/cons | 0.76 | 10.87 | × 14.3 | 3.20 | × 4.2 |
Stack_KVStore/concat_aux | 0.58 | T/O | T/O | 3.85 | × 6.6 |
Queue_LinkedList/append | 0.49 | 1.21 | × 2.5 | 1.25 | × 2.6 |
Queue_Graph/append | 1.11 | 14.45 | × 13.0 | 8.15 | × 7.3 |
Set_KVStore/insert | 0.56 | 24.97 | × 44.6 | 0.79 | × 1.4 |
Set_Tree/insert_aux | 0.70 | 3.33 | × 4.8 | 7.75 | × 11.1 |
Heap_LinkedList/insert_aux | 0.07 | 0.90 | × 12.9 | 0.92 | × 13.1 |
Heap_Tree/insert_aux | 0.64 | 1.52 | × 2.4 | 1.58 | × 2.5 |
MinSet_Set/minset_singleton | 0.72 | 0.91 | × 1.3 | 0.92 | × 1.3 |
MinSet_Set/minset_insert | 0.82 | 8.09 | × 9.9 | 7.89 | × 9.6 |
MinSet_KVStore/minset_singleton | 0.42 | 7.53 | × 17.9 | 1.78 | × 4.2 |
MinSet_KVStore/minset_insert | 1.17 | 13.23 | × 11.3 | 18.22 | × 15.6 |
LazySet_Tree/insert_aux | 0.70 | 3.32 | × 4.7 | 7.82 | × 11.2 |
LazySet_Set/lazy_insert | 0.31 | 0.40 | × 1.3 | 0.42 | × 1.4 |
LazySet_KVStore/insert_aux | 0.56 | 25.37 | × 45.3 | 0.79 | × 1.4 |
DFA_KVStore/add_transition | 0.41 | 12.59 | × 30.7 | 12.59 | × 30.7 |
DFA_KVStore/del_transition | 0.66 | 9.95 | × 15.1 | 9.93 | × 15.0 |
DFA_Graph/add_transition | 0.64 | 8.00 | × 12.5 | 8.75 | × 13.7 |
DFA_Graph/del_transition | 1.19 | 11.63 | × 9.8 | 10.28 | × 8.6 |
ConnectedGraph_Set/singleton | 0.18 | 54.51 | × 302.8 | 2.82 | × 15.7 |
ConnectedGraph_Set/add_node | 0.83 | O/M | O/M | 8.31 | × 10.0 |
ConnectedGraph_Set/add_transition | 0.91 | O/M | O/M | 10.29 | × 11.3 |
ConnectedGraph_Graph/singleton | 0.72 | 1.28 | × 1.8 | 1.25 | × 1.7 |
ConnectedGraph_Graph/add_node | 1.25 | 7.65 | × 6.1 | 7.61 | × 6.1 |
ConnectedGraph_Graph/add_transition | 1.50 | 23.93 | × 16.0 | 31.09 | × 20.7 |
ColoredGraph_Graph/add_edge | 2.31 | T/O | T/O | T/O | T/O |
ColoredGraph_KVStore/add_edge | 4.88 | T/O | T/O | T/O | T/O |
LinkedList_KVStore/remove_aux | 4.98 | T/O | T/O | N/A | N/A |
The data in the table is produced using org-babel shipped with Emacs. With a recent installation of Emacs (for scripting) and pandoc (for conversion to markdown), one may rerun all experiments (takes about 20 minutes on AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 6850U) and regenerate this file, including the above table, using the following shell commands.
emacs --batch -l ob -l ob-shell --eval "
(let ((org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil))
(dolist (file command-line-args-left)
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
pandoc -s --to=gfm -o