cd to/counter_service/directory
# OPTIONAL: Take a look on the ZooKeeper config file at `configs/zoo.cfg` for any desire changes.
vim ./configs/zoo.cfg
# To build docker image and up a container:
make up
# in case for detached mode, run following:
make up-detached
# For more information and examples:
make help
cd to/url_shortner_service/directory
# Create env files using their templates.
cp ./envs/app.env.example ./envs/app.env
cp ./envs/app_db.env.example ./envs/app_db.env
cp ./envs/redis.env.example ./envs/redis.env
cp ./env.example ./.env
# Adjust env variables with appropriate values.
vim ./envs/app.env
vim ./envs/app_db.env
vim ./envs/redis.env
vim ./.env
# To build docker image and up a container:
make build-up
# in case for detached mode, run following:
make build-up-detached
# For more information and examples:
make help
cd to/url_shortner_service/directory
# To run unit tests:
make tests-unit
# To run integration tests:
make tests-integration
# For more information and examples:
make help
cd to/load_test_service/directory
# Create env files using their templates.
cp ./envs/locust.env.example ./envs/locust.env
cp ./env.example ./.env
# Adjust env variables with appropriate values.
vim ./envs/locust.env
vim ./.env
# Build and up Locust master container.
make build-up-master
# Build, up and scale Locust worker containers with 5 instances.
make build-up-scale-workers scale=5
# Now, you can see the Locust web interface for running the tests on `LOCUST_EXPOSED_PORT` port number.
# e.g
# For more information and examples:
make help