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mtest test cases vs. literature and plm 2.6-4 output
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47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions inst/tests/test_mtest.R
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### test results with plm 2.6-4 (none of the literature's results were reproduced)
data("EmplUK", package = "plm")

########################## one-step ######################

# Arellano/Bond 1991, Table 4, column (a1) (has robust SEs)
ab.a1 <- pgmm(log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1)
+ lag(log(capital), 0:2) + lag(log(output), 0:2) | lag(log(emp), 2:99),
data = EmplUK, effect = "twoways", model = "onestep")

mtest(ab.a1, 1, vcov = NULL)
mtest(ab.a1, 2, vcov = NULL)
mtest(ab.a1, 1, vcov = vcovHC)
mtest(ab.a1, 2, vcov = vcovHC) # -0.516 (reference)

# Windmeijer (2025), table 2, onestep with corrected std. err
wind.s1 <- pgmm(log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1)
+ log(capital) + lag(log(output), 0:1) | lag(log(emp), 2:99),
data = EmplUK, effect = "twoways", model = "onestep")
mtest(wind.s1, 1, vcov = NULL)
mtest(wind.s1, 2, vcov = NULL)
mtest(wind.s1, 1, vcov = vcovHC) # -2.493 (reference)
mtest(wind.s1, 2, vcov = vcovHC) # -0.359 (reference)

########################## two-steps ######################

# Arellano/Bond 1991, Table 4, column (a2) (non-robust SEs)
ab.a2 <- pgmm(log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1)
+ lag(log(capital), 0:2) + lag(log(output), 0:2) | lag(log(emp), 2:99),
data = EmplUK, effect = "twoways", model = "twosteps")

mtest(ab.a2, 1, vcov = NULL)
mtest(ab.a2, 2, vcov = NULL) # -0.434 (reference)
mtest(ab.a2, 1, vcov = vcovHC)
mtest(ab.a2, 2, vcov = vcovHC)

## Arellano and Bond (1991), table 4 col. b / Windmeijer (2025), table 2
ab.b <- pgmm(log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1)
+ log(capital) + lag(log(output), 0:1) | lag(log(emp), 2:99),
data = EmplUK, effect = "twoways", model = "twosteps")

mtest(ab.b, 1, vcov = NULL) # -2.826 (reference about A/B's m1 in Windmeijer)
mtest(ab.b, 2, vcov = NULL) # -0.327 (reference in A/B)
mtest(ab.b, 1, vcov = vcovHC) # -1.999 (reference in Windmeijer)
mtest(ab.b, 2, vcov = vcovHC) # -0.316 (reference in Windmeijer)

188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions inst/tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@

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> ### test results with plm 2.6-4
> library(plm)
> data("EmplUK", package = "plm")
> ########################## one-step ######################
> # Arellano/Bond 1991, Table 4, column (a1) (has robust SEs)
> ab.a1 <- pgmm(log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1)
+ + lag(log(capital), 0:2) + lag(log(output), 0:2) | lag(log(emp), 2:99),
+ data = EmplUK, effect = "twoways", model = "onestep")
> mtest(ab.a1, 1, vcov = NULL)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 1

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + lag(log(capital), ...
normal = -4.1906, p-value = 2.782e-05
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

> mtest(ab.a1, 2, vcov = NULL)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 2

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + lag(log(capital), ...
normal = -0.64241, p-value = 0.5206
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

> mtest(ab.a1, 1, vcov = vcovHC)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 1, vcov: vcovHC

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + lag(log(capital), ...
normal = NaN, p-value = NA
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

Warning message:
In sqrt(denom) : NaNs produced
> mtest(ab.a1, 2, vcov = vcovHC) # -0.516 (reference)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 2, vcov: vcovHC

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + lag(log(capital), ...
normal = NaN, p-value = NA
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

Warning message:
In sqrt(denom) : NaNs produced
> # Windmeijer (2025), table 2, onestep with corrected std. err
> wind.s1 <- pgmm(log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1)
+ + log(capital) + lag(log(output), 0:1) | lag(log(emp), 2:99),
+ data = EmplUK, effect = "twoways", model = "onestep")
> mtest(wind.s1, 1, vcov = NULL)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 1

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + log(capital) + ...
normal = -3.9009, p-value = 9.583e-05
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

> mtest(wind.s1, 2, vcov = NULL)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 2

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + log(capital) + ...
normal = -0.46764, p-value = 0.64
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

> mtest(wind.s1, 1, vcov = vcovHC) # -2.493 (reference)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 1, vcov: vcovHC

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + log(capital) + ...
normal = NaN, p-value = NA
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

Warning message:
In sqrt(denom) : NaNs produced
> mtest(wind.s1, 2, vcov = vcovHC) # -0.359 (reference)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 2, vcov: vcovHC

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + log(capital) + ...
normal = NaN, p-value = NA
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

Warning message:
In sqrt(denom) : NaNs produced
> ########################## two-steps ######################
> # Arellano/Bond 1991, Table 4, column (a2) (non-robust SEs)
> ab.a2 <- pgmm(log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1)
+ + lag(log(capital), 0:2) + lag(log(output), 0:2) | lag(log(emp), 2:99),
+ data = EmplUK, effect = "twoways", model = "twosteps")
> mtest(ab.a2, 1, vcov = NULL)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 1

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + lag(log(capital), ...
normal = -2.9998, p-value = 0.002702
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

> mtest(ab.a2, 2, vcov = NULL) # -0.434 (reference)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 2

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + lag(log(capital), ...
normal = -0.41575, p-value = 0.6776
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

> mtest(ab.a2, 1, vcov = vcovHC)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 1, vcov: vcovHC

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + lag(log(capital), ...
normal = -2.3456, p-value = 0.01899
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

> mtest(ab.a2, 2, vcov = vcovHC)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 2, vcov: vcovHC

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + lag(log(capital), ...
normal = -0.36744, p-value = 0.7133
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

> ## Arellano and Bond (1991), table 4 col. b / Windmeijer (2025), table 2
> ab.b <- pgmm(log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1)
+ + log(capital) + lag(log(output), 0:1) | lag(log(emp), 2:99),
+ data = EmplUK, effect = "twoways", model = "twosteps")
> mtest(ab.b, 1, vcov = NULL) # -2.826 (reference about A/B's m1 in Windmeijer)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 1

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + log(capital) + ...
normal = -2.4278, p-value = 0.01519
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

> mtest(ab.b, 2, vcov = NULL) # -0.327 (reference in A/B)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 2

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + log(capital) + ...
normal = -0.33254, p-value = 0.7395
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

> mtest(ab.b, 1, vcov = vcovHC) # -1.999 (reference in Windmeijer)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 1, vcov: vcovHC

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + log(capital) + ...
normal = -1.5357, p-value = 0.1246
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

> mtest(ab.b, 2, vcov = vcovHC) # -0.316 (reference in Windmeijer)

Arellano-Bond autocorrelation test of degree 2, vcov: vcovHC

data: log(emp) ~ lag(log(emp), 1:2) + lag(log(wage), 0:1) + log(capital) + ...
normal = -0.30388, p-value = 0.7612
alternative hypothesis: autocorrelation present

> proc.time()
user system elapsed
3.89 0.48 4.35

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