Improved version of scrollmap used in multiple bga game
- add zoom capabilities
- add possibility to adjust pan delta to tile size when clicking on arrows
- allow zoom with scroll wheel
- allow pan/scrool and pinch zoom on smartphone
- allow control of scrollmap with keys
- make clickable area of buttons a bit bigger on smartphone
- zooming with buttons doesn't drift the board anymore
- improve animation between game board and player bards tanks to an animation_div
- add support to long click on buttons (continuous scroll or zoom or enlarge/reduce until button released)
- add possibility to select which key need to be pressed when zooming with wheel
- only allow 2 fingers scrolling by default, one finger is for page scrolling
- only allow zoom with wheel if alt or ctrl or shift are pressed by default, wheel+no key pressed scroll the page as usual.
- keep in memory zoom, pos for each game table between sessions via localStore
- adapt height automatically when bAdaptHeightAuto is set
- allow tooltips on any scrollmap layer
- ...
you need to copy to moudles/js or modules all the js files (currently core_patch_slideto.js, scrollmapWithZoom.js et long-press-event.js) from the main directory
alternative (if you want use createCompletely merhod of ScrollmapWithZoom)
<div id="map_container" class="scrollmap_container">
alternative (if you want use create merhod of ScrollmapWithZoom)
<div id="map_container">
<div id="map_scrollable">
<div id="map_surface">
<div id="map_scrollable_oversurface">
if you have existing button from the original scrollmap remove all of them preferably and remove code handling it
#map_container {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 600px;
if you have existing button from the original scrollmap remove all of them preferablyfrom css
settings you can change :
zoom, maxZoom, minZoom, defaultZoom, zoomPinchDelta, zoomWheelDelta, zoomDelta, bEnableZooming, zoomingOptions, zoomChangeHandler
scrollDelta, bScrollDeltaAlignWithZoom, bEnableScrolling, crollingOptions
minHeight, incrHeightDelta, incrHeightKeepInPos, bAdaptHeightAuto, adaptHeightCorr
loading of the module
creation of the module via create
setup: function (gamedatas) {
this.scrollmap = new ebg.scrollmapWithZoom(); // Scrollable area
this.scrollmap.zoom = 0.8;
this.scrollmap.create( $('map_container'),$('map_scrollable'),$('map_surface'),$('map_scrollable_oversurface') );
alternatively (use if you just defined an empty div in your tpl to welcome the scrollmap )
setup: function (gamedatas) {
this.scrollmap = new ebg.scrollmapWithZoom(); // Scrollable area
this.scrollmap.zoom = 0.8;
// if needed
//scrollable elements above surface that you can click"jstpl_map_onsurface"), this.scrollmap.onsurface_div);
//elements fix on the scrollmap
// if you wnat that they also zoom, add class="scrollmap_zoomed" style="transform-origin: 0px 0px;">"jstpl_map_clipped"), this.scrollmap.clipped_div);
//scrollable elements below surface you can not click"jstpl_map_scrollable"), this.scrollmap.scrollable_div);
alternative (use if you just defined an empty div in your tpl to welcome the scrollmap )
setup: function (gamedatas) {
// if needed
const scrollmapCreateExtra = (scrollmap) => {
//scrollable elements above surface that you can click"jstpl_map_onsurface"), scrollmap.onsurface_div);
//elements fix on the scrollmap
// if you wnat that they also zoom, add class="scrollmap_zoomed" style="transform-origin: 0px 0px;">"jstpl_map_clipped"), scrollmap.clipped_div);
//scrollable elements below surface you can not click"jstpl_map_scrollable"), scrollmap.scrollable_div);
this.scrollmap = new ebg.scrollmapWithZoom(); // Scrollable area
this.scrollmap.zoom = 0.8;
this.scrollmap.createCompletely($('map_container'), this, scrollmapCreateExtra);
This project is tested with BrowserStack.