RTSP to FLV video streaming
使用fluent-ffmpeg处理rtsp视频流为flv视频流。Use fluent-ffmpeg to process rtsp video stream to flv video stream.
使用express作为web服务器。Use express as web server.
使用websocket-stream监听websocket连接。Use websocket-stream to listen websocket connection.
推荐使用 flv.js 作为对应的前端播放器。Recommended to use flv.js as the corresponding frontend player.
使用你喜欢的包管理器(npm, yarn, pnpm)安装依赖。Use package manager(npm, yarn or pnpm) which you prefer to install dependencies.
or use yarn, pnpm
npm install
or use yarn, pnpm
npm run start
你可能需要无头启动,并自行监控运行情况。You may need to run without a head, and monitor the running status yourself.
node dist/app.js
- 全局安装PM2
or use yarn, pnpm
npm install -g pm2
- 使用PM2启动
npm run pm2
or use yarn, pnpm
PM2将会根据ecosystem.config.cjs中的配置启动应用。PM2 will start the application according to the configuration in ecosystem.config.cjs