WARNING: This charm should not be used to deploy production-grade MicroK8s clusters, as it lacks critical features such as LMA integration, backup, restore, upgrades, etc. Use at your own risk. Refer to https://microk8s.io/docs for more details on how to deploy MicroK8s.
Single-package fully conformant lightweight Kubernetes that works on 42 flavours of Linux. Perfect for:
- Developer workstations
- IoT
- Edge
This charm deploys and manages a MicroK8s cluster. It can handle scaling up and down.
Minimum Requirements: 1 vCPU and 1GB RAM.
Recommended Requirements: 2 vCPUs and 4GB RAM, 20GB disk.
Make sure to account for extra requirements depending on the workload you are planning to deploy.
juju deploy microk8s --constraints 'cores=2 mem=4G'
Alternatively, to specify the MicroK8s version to install, you can use:
juju deploy microk8s --constraints 'cores=2 mem=4G' --config channel=1.25
Then, retrieve the kubeconfig file with:
# For Juju 3.1 or newer
mkdir -p ~/.kube
juju run microk8s/leader kubeconfig
juju ssh microk8s/leader cat config | tee ~/.kube/config
# For older Juju versions
mkdir -p ~/.kube
juju run microk8s/leader kubeconfig
juju scp microk8s/leader:config ~/.kube/config
In some clouds (e.g. OpenStack), you will need to expose the application before you can access it from the external network:
juju expose microk8s
Enable addons with:
juju config microk8s addons='storage dns ingress'
juju add-unit -n 2 microk8s
In constrained environments, or environments where a proxy should be used for accessing image registries (e.g. DockerHub), you can configure HTTP proxy settings for containerd like so:
echo '
# This file is managed by Juju. Manual changes may be lost at any time.
# Configure limits for locked memory and maximum number of open files
ulimit -n 65536 || true
ulimit -l 16384 || true
# Configure a proxy for containerd
' > containerd_env
juju config microk8s containerd_env=@containerd_env
The integration tests require a bootstrapped Juju controller.
charmcraft pack