This is the collection of recent works and also my thoughts on speed reading. I will give a state-of-art study about speed reading.
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"If we come to think reading is this secondary activity we do while doing other stuff, then we lose that deepest and most important kind of reading," said Nicholas Carr, author of 'The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains.' "The broader danger is that technology will give us the illusion that everything can be done while multitasking, including reading."
Reading is a much more recent cultural invention, and it must be deliberately taught. “understanding this complex skill means understanding something essential about being human.”
Most of the articles question Speed Reading and claimed that speed reading and comprehensive cannot be achieved at the same time:
- The Truth About Speed Reading
- Speed reading claims discredited by new report
- The research paper mentioned in the article above: So Much to Read, So Little Time: How Do We Read, and Can Speed Reading Help?
- The 1,000-Word Dash
- How I Learned to Read 300 Percent Faster in 20 Minutes
- Is Speed Reading Possible?
Language at the Speed of Sight
Tony Buzan He wrote the book Speed Reading and is universally recognized.
Anne Jones She is the six time World Speed Reading Championship winner.
Evelyn Nielsen Wood The inventor of Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics.
- Skimming
- Meta guiding
- Rapid Serial Visual Presentation
- Electronics Versus Paper
⋅⋅⋅"I'm not convinced there's really a neurological difference per se between electronic and paper documents"
- Aduio versus slient reading
⋅⋅⋅"Setting political correctness aside, however, it's probably true that if you really want to absorb the multiple meanings, and you're only going to do this once, reading is better."
How our eyes work when we're reading? ... Read Keith Rayner's Eye Movements and Information Processing during Reading to get a comprehensive look at it.
Cognitive factor limit reading rate with RSVP method: check this article
- People who read fiction for pleasure are more open-minded and more able to deal with uncertainty: check this article
- Carnal reading: when reading make you a smarter and better person: check this article
- "Ludic reading" by Victor Nell: reading for pleasure: check this article
What differentiates fast and slow readers is not how they read, he points out, but their overall language skills and vocabularies.
In conclusion, speed reading is worthwhile when you need to read something unimportant or want to get the gist of something. You will sacrfice your comprehension for the speed. In a word, you can not be a fast reading comprehension machine. But is there any way to improve your reading speed?
The answer is to read faster, you should read more. Check this article and get a detailed looked at the answer: Faster Pussycat! Read! Read!.
The real worry is that if people wind up reading in a less rewarding fashion, they'll get fewer rewards from reading — and then books will become less an object of passionate love and more of a momentary distraction, after all.