Test task description.
You need to create a mobile application that displays the weather forecast from the weather API. API can be anything.
The first screen is a free design style map, but get creative. When you long press on the map, the application shows a marker. When you touch the marker, it should show the name of the city in that location and the weather. When pasting text to weather, it redirects to another tab (use react-navigation) and displays the weather for the selected city for the entire week.
There is also a "Weather" tab at the bottom. Tap it and you will see a screen with a city search field. Use the Google API. Enter the name of the city, click the "Search" button and get the weather result by this city.
Develop an app using Android Studio and build it without using Expo. Upload the results to Github.com and compile the Android APK build.
Here is a link to a prototype in XdAdobe to help you with custom flow - https://xd.adobe.com/view/7f9fb5c4-bc1a-45fe-718a-63adc44d15fe-09ae/