Python plugins for Maya
Windows / Linux:
Move the scripts to: Documents\maya\YEAR\scripts Move the images to: Documents\maya\YEAR\prefs\icons -
Move the scripts to: /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/Maya/YEAR/scripts
Move the images to: /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/Maya/YEAR/prefs/icons -
Copy and Paste this section of code to launch the UI. Make sure you set it to Python.
import importlib
import maya.cmds as cmds
import gui_LGarden
- This script is based on Zeno Pelgrims - - NCCA 2014 - fractalGenerator. I modified the original scripts from 2D L-system to 3D, added 4 more rotation operations: <, >, ^, &.
- The iteration time can influence the running time significantly, be careful if when iterations > 4.
- If the L-system start to be drawn incorrectly, please restart Maya, clear inputs and try again. There still is a small bug hiding itself...
- try F ==> F[+F][-F[-F]F[+F][-F]
- ref1:
- ref2:
- This script generates a random colorful animated scene using three hided meshes in the Maya scene: 'cartoon_controller', 'soda_can', 'lollipop'
- Don't forget to play the animation ;)
- open in Maya
- copy and paste into script editor
This is a plug-in to make rings of standing stones.
- move all the files in this folder into your Maya plug-in folder
- open Plug-in Manager Window, search, and check 'Loaded'
- then you can start creating customize stone circles!
- still have some issue with deleting overlapping, I've tried to use the bounding box command.