Commands for LuaDev's SocketDev; send code from your editor to the game
Add wrldspawn/nvim-gmod-luadev
to your favorite plugin manager and call require("nvim-gmod-luadev").setup()
A table can be passed to setup, the only option currently is port
(default 27099
-- optional, shouldn't need to change the port
opts = {
port = 27099, -- default
-- lazyload on filetype
ft = "lua",
-- or on command
cmd = {"LuadevSelf", "LuadevSv", "LuadevCl", "LuadevSh", "LuadevClient"},
-- setup keybinds (optional)
-- NOTE: if you're using a terminal and want to use Ctrl-1 through 5 you will need to bind them to \e[49;5u through
-- \e[53;5u respectively in your terminal's config, if possible
keys = {
{"<C-1>", "<Cmd>LuadevSelf<CR>", desc = "LuaDev: Run on self", mode = "n"},
{"<C-2>", "<Cmd>LuadevSv<CR>", desc = "LuaDev: Run on server", mode = "n"},
{"<C-3>", "<Cmd>LuadevCl<CR>", desc = "LuaDev: Run on clients", mode = "n"},
{"<C-4>", "<Cmd>LuadevSh<CR>", desc = "LuaDev: Run on shared", mode = "n"},
{"<C-5>", "<Cmd>LuadevClient<CR>", desc = "LuaDev: Run on specific player", mode = "n"},