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Ecosystem-wide experience / collaboration and pull request acceptance.

This repository contains all of the code used to produce the article Meijer, W., Riveni, M., & Rastogi, A. (2024). Ecosystem-wide influences on pull request decisions: insights from NPM. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.14695. This is a revision of the master thesis work: Willem Meijer. 2023. The Influence of Ecosystem-Wide Experience and Collaboration on Pull Request Acceptance in Open-Source Software Ecosystems. Master’s thesis. University of Groningen.

This repository acts as a replication package to this study, providing little to no explicit information regarding design decisions. For that type of information and any other unclarities, refer to the paper; specifically the data collection / methodology section. Figure 1 in the thesis provides a high-level overview of the data collection process, which might help contextualize the different replication steps / scripts in this repository.

Note, depending on what study you are trying to replicate, you might need a different version of the code. Please refer to The Release Page for details. To make sure you are using the latest version of the code, refer to that page as well.


Replication Package Contents

The replication package provided as part of this study contains the code and data necessary to replicate (parts) of this study. The package can be downloaded here. Because this study uses datasets created by others, it does NOT contain everything necessary to run the complete pipeline. For notes on how to acquire these, please refer to Preliminary Data. For additional details on where data should be stored when replicating this study, refer to The Data Folder.

The replication package contains the following:

  • This repository.
  • non_ftc_data_obfuscated.csv (700MB): Contains the dataset ouputted by the sliding window algorithm. No preprocessing has been applied to this data. It can be used as input data for the Modelling phase. Please store this in the ./data/final_data/ folder. For the sake of privacy, user IDs and PR numbers have been removed from this data, project IDs have been replaced with a arbitrary number. The results presented in the paper have been generated with the obfuscated dataset.
  • Raw development activity data in ./development_activities/
    • pulls_sorted_started_26_05_23_min_5_prs_no_invalid_no_dupes.json (11GB): Contains the raw API data of all the pull requests used in this study. This data has already been filtered. This is the output of the Data Parsing phase. It can be used as input for the Dataset Generation phase. Please store this in the ./data/libraries/npm-libraries-1.6.0-2020-01-12/pull-requests/ folder.
    • issues_sorted_started_26_05_23_min_5_prs_no_invalid_no_dupes.json (11GB): Contains the raw API data of all the issues used in this study. This data has already been filtered. This is the output of the Data Parsing phase. It can be used as input for the Dataset Generation phase. Please store this in the ./data/libraries/npm-libraries-1.6.0-2020-01-12/issues/ folder.
  • Project filter files (14MB) in ./project_filters/. These files contain the names of the projects of which development activity data was queried. It is the input for the Data Retrieval phase. Store these in the ./data/libraries/npm-libraries-1.6.0-2020-01-12/predictors/ folder.
    • included_projects_popular_dl.csv: The sample of projects with sufficient NPM downloads.
    • ./included_projects_popular.csv: The sample of projects with sufficient downloads and at least 5 pull requests. (This is a subset of included_projects_popular_dl).
    • included_projects_popular_outgoing_dependencies_without_popular.csv: The sample of projects that the popular projects depend on; i.e., their upstream projects.
    • included_projects_popular_incoming_dependencies_without_popular.csv: The sample of projects that depend on the popular projects; i.e., their downstream projects. (This is only used to sample from as it contains too many projects to query data for.)
    • included_projects_popular_incoming_dependencies_sample_1.csv: The first random sample of included_projects_popular_incoming_dependencies_without_popular.
    • included_projects_popular_incoming_dependencies_sample_2.csv: The second random sample of included_projects_popular_incoming_dependencies_without_popular.

The paper refers to a number of bots that were added to a manually built blacklist; these are not stored in a file, but can be found in the filter_for_blacklist method in here.

Notable Terminology Differences

In a number of cases does the terminology used in the papers differ from the terminology used in this code. This is due to the co-evolution of both ends, which was not entirely synchronous; i.e., the terminology might have changed in the text long after the code was written. This holds for the following terms (this list might not be exhaustive):

  • Second-order degree centrality: For the most part, the code refers to first-order degree centrality. This has been renamed in the paper because it's simply the incorrect term. It has been to second-order degree centrality, which is accurate. The thesis does still use the old term.
  • Link Strength: the scripts refer to link strength as link intensity; these are synonyms.
  • Downstream dependencies: This term has been updated twice. In the code, it's referred to as dependencies (e.g., DependencyEcosystemExperience), in the thesis it's referred to as incoming dependencies (or in-dependencies), and in the paper it's referred to as downstream dependencies. The first update was simply for clarity, and the second to conform with professional jargon. Developer experience of this kind refers to the experience acquired in projects that implement the focal project.
  • Upstream dependencies: This term was updated in the same fashion and for the same reasons as upstream dependencies. In the code, it is called reverse dependencies (e.g., InverseDependencyEcosystemExperience), in the thesis it's referred to as outgoing dependencies, and in the paper as upstream dependencies. Developer experience of this kind refers to the experience acquired in projects that are implemented by the focal project.

The code has NOT been fully updated to reflect these changes in an attempt to avoid accidental errors. Therefore, take the differences in terminology in mind when interpreting the results.

Installation and set-up

Before trying anything in this project, you should do the following:

  • All of the experiments were ran using python 3.11-bullseye, and used this inside a VS Code devcontainer. In case you want to run the notebooks some version of Jupyter notebooks should be installed, we used Client version 8.2.0.
  • If you want to store persistent data in a different location than ./data/ (i.e., in the repostory root folder), the environment variable EXPERIMENT_BASE_PATH should be set. For simplicity, the readme assumes you don't change this.
  • Usually, when pulling the repository, the PYTHONPATH variable isn't set properly. Make sure to update this by installing the project in a container and setting it on startup (like we did), by configuring your venv, or simply by overwriting the variable on your machine (though, this will probably break other projects). (If you are using a devcontainer, this step isn't necessary.)
  • Make sure to install the Python requirements prior to running any code, by using pip install -r ./python_proj/requirements.txt. (If you are using a devcontainer, this step isn't necessary.)

Preliminary data

This experiment depends, in part, on the data of others. You need this data for the data retrieval and data preprocessing steps. You don't need them for the modelling steps.

  • Download Katz dataset and extract it into the ./data/libraries/ folder.
  • Download the Golzadeh bot dataset and extract it at ./data/bot_data/, s.t. the folder contains the .csv file.
  • Download the Dey bot dataset and extract it at ./data/bot_data/.
  • Run ./helpers/ which extracts the bot IDs from Dey's dataset into a much smaller .json file.
  • Run and delete all non-NPM data.

Replication Steps

The following steps are necessary to replicate this study. You can skip steps in case you have access to raw or processed data.

Some of the steps use multithreaded solutions and allow you to specify the number of used threads. This can most commonly be done using the -t commandline parameter, such that -t 4 runs the process with four threads. Different scripts make different assumptions about thread usage (specifically retrieve_pull_requests and retrieve_issues), so refer to Repository Contents for reference.

Note that collecting issue and pull request data are long-running processes. It took us multiple months to collect the data for our study. Related to that, the data collection process was much less structured than the following steps suggest and each of the scripts was updated through the entire period. Consequently, there is a possibiblity that the itinerary does not perfectly reflect the process. However, we feel confident that the steps approximate it closely enough to be representative for our work.

Make sure you have a sufficient amount of storage available as the raw data and the Katz dataset, commbined use a substantial amount of storage. Anything over 300GB should work, but we recommend more. If you want to preserve storage, make sure to delete the Katz dataset after you have extracted all of the NPM data with For reference, we initially used a 100GB drive, which didn't work, and then swapped to a 4TB drive, which did. The compute node used a 32 core CPU and +-230 GB RAM.

Raw Data Retrieval

  • Run -m r -t 8 -j which filters projects using downloads.
  • Run -f dl -t 3 -a 3 which collects pull request data of the popular projects.
  • Run -m p -pr 5 which generates a list of projects with sufficient pull requests.
  • Run -f pr -t 3 -a 3 which collects issue data of the popular projects.
  • Run -m m which intersects the pr and dl project lists. Alternatively, you could rename the pr file as that's a strict subset of the dl file.
  • Run -r which generates two lists, one for incoming dependencies and one for outgoing dependencies. It also removes the popular projects (i.e., those that were downloaded before) from these lists.
  • Run -m r -s 26376 -q other_to_focal_without_core which performs a random subsample of the incoming dependency projects. Doing this cannot not guarantee that you get exactly the same dataset (both, in terms of the number of projects and the exact projects). The original experiment also performed this sampling strategy in two steps; first, sampling the exact same number of projects to the outgoing dependencies, and second, accounting for the difference in valid projects. These results were later merged into one. Although we did not seed the random selection, the inclusion lists have been made available in the replication data package.
  • Run rn ./data/libraries/npm-libraries-1.6.0-2020-01-12/predictors/included_projects_other_to_focal_without_core.csv.tmp ./data/libraries/npm-libraries-1.6.0-2020-01-12/predictors/included_projects_other_to_focal_without_core_subsampled.csv to make the output file usable by the next script.
  • Run -f other_to_focal_without_core_subsampled -t 3 -a 3 which collects pull request data of the incoming dependency projects. (note, you could filter the output of this again based on PRs like was done in the first data collection step, however, collecting this data is substantially faster, for which we deemed it unnecessary.)
  • Run -f other_to_focal_without_core_subsampled -t 3 -a 3 which collects issue data of the incoming dependency projects.
  • Run -f focal_to_other_without_core -t 3 -a 3 which collects pull request data of the outgoing dependency projects.
  • Run -f focal_to_other_without_core -t 3 -a 3 which collects issue data of the outgoing dependency projects.

The output of this process will be a database of over 20K GitHub projects (we had data for over 40K projects, many of which did not pass inclusion criteria), each of which has two respective .json files somewhere in the ./data/ folder storing the issues and pull request data.

Data Parsing

  • Run -m mc pr other_to_focal_without_core_subsampled temp to merge inclusion lists.
  • Run -m mc focal_to_other_without_core temp merged to merge inclusion lists a little more.
  • Run -d -w -f merged which adds issue data to pull requests, and removes these issues to prevent double counting them during the analysis. This creates new data files and removes old ones. If you don't want old data to be removed, don't use the -d flag.
  • Run -t 16 -q merged -d pull-requests -k closed_at -x --with-issue-datato sort all of the pull request data into one file sorted by closing date.
  • Run -t 16 -q merged -d issues -k closed_at -x --no-prs to sort all of the issue data into one file sorted by closing date.
  • Run --chron_in_pr sorted --chron_in_issue sorted --filter_mode pcuadgbn --min_prs 5 --tag filtered: to apply the final few inclusion criteria onto the collected data. The data is outputted into a (still chronological) file sorted_filtered_min_5_prs_no_dupes.
  • Run -m r -pd sorted_filtered_min_5_prs_no_dupes -id sorted_filtered_min_5_prs_no_dupes which removes invalid entries from the datasets, outputting them in separate sorted_filtered_min_5_prs_no_dupes_no_invalid files.

The output of this will be two data files, both called sorted_filtered_min_5_prs_no_dupes_no_invalid.csv in the pull-requests and issues folders, containing all of the data that is used for inference.

Dataset Generation

  • Run -pd sorted_filtered_min_5_prs_no_dupes_no_invalid -id sorted_filtered_min_5_prs_no_dupes_no_invalid -o non_ftc_data -w 90 -t 12 which generates the rest of the features multithreadedly. This is quite memory intensive, so you probably can't just max out the number of threads. In our experiment, each thread used approximately 6.5% = 15GB of the available RAM. RAM usage only becomes problematic at the the later stages, as the last few chunks are substantially larger than the first few. The generated dataset is stored at non_ftc_data.csv. This process is slow; the last run took almost 15 hours to complete.

The output of this is two datasets ftc_data.csv and non_ftc_data.csv, which are input for the data modelling / inference process.


Each of the modelling scripts can be found in the /modelling/notebooks folder. Run the preprocessing steps in the following order:

  • feature_construction.ipynb which constructs the IsFirstTimeContributor, SecondDegreeCentrality, and LinkIntensity fields.
  • subsampling.ipynb which subsamples the PRs based on project size.
  • feature_transformation.ipynb which applies log-transform and feature scaling.
  • visualization.ipynb generates plots of the data.

Afterwards, each of the analysis scripts contained in the random_forest and logistic_regression folders can be ran in any order. To then generate the feature importance plots, run feature_importance, which is located in the random_forest folder.

Alternatively, you can run --no-obfuscation which runs all of the above as plain Python code. This skips the data obfuscation steps and takes about 3 hours to complete.

Repository Contents

All of the used code can be found in python_proj. The code is NOT structured chronologically but semantically (sort of). This section simply provides an overview of "what is where" and "what does what" of the most important files. There are more scripts in the repository, but they are not relevant to understanding this repository and served an auxiliary purpose at some point.

Refer to Replication Steps for the chronological replication flow.

When executing any of this code, DON'T rely on the defaults we specified. We won't vouch for them and they are most likely outdated.

Data Retrieval

  • retrieve_pull_requests: Retrieves projects from a sample of projects. It implements a couple of relevant filters as well: 1) only GitHub projects, 2) projects with working URL, 3) only non-forks. You can run it in two modes, specified with the -m parameter: r which simply retrieves data, and s which does the same but skips projects of which the data is already received (in case the process is killed; It is super, super slow. We ran it for multiple months). This script assumes that the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN_1 is set to a GitHub API key. You can add arbitrarily many (so GITHUB_TOKEN_2, GITHUB_TOKEN_3, etc.), which speeds up the process but GH might flag the accounts as bots and revoke the API tokens. Specify the number of tokens with the flag -a, the default is 3. It can be used multithreaded, and you can specify the number of threads using the -t parameter; the default is 1. It's recommended that the number of API keys either equals the number of threads or that it is some multiple of the number of threads (e.g., 2 API keys per thread). It probably works with an unbalanced number, but we didn't use it that way. You need to specify a project filter, which can be done using the flag -f, which represents the the filter filename's suffix. Using the output of pre_sort_filters_mt, this would be dl.
  • retrieve_issues: Retrieves GitHub issues. It works exactly the same as retrieve_pull_requests, so you have to specify a filter -f, a number of threads -t, and a number of API keys -a. You can run the two processes in parallel, but in the end, they would both be waiting due to GitHub's API rate limit.
  • get_dependency_periphery: Generates a list of periphery projects; i.e., given a list of projects as input, it outputs a list of projects that has a dependency on those projects or that those projects depend on. It can also randomly sample a list of projects and take the difference between two sets (i.e., O = A \ B). To use these different functionalities, set the mode -m. Respectively to r, s, or i. It outputs two sets of project names focal_to_other and other_to_focal, specifying the direction of the dependency. When using -m r it will remove the 'default' project list (generally the popular projects), outputting another two project files with the suffix _without_core added to their previous suffix; e.g., other_to_focal_without_core.

Data Filters

This folder largely contains code that either filters the projects sampled from, or the development activities that are used in the study. Of these, libraries_filter and pre_sort_filters_mt are ran prior to data collection. The rest is used after data collection.

  • libraries_filter: Splits the Katz dataset into separate files for each of the ecosystem included. This is necessary as we only address NPM projects. It also allows us to reduce the storage requirement quite substantially.
  • pre_sort_filters_mt: Filters projects based on their monthly downloads. To work properly, you have to run it with the commandline argument -m r, and specify a number of threads you want to use with the parameter -t. It will output results per thread, which can be merged together by running it with the flag -j as well.
  • pre_sort_filters: Implements a lot of (obsolete) things. It's intended to be used to filter projects with an insufficient number of PRs. It does this naively; i.e., it does not account for PRs submitted by bots. A proper filter is applied at a later stage of the process. You can run it in mode -m p, specify the minimum number of PRs using -pr and provide a file suffix for the considered PR data files using -x (you probably won't use this).
  • post_sort_filter_everything: Applies the used project / activity filters on the collected PR / Issue data. It aplies multiple sub-filters that are stored in separate files. These sub-filters are not intended to be executed separately. The commandline parameters written about should therefore be used when executing post_sort_filter_everything. This script performs a number of steps: 1) runs post_sort_filters, 2) runs post_sort_filter_for_pr_count, 3) generates a remaining project list using post_sort_filter_for_pr_count, 4) filters issues with the project list, 5) runs post_sort_filter_for_projects, 6) it removes invalid data entries, it removes duplicate entries. This script expects a list of CHRONOLOGICAL input PR datasets, which is a comma-separated list of names specified through --chron_in_pr. Similarly, it expects a list of comma-separated issue datasets, specified through --chron_in_issue. The following are the used sub-filters:
    • post_sort_filters: Implements simple "post-sort" filters (i.e., filters that assume the input data is sorted chronologically), filtering various things. Not all of these are used in this study. The default filters are of config pcuadgbn, which applies the following rules: 1) it must be on GitHub, 2) can't be newer than the Katz dataset, 3) can't be a GH bot user, 4) can't be deleted account, 5) can't be a bot according to Dey et al., 2020, 6) can't be a bot according to Golzadeh et al., 2021, 7) can't be a bot according to the custom blacklist, 8) it can't have "[bot]" in its name. To specify the filter mode, use the commandline argument --filter_mode.
    • post_sort_filter_for_pr_count: Filters pull requests (not issues, this is done separately) from projects that have an insufficient number of pull requests. You can specify the minimum number of PRs by using the commandline parameter --min_prs. The experiment used 5 PRs.
    • post_sort_filter_for_projects: Filters all entries of a chronological input dataset according to a list of projects.

Data Preprocessing

  • data_sorter: Using a project name list as input file, specified using -q, it merges the .json pull request / issue data of all projects into one file containing all the activities in chronological order. Processing a file as a whole instead of many separate files is substantially faster. In addition, sorting the data makes it possible to make some assumptions in the later analyses phases. Specify the output file name using -n, specify the used sorting key with -k (we used closed_at), and specify the number of used threads using -t as it's multiprocessed. It does not handle issue and pull request data simultaneously, so specify this with -d to either issues or pull-requests.
  • merge_issue_pr_data: Adds issue data to pull requests. This is necessary as in GitHub, the pull request data structure inherits the issue datastructure (e.g., the submission message, comments, etc. are all issue components, whereas the changes etc. are PR data). As-is the PR data does not contain any of the issue information, for which it must be added. As input, it uses a list of projects, which can be specified using -f. The updated pull requests are written to a file with the extention --with-issue-data and that the filtered issues are written to a file with the extention --no-prs. Because this script is a little scary, because it writes new data files and deletes old issue and pr data, it makes overwriting and deleting the data optional using the -w and -d flags, respectively, allowing you to do a dry run. (Such that if you add these flags when executing the code, will overwrite and delete entries.)
  • sliding_window_3: Version 3 of the sliding window algorithm. The first one grew obsolete, the second worked well but was single-threaded, and the third a multithreaded one to speed up the dataset generation process substantially (it speeds up from multiple days to a couple of hours). You can specify the input issue and PR datasets using -pd and -id, respectively. Specify the output file name using -o, and the window size with -w. You can specify the used threads with -t, however, don't set this too high as it's a memory bound process and the process will fail if it runs out of memory. You could use the --no-sna flag if you want to disable calculating the social network analysis variables. This will reduce the memory footprint substantially.
  • sliding_window_2: The old version of sliding_window_3, and does exactly the same job as the upgraded version. It's largely obsolete, but still used to calculate the "is first time contributor" field. The -pd, -id, -o, and -w parameters work exactly the same. All of the variables that can be calculated with sliding_window_3 have been disabled in this script.


Contains all of the Python notebooks contained in this study.

  • preprocessing: Contains the various data preprocessing scripts, doing feature construction, transformation, and data sampling.
    • feature_construction: Does feature construction, updating the IsFirstTimeContributor field, aggregating the SecondOrderDegree fields into one, and aggregating the LinkIntensity fields.
    • subsampling: Subsamples the data points based on the size of projects.
    • feature_transformation: Applies one-off log-transform to the data and min-max feature scaling.
    • visualization: Generates histograms for the different features.
    • rare_events: Can be used to study how zero-inflated fields are.
    • feature_obfuscation: Used to obfuscate personally identifiable information in the dataset.
  • logistic_regression: Contains all of the logistic regression scripts. It has a subfolder per experiment that is performed: the general case, the first-time contributor case, and the non-first-time contributor case. In turn, each folder contains three notebooks, one for the full model, one for the collaboration model, and one for the dependency model.
  • random_forest: Contains he random forest model scripts. It contains three models, a full model, a first-time contributor model, and a non-first-time contributor model.
  • run_all_notebooks: Runs all of the notebooks included in this project. You can skip steps of the pipeline, by using the --no-obfuscate, --no-preproc, --no-logit, and --no-rf flags.

Other Code

The rest of the code is not integral to the study. It contains a bunch of utility files that implement helper functions. Of these, exp_utils is the most relevant, specifying storage paths as well as standardized commandline parameters.

The data folder

The code makes all kinds of assumptions about the used data folder. By default its root folder is ./data/, however, this can be changed by setting the EXPERIMENT_BASE_PATH environment variable.

When downloading the Katz dataset, it should be stored inside the ./data/libraries/ folder, such that all the .csv files are stored at ./data/libraries/libraries-1.6.0-2020-01-12/.

When downloading the bot datasets of Dey and Golzadeh, they should be stored at ./data/bot_data/.

All of the experimental data is stored in the subfolder libraries/npm-libraries-1.6.0-2020-01-12/. This folder is automatically generated after running For the majority of the code to work, this script must be ran as Katz' data is used throughout the experiment.

This folder will get a number of subfolders throughout the experiment: issues and pull-requests, containing all issue and pull request data. This contains the raw json files as well as the merged / chronological files that are generated throughout the process. The subfolder predictors has a misleading name as it does not contain predictors of any kind. Instead, it's used to store the lists of included projects in the experiment.

Some scripts use the temp folder located at the root data folder. The files in here should be cleaned up automatically (unless processes are interrupted somehow). This folder is mostly used by the multithreaded scripts to store their intermediary results.