JS Summarize is a Natural Language Processing utility used to summarize large bodies of text down into a small subset of sentences.
JS Summarize borrows heavily from the summarizing algorithm used in PyTeaser
Click here for a demo
Include the js-summarize file in your page and reference all of the necessary library items. Then:
var summarizer = new JsSummarize();
var summary = summarizer.summarize("Text title here","Full text here");
output summary array:
"Best summarizing sentence here.",
"Second best summarizing sentence here.",
"Third best summarizing article here.",
- Create a better tokenizer to parse out correct sentences. Right now there are a lot of problems parsing initials properly (ex. U.S.A. )
- Remove dependencies on other libraries (jquery, lodash, and sugar)
- Clean up and comment code
- Research and re-evaluate score calculating algorithms