MashedPotatos: Cafeteria Alert App 🥔Sends a daily alert text if mashed potatoes (or any other food) are on the menu for one of the USC cafeterias.
Uses Twilio and Scheduler libraries. Schedule a daily text alerting you if and when one of the USC cafeterias has a food that you like.
Use info: and are the main program files A is needed to run both of them. A file is included in the version 2 and version 3 folders. To use, change the file name to and fill in the Twilio authentication info.
Version 2 requires a line to be written for each daily reminder.
Version 3 uses a program to add names to a file, which is read off every morning. Each of the lines in the textschedules.txt file then calls a one time text to the specified number. To get rid of daily alerts, you have to manually delete the schedule line from textschedules.txt. An option in will be added in later updates/versions.
Both versions require the file to be left running for text alerts.
ThreeFunctionDeploy is built with an AWS stack of lambda/sns/dynamodb, using sns to chain functions together and dynamodb to store information for daily alerts.
FiveFunctionDeploy is the 10th and most recent iteration of MashedPotatoes. It saves the dining hall menu in my DynamoDB so I can speed up check requests and decrease function runtime.