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Compatibility-mode staged-sop.
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Based on work Edsko and I did during Edsko's Regensburg visit.
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kosmikus committed Oct 14, 2023
1 parent b85f61d commit 9903986
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Showing 4 changed files with 281 additions and 306 deletions.
42 changes: 36 additions & 6 deletions staged-sop-examples/bench/Bench.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-simpl #-}

{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-splices #-}
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all #-}
module Main where

import Codec.CBOR.Encoding
Expand All @@ -13,6 +18,7 @@ import ExampleTypes
import ExampleFunctions
import Gauge.Main
import Gauge.Main.Options
import Generics.SOP.Staged

genum_Ordering :: () -> [Ordering]
genum_Ordering () = genum
Expand All @@ -30,7 +36,11 @@ gsappend_Foo :: Foo -> Foo -> Foo
gsappend_Foo = gsappend

sgsappend_Foo :: Foo -> Foo -> Foo
sgsappend_Foo = $$(sgsappend')
sgsappend_Foo =
c = constraints @Foo
$$(sgsappend' (pallC [|| c ||]))

msappend_Foo :: Foo -> Foo -> Foo
msappend_Foo (Foo is1 o1 txt1) (Foo is2 o2 txt2) =
Expand All @@ -48,7 +58,11 @@ instance Eq a => Eq (Tree GHCGenerics a) where
(==) = ghcgeq

instance Eq a => Eq (Tree StagedSOP a) where
x1 == x2 = $$(sgeq [|| x1 ||] [|| x2 ||])
x1 == x2 =
c = constraints @(Tree StagedSOP a)
$$(sgeq (allC [|| c ||]) [|| x1 ||] [|| x2 ||])

instance Eq a => Eq (Tree Manual a) where
Leaf a1 == Leaf a2 = a1 == a2
Expand All @@ -64,7 +78,11 @@ instance Eq (Prop GHCGenerics) where
(==) = ghcgeq

instance Eq (Prop StagedSOP) where
x1 == x2 = $$(sgeq [|| x1 ||] [|| x2 ||])
x1 == x2 =
c = constraints @(Prop StagedSOP)
$$(sgeq (allC [|| c ||]) [|| x1 ||] [|| x2 ||])

instance Eq (Prop Manual) where
Var x1 == Var x2 = x1 == x2
Expand All @@ -79,9 +97,21 @@ instance Serialise (Prop GenericsSOP) where
encode = gencode
decode = gdecode

-- NOTE: decode currently requires IncoherentInstances because the
-- way we are passing the Applicative instance for Decoder via an
-- explicit dictionary, it ends up being in scope twice!
instance Serialise (Prop StagedSOP) where
encode = $$(sgencode)
decode = $$(sgdecode)
encode =
c = constraints @(Prop StagedSOP)
$$(sgencode (allC [|| c ||]))
decode =
c = constraints @(Prop StagedSOP)
$$(sgdecode (allC [|| c ||]))

instance Serialise (Prop GHCGenerics)

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178 changes: 102 additions & 76 deletions staged-sop-examples/src/ExampleFunctions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,37 +14,47 @@ import Codec.CBOR.Encoding
import Codec.CBOR.Decoding
import Codec.Serialise
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.SOP.Constraint (And)
import Data.Kind
import Data.SOP
import Data.SOP.Constraint (And, Top)
import Data.SOP.NP
import Data.SOP.NS
import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
import qualified Generics.SOP.NP as SOP
import qualified Generics.SOP.NS as SOP
-- import qualified Generics.SOP.NP as SOP
-- import qualified Generics.SOP.NS as SOP
import Generics.SOP.Staged
import GHC.Generics as GHC hiding (C, (:.:))
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Type)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding (Type)
import ExampleTypes

sgsappend ::
(SIsProductType a xs, All (Quoted Semigroup) xs) =>
Code a -> Code a -> Code a
sgsappend c1 c2 =
SIsProductType a xs =>
NP (C :.: Dict Semigroup) xs ->
CodeQ a -> CodeQ a -> CodeQ a
sgsappend dicts c1 c2 =
sproductTypeFrom c1 $ \ a1 -> sproductTypeFrom c2 $ \ a2 ->
(czipWith_NP (Proxy @(Quoted Semigroup))
(mapCCC [|| (<>) ||]) a1 a2
(\ (Comp (C d)) (C a1) (C a2) -> C [|| case $$d of Dict -> ($$a1 <> $$a2) ||])
dicts a1 a2
-- TODO: it would be nice to simplify this, but it's not clear if it can be done;
-- perhaps by means of quasi-quotation

sgsappend' ::
(SIsProductType a xs, All (Quoted Semigroup) xs) =>
Code (a -> a -> a)
sgsappend' =
[|| \ a1 a2 -> $$(sgsappend [|| a1 ||] [|| a2 ||]) ||]
SIsProductType a xs =>
NP (C :.: Dict Semigroup) xs ->
CodeQ (a -> a -> a)
sgsappend' dicts =
[|| \ a1 a2 -> $$(sgsappend dicts [|| a1 ||] [|| a2 ||]) ||]

gsappend ::
(SOP.IsProductType a xs, SOP.All Semigroup xs) =>
(SOP.IsProductType a xs, All Semigroup xs) =>
a -> a -> a
gsappend a1 a2 =
(SOP.czipWith_NP (Proxy @Semigroup)
(czipWith_NP (Proxy @Semigroup)
(SOP.mapIII (<>)) (SOP.productTypeFrom a1) (SOP.productTypeFrom a2)

Expand All @@ -64,25 +74,25 @@ instance Semigroup a => GSappend (K1 r a) where
instance GSappend a => GSappend (M1 i c a) where
ghcsappend' (M1 a1) (M1 a2) = M1 (ghcsappend' a1 a2)

ghcsappend :: (GHC.Generic a, GSappend (Rep a)) => a -> a -> a
ghcsappend :: (GHC.Generic a, GSappend (GHC.Rep a)) => a -> a -> a
ghcsappend a1 a2 = to (ghcsappend' (from a1) (from a2))

sgrnf ::
(SGeneric a, All (All (Quoted NFData)) (SDescription a)) =>
Code a -> Code ()
sgrnf c =
SGeneric a =>
POP (C :.: Dict NFData) (SDescription a) ->
CodeQ a -> CodeQ ()
sgrnf dicts c =
sfrom c $ \ a ->
foldr (\ x r -> [|| $$x `seq` $$r ||]) [|| () ||]
(collapse_SOP (cmap_SOP (Proxy @(Quoted NFData)) (mapCK [|| rnf ||]) a))
(collapse_SOP (selectWith_SOP (\ (Comp (C d)) (C x) -> K [|| withDict $$d (rnf $$x) ||]) dicts a))

gShowEnum ::
SOP.IsEnumType a => NP (K String) (SOP.Code a) -> a -> String
gShowEnum names a =
SOP.collapse_NS (SOP.hzipWith const names (SOP.enumTypeFrom a))
collapse_NS (SOP.hzipWith const names (SOP.enumTypeFrom a))

sgShowEnum ::
SIsEnumType a => NP (K String) (SDescription a) -> Code a -> Code String
SIsEnumType a => NP (K String) (SDescription a) -> CodeQ a -> CodeQ String
sgShowEnum names c =
senumTypeFrom c $ \ a ->
liftTyped (collapse_NS (selectWith_NS const names a))
Expand All @@ -97,29 +107,34 @@ geq ::
geq a1 a2 =
SOP.ccompare_SOP (Proxy @Eq)
(\ xs1 xs2 -> and (SOP.collapse_NP (SOP.czipWith_NP (Proxy @Eq) (SOP.mapIIK (==)) xs1 xs2)))
(\ xs1 xs2 -> and (collapse_NP (czipWith_NP (Proxy @Eq) (SOP.mapIIK (==)) xs1 xs2)))
(SOP.from a1) (SOP.from a2)

-- This transcription is quite ugly and annoying, because compare_SOP does not exist
-- with an extra argument ...
sgeq ::
(SGeneric a, All (All (Quoted Eq)) (SDescription a)) =>
Code a -> Code a -> Code Bool
sgeq c1 c2 =
SGeneric a =>
POP (C :.: Dict Eq) (SDescription a) ->
CodeQ a -> CodeQ a -> CodeQ Bool
sgeq dicts c1 c2 =
sfrom c1 $ \ a1 -> sfrom c2 $ \ a2 ->
ccompare_SOP (Proxy @(Quoted Eq))
[|| False ||]
(\ xs1 xs2 -> sand (collapse_NP (czipWith_NP (Proxy @(Quoted Eq)) (mapCCK [|| (==) ||]) xs1 xs2)))
[|| False ||]
a1 a2
ccompare_SOP (Proxy @Top)
([|| False ||])
(\ xs1 xs2 -> sand (collapse_NP (zipWith_NP (\ (P (Comp (C d)) (C x1)) (C x2) -> K [|| withDict $$d ($$x1 == $$x2) ||]) xs1 xs2)))
([|| False ||])
(selectWith_SOP P dicts a1) a2

data P (f :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) (x :: k) = P (f x) (g x)

sand :: [Code Bool] -> Code Bool
sand :: [CodeQ Bool] -> CodeQ Bool
sand = foldr (\ x r -> [|| $$x && $$r ||]) [|| True ||]

genum :: (SOP.Generic a, SOP.All ((~) '[]) (SOP.Code a)) => [a]
genum = <$> SOP.apInjs_POP (POP (SOP.cpure_NP (Proxy @((~) '[])) Nil)) <$> SOP.apInjs_POP (POP (cpure_NP (Proxy @((~) '[])) Nil))

sgenum :: SIsEnumType a => Code [a]
sgenum :: SIsEnumType a => CodeQ [a]
sgenum =
foldr (\ x r -> [|| $$x : $$r ||]) [|| [] ||]
(sto <$> apInjs_POP (POP (cpure_NP (Proxy @((~) '[])) Nil)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,7 +165,7 @@ ghcgeq a1 a2 = ghcgeq' (from a1) (from a2)

conNumbers :: forall a . (SOP.Generic a) => Proxy a -> NP (K Word) (SOP.Code a)
conNumbers _ =
SOP.ana_NP (\ (K i) -> (K i, K (i + 1))) (K 0)
ana_NP (\ (K i) -> (K i, K (i + 1))) (K 0)

sconNumbers :: forall a . (SGeneric a) => Proxy a -> NP (K Word) (SDescription a)
sconNumbers _ =
Expand All @@ -162,7 +177,7 @@ conArities _ =
go :: forall xs . SOP.SListI xs => K Word xs
go = K (fromIntegral (SOP.lengthSList (Proxy @xs)))
SOP.cpure_NP (Proxy @SOP.SListI) go
cpure_NP (Proxy @SOP.SListI) go

sconArities :: forall a . (SGeneric a) => Proxy a -> NP (K Word) (SDescription a)
sconArities _ =
Expand All @@ -172,65 +187,74 @@ sconArities _ =
cpure_NP (Proxy @SListI) go

gencode :: forall a . (SOP.Generic a, SOP.All (SOP.All Serialise) (SOP.Code a)) => a -> Encoding
gencode x =
tmp :: SOP (K Encoding) (SOP.Code a)
tmp =
SOP.cmap_SOP (Proxy @Serialise) (SOP.mapIK encode) (SOP.from x)
cmap_SOP (Proxy @Serialise) (SOP.mapIK encode) (SOP.from x)

tmp2 :: NS (K Encoding) (SOP.Code a)
tmp2 =
(\ (K i) (K a) es -> K (encodeListLen (a + 1) <> encodeWord i <> mconcat (SOP.collapse_NP es)))
(\ (K i) (K a) es -> K (encodeListLen (a + 1) <> encodeWord i <> mconcat (collapse_NP es)))
(conNumbers (Proxy @a))
(conArities (Proxy @a))
(SOP.unSOP tmp)
SOP.collapse_NS tmp2
collapse_NS tmp2

sgencode :: forall a . (SGeneric a, All (All (Quoted Serialise)) (SDescription a)) => Code (a -> Encoding)
sgencode =
sgencode :: forall a . SGeneric a => POP (C :.: Dict Serialise) (SDescription a) -> CodeQ (a -> Encoding)
sgencode dicts =
\ a ->
$$(sfrom [|| a ||] $ \ a' ->
tmp :: SOP (K (Code Encoding)) (SDescription a)
tmp =
cmap_SOP (Proxy @(Quoted Serialise)) (mapCK [|| encode ||]) a'

tmp2 :: NS (K (Code Encoding)) (SDescription a)
tmp2 =
(Proxy @(All (Quoted Serialise)))
(\ (K (i, a)) es -> let a' = a + 1 in K [|| encodeListLen a' <> encodeWord i <> $$(foldr (\ x y -> [|| $$x <> $$y ||]) [|| mempty ||] (collapse_NP es)) ||])
(tmp3 @a) -- (czipWith_NP (Proxy @(All (Quoted Serialise))) (SOP.mapKKK (,)) (sconNumbers (Proxy @a)) (sconArities (Proxy @a)))
(unSOP tmp)

tmp3 :: forall a . (SGeneric a, All (All (Quoted Serialise)) (SDescription a)) => NP (K (Word, Word)) (SDescription a)
tmp1 :: SOP (K (CodeQ Encoding)) (SDescription a)
tmp1 =
selectWith_SOP (\ (Comp (C d)) (C a) -> K [|| withDict $$d (encode $$a) ||]) dicts a'

tmp2 :: forall a . SGeneric a => Proxy a -> NP (K (Word, Word)) (SDescription a)
tmp2 _ =
(\ (K cn) (K ca) -> K (cn, ca))
(sconNumbers (Proxy @a)) (sconArities (Proxy @a))

tmp3 :: NS (K (CodeQ Encoding)) (SDescription a)
tmp3 =
(czipWith_NP (Proxy @(All (Quoted Serialise))) (SOP.mapKKK (,)) (sconNumbers (Proxy @a)) (sconArities (Proxy @a)))
(\ (K (i, a)) es ->
a' = a + 1
K [||
encodeListLen a'
<> encodeWord i
<> $$(foldr (\ x y -> [|| $$x <> $$y ||]) [|| mempty ||] (collapse_NP es))
(tmp2 (Proxy @a))
(unSOP tmp1)
collapse_NS tmp2
collapse_NS tmp3

gdecode :: forall a s . (SOP.Generic a, SOP.All (SOP.All Serialise) (SOP.Code a)) => Decoder s a
gdecode :: forall a s . (SOP.Generic a, All (All Serialise) (SOP.Code a)) => Decoder s a
gdecode =
tmp :: POP (Decoder s) (SOP.Code a)
tmp =
SOP.cpure_POP (Proxy @Serialise) decode
cpure_POP (Proxy @Serialise) decode

tmp2 :: NP (K (SOP (Decoder s) (SOP.Code a))) (SOP.Code a)
tmp2 =
SOP.apInjs'_POP tmp
apInjs'_POP tmp

tmp3 :: NP (K ((Word, Word), Decoder s a)) (SOP.Code a)
tmp3 =
(\ (K i) (K a) (K dec) -> K ((a + 1, i), <$> SOP.sequence_SOP dec))
(\ (K i) (K a) (K dec) -> K ((a + 1, i), <$> sequence_SOP dec))
(conNumbers (Proxy @a))
(conArities (Proxy @a))
Expand All @@ -242,34 +266,36 @@ gdecode =
Just dec -> dec
Nothing -> fail "invalid encoding"

sgdecode :: forall a s . (SGeneric a, LiftT s, All (All (Quoted Serialise)) (SDescription a), All (And (All LiftT) (AllTails (LiftTCurry a))) (SDescription a)) => Code (Decoder s a)
sgdecode =
dApplicativeDecoder :: Dict Applicative (Decoder s)
dApplicativeDecoder = Dict

sgdecode :: forall a s . SGeneric a => POP (C :.: Dict Serialise) (SDescription a) -> CodeQ (Decoder s a)
sgdecode dicts =
tmp :: POP (C :.: Decoder s) (SDescription a)
tmp =
cpure_POP (Proxy @(Quoted Serialise)) (Comp (C [|| decode ||]))
map_POP (\ (Comp (C d)) -> Comp (C [|| withDict $$d decode ||])) dicts

tmp2 :: NP (K (SOP (C :.: Decoder s) (SDescription a))) (SDescription a)
tmp2 =
apInjs'_POP tmp

tmp3 :: NP (K ((Word, Word), Code (Decoder s a))) (SDescription a)
tmp3 :: NP (K ((Word, Word), CodeQ (Decoder s a))) (SDescription a)
tmp3 =
(Proxy @(All (Quoted Serialise)))
(\ (K (i, a)) (K dec) -> K ((a + 1, i), stoA dec))
(tmp3' @a)
(\ (K (i, a)) (K dec) -> K ((a + 1, i), stoA [|| dApplicativeDecoder ||] dec))
(tmp3' (Proxy @a))

tmp3' :: forall a . (SGeneric a, All (All (Quoted Serialise)) (SDescription a)) => NP (K (Word, Word)) (SDescription a)
tmp3' =
(czipWith_NP (Proxy @(All (Quoted Serialise))) (SOP.mapKKK (,)) (sconNumbers (Proxy @a)) (sconArities (Proxy @a)))
tmp3' :: forall a . SGeneric a => Proxy a -> NP (K (Word, Word)) (SDescription a)
tmp3' _ =
zipWith_NP (SOP.mapKKK (,)) (sconNumbers (Proxy @a)) (sconArities (Proxy @a))

tmp4 :: [((Word, Word), Code (Decoder s a))]
tmp4 :: [((Word, Word), CodeQ (Decoder s a))]
tmp4 =
collapse_NP tmp3

tmp5 :: Code (Word, Word) -> [((Word, Word), Code (Decoder s a))] -> Code (Decoder s a)
tmp5 :: CodeQ (Word, Word) -> [((Word, Word), CodeQ (Decoder s a))] -> CodeQ (Decoder s a)
tmp5 _sym [] = [|| fail "invalid encoding" ||]
tmp5 sym ((key, rhs) : cases) =
[|| if $$sym == key then $$rhs else $$(tmp5 sym cases) ||]
Expand Down

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