add badges (ccaca73 )
add audit workflow (97433a7 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.59.5 to 5.59.6 (#76 ) (261e49a )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.59.5 to 5.59.6 (#75 ) (2e890b2 )
Merge pull request #70 from webdriverio-community/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/vitest/coverage-c8-0.31.0 (117d7ef )
Merge pull request #74 from webdriverio-community/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/vitest-0.31.0 (ccdbd30 )
Bump eslint-plugin-unicorn from 46.0.0 to 47.0.0 (#69 ) (40f4bf7 )
Bump eslint from 8.39.0 to 8.40.0 (#73 ) (0227700 )
Bump release-it from 15.10.2 to 15.10.3 (#72 ) (b33aa65 )
Bump vitest from 0.30.1 to 0.31.0 (0dab86f )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.59.2 to 5.59.5 (#71 ) (bb7c5f9 )
Bump @vitest/coverage-c8 from 0.30.1 to 0.31.0 (ae22672 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.59.2 to 5.59.5 (#68 ) (d0901b6 )
Bump release-it from 15.10.1 to 15.10.2 (#67 ) (80b1df9 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.59.1 to 5.59.2 (#66 ) (98bc5b6 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.59.1 to 5.59.2 (#65 ) (54b747d )
Bump eslint from 8.38.0 to 8.39.0 (#64 ) (4a6783c )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.59.0 to 5.59.1 (#63 ) (acab6f9 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.59.0 to 5.59.1 (#62 ) (e619cf7 )
Merge pull request #60 from webdriverio-community/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/vitest/coverage-c8-0.30.1 (c44c8f0 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.58.0 to 5.59.0 (#61 ) (630aa13 )
Bump vitest from 0.30.0 to 0.30.1 (#59 ) (c838de0 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.58.0 to 5.59.0 (#58 ) (4360f59 )
Bump @vitest/coverage-c8 from 0.29.8 to 0.30.1 (75490ab )
Bump eslint from 8.37.0 to 8.38.0 (#53 ) (1fd0fb5 )
Bump vitest from 0.29.8 to 0.30.0 (#56 ) (fb0e414 )
Bump typescript from 5.0.3 to 5.0.4 (#57 ) (c5c314a )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.57.1 to 5.58.0 (#55 ) (28845c3 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.57.1 to 5.58.0 (#54 ) (978f66a )
Bump eslint from 8.36.0 to 8.37.0 (#52 ) (e2fb2e0 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.57.0 to 5.57.1 (#51 ) (ce90384 )
Bump vitest from 0.29.7 to 0.29.8 (#50 ) (00441fe )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.57.0 to 5.57.1 (#49 ) (1ab8ffa )
Bump typescript from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3 (#48 ) (3c6d7d5 )
Bump release-it from 15.9.3 to 15.10.1 (#47 ) (c8d55e4 )
Bump @vitest/coverage-c8 from 0.29.7 to 0.29.8 (#46 ) (2618d21 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.56.0 to 5.57.0 (#45 ) (6992ce8 )
Bump release-it from 15.9.0 to 15.9.3 (#44 ) (6af1703 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.56.0 to 5.57.0 (#43 ) (50d396c )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.55.0 to 5.56.0 (#40 ) (2b665d8 )
Bump typescript from 4.9.5 to 5.0.2 (#42 ) (5c78c8b )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.55.0 to 5.56.0 (#38 ) (70760d9 )
Bump release-it from 15.8.0 to 15.9.0 (#41 ) (c26e579 )
Bump @vitest/coverage-c8 from 0.29.2 to 0.29.7 (#39 ) (35af6e3 )
Bump vitest from 0.29.2 to 0.29.7 (#37 ) (ed552b8 )
Merge pull request #34 from webdriverio-community/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/release-it-15.8.0 (3aeefe3 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.54.1 to 5.55.0 (#36 ) (8dea824 )
Bump eslint from 8.35.0 to 8.36.0 (#35 ) (c8a7538 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.54.1 to 5.55.0 (#33 ) (7c24e44 )
Bump release-it from 15.7.0 to 15.8.0 (047fb8e )
Bump @vitest/coverage-c8 from 0.29.1 to 0.29.2 (#32 ) (de0cdb3 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.54.0 to 5.54.1 (#30 ) (c1d0126 )
Bump release-it from 15.6.0 to 15.7.0 (#31 ) (f920bc6 )
Bump eslint-plugin-unicorn from 45.0.2 to 46.0.0 (#28 ) (3fed3d5 )
Bump vitest from 0.29.1 to 0.29.2 (#27 ) (318dc43 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.54.0 to 5.54.1 (#29 ) (6c1f089 )
Bump @vitest/coverage-c8 from 0.28.5 to 0.29.1 (#26 ) (9537adf )
Bump vitest from 0.28.5 to 0.29.1 (#25 ) (77ffebb )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.53.0 to 5.54.0 (#24 ) (1226409 )
Bump eslint from 8.34.0 to 8.35.0 (#23 ) (c12d160 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.53.0 to 5.54.0 (#22 ) (469262f )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.52.0 to 5.53.0 (#21 ) (fb77f99 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.52.0 to 5.53.0 (#20 ) (ab933c3 )
Bump @vitest/coverage-c8 from 0.28.4 to 0.28.5 (#18 ) (dbee5eb )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.51.0 to 5.52.0 (#19 ) (b99692a )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.51.0 to 5.52.0 (#17 ) (94c95f2 )
Bump vitest from 0.28.4 to 0.28.5 (#16 ) (d0b615d )
Bump eslint from 8.33.0 to 8.34.0 (#15 ) (bb1eb7f )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.49.0 to 5.51.0 (#14 ) (17ea621 )
Bump @vitest/coverage-c8 from 0.28.3 to 0.28.4 (#12 ) (0c7ffa0 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.49.0 to 5.51.0 (#11 ) (9ab3949 )
Bump @vitest/coverage-c8 from 0.28.1 to 0.28.3 (#9 ) (fd6fcc1 )
Bump typescript from 4.9.4 to 4.9.5 (#10 ) (2bda883 )
Bump vitest from 0.28.1 to 0.28.3 (#8 ) (92f5dd8 )
Bump eslint from 8.32.0 to 8.33.0 (#7 ) (b168e6e )
Bump eslint from 8.31.0 to 8.32.0 (#2 ) (ed0573b )
Bump vitest from 0.26.3 to 0.28.1 (#5 ) (9e3df30 )
Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.48.0 to 5.49.0 (#6 ) (c6f3b1c )
Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.48.0 to 5.49.0 (#4 ) (8c27f23 )
Bump @vitest/coverage-c8 from 0.26.3 to 0.28.1 (#3 ) (c1ff285 )
Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.26.0 to 2.27.5 (#1 ) (6e7f4de )
update auto merge pipeline (ba4c204 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.