scripts to monitor AVI networks cloud controller cluster and config parameters
There are 2 scripts in this repo.
- takes ip address/user name/password of the AVI controller cluster and outputs
- Cluster health
- cluster config parameters
- tenant configs including virtual services, pools, Service engine configs etc..
$ python -h
usage: [-h] -i IP -u USER -p PASSWD -o
AVI Cluster check Tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IP, --ip IP AVI Controller VIP IP
-u USER, --user USER AVI Controller VIP User
-p PASSWD, --passwd PASSWD
AVI Controller VIP Password
-o {health,cluster_configs,tenant_configs}, --option {health,cluster_configs,tenant_configs}
Various configs checks
- This is similar to the cluster health check functionality provided by the 1) but in summary format. It can be used as a Nagios plugin.