a C\C++ library and command-line tools for Diff & Patch between binary files or directories(folder); cross-platform; runs fast; create small delta/differential; support large files and limit memory requires when diff & patch.
HDiffPatch defines its own patch file format, this lib is also compatible with the bsdiff4 patch format and partially compatible with the open-vcdiff and xdelta3 patch file format VCDIFF(RFC 3284).
if need patch (OTA) on embedded systems,MCU,NB-IoT..., see demo HPatchLite (+ tinyuz), can run on 1KB RAM devices!
update your own Android Apk? Jar or Zip file diff & patch? try ApkDiffPatch, to create smaller delta/differential! NOTE: ApkDiffPath can't be used by Android app store, because it requires re-signing apks before diff.
sfpatcher not require re-signing apks (like archive-patcher), is designed for Android app store, patch speed up by a factor of xx than archive-patcher & run with O(1) memory.
if you not have the old versions(too many or not obtain or have been modified), thus cannot create the patch in advance. you can see demo hsynz (like zsync), the new version is only need released once and the owners of the old version get the information about the new version and do the diff&patch themselves. hsynz support zstd compressor & run faster than zsync.
NOTE: This library does not deal with file metadata, such as file last wirte time, permissions, link file, etc... To this library, a file is just as a stream of bytes; You can extend this library or use other tools.
Download from latest release : Command line app for Windows, Linux, MacOS; and .so patch lib for Android.
( release files build by projects in path HDiffPatch/builds
use cmdline to create a delta:
$hdiffz -m-6 -SD -c-zstd-21-24 -d oldPath newPath outDiffFile
if file'size is very large, try changing -m-6
to -s-64
apply the delta:
$hpatchz oldPath diffFile outNewPath
$ cd <dir>/HDiffPatch
$ make LZMA=0 ZSTD=0 MD5=0
bzip2 : if the build fails with fatal error: bzlib.h: No such file or directory
, use your system's package manager to install the libbz2 package and try again. install bzip2: $ apt-get install libbz2
or $ sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev
or $ yum -y install bzip2
or $ brew install bzip2
Alternatively, get the optional library headers (+bzip2 library) and build completely: $ git clone https://github.com/sisong/bzip2.git ../bzip2 && pushd ../bzip2 && make && sudo make install && popd
if need lzma zstd md5 support, Try:
$ git clone https://github.com/sisong/libmd5.git ../libmd5
$ git clone https://github.com/sisong/lzma.git ../lzma
$ git clone https://github.com/sisong/zstd.git ../zstd
$ make
Tip: You can use $ make -j
to compile in parallel.
Before you build builds/vc/HDiffPatch.sln
by Visual Studio
, first get the libraries into sibling folders, like so:
$ git clone https://github.com/sisong/libmd5.git ../libmd5
$ git clone https://github.com/sisong/lzma.git ../lzma
$ git clone https://github.com/sisong/zstd.git ../zstd
$ git clone https://github.com/sisong/zlib.git ../zlib
$ git clone https://github.com/sisong/bzip2.git ../bzip2
- install Android NDK
$ cd <dir>/HDiffPatch/builds/android_ndk_jni_mk
$ build_libs.sh
(or$ build_libs.bat
on windows, then got *.so files)- import file
) & .so files, java code can call the patch function in libhpatchz.so
command line usage Chinese version: 命令行使用说明中文版
diff usage: hdiffz [options] oldPath newPath outDiffFile
compress usage: hdiffz [-c-...] "" newPath outDiffFile
test usage: hdiffz -t oldPath newPath testDiffFile
resave usage: hdiffz [-c-...] diffFile outDiffFile
get manifest: hdiffz [-g#...] [-C-checksumType] inputPath -M#outManifestTxtFile
manifest diff: hdiffz [options] -M-old#oldManifestFile -M-new#newManifestFile oldPath newPath outDiffFile
oldPath newPath inputPath can be file or directory(folder),
oldPath can empty, and input parameter ""
memory options:
DEFAULT; all file load into Memory; best diffFileSize;
requires (newFileSize+ oldFileSize*5(or *9 when oldFileSize>=2GB))+O(1)
bytes of memory;
matchScore>=0, DEFAULT -m-6, recommended bin: 0--4 text: 4--9 etc...
all file load as Stream; fast;
requires O(oldFileSize*16/matchBlockSize+matchBlockSize*5*parallelThreadNumber)bytes of memory;
matchBlockSize>=4, DEFAULT -s-64, recommended 16,32,48,1k,64k,1m etc...
special options:
must run with -m;
set block match befor slow byte-by-byte match, DEFAULT -block-4k;
if set -block-0, means don't use block match;
fastMatchBlockSize>=4, recommended 256,1k,64k,1m etc...
if newData similar to oldData then diff speed++ & diff memory--,
but small possibility outDiffFile's size+
must run with -m;
set is use a big cache for slow match, DEFAULT false;
if newData not similar to oldData then diff speed++,
big cache max used O(oldFileSize) memory, and build slow(diff speed--)
create single compressed diffData, only need one decompress buffer
when patch, and support step by step patching when step by step downloading!
stepSize>=(1024*4), DEFAULT -SD-256k, recommended 64k,2m etc...
create diffFile compatible with bsdiff4, unsupport input directory(folder).
create diffFile compatible with VCDIFF, unsupport input directory(folder).
DEFAULT no compress, out format same as $open-vcdiff delta ... or $xdelta3 -S -e -n ...
if set compressLevel, out format same as $xdelta3 -S lzma -e -n ...
compress by 7zXZ(xz), compressLevel in {0..9}, DEFAULT level 7;
dictSize can like 4096 or 4k or 4m or 16m etc..., DEFAULT 8m
support compress by multi-thread parallel.
NOTE: out diffFile used large source window size!
if parallelThreadNumber>1 then open multi-thread Parallel mode;
DEFAULT -p-4; requires more memory!
must run with -s[-matchBlockSize];
DEFAULT searchThreadNumber same as parallelThreadNumber;
but multi-thread search need frequent random disk reads when matchBlockSize
is small, so some times multi-thread maybe much slower than single-thread!
if (searchThreadNumber<=1) then to close multi-thread search mode.
set outDiffFile Compress type, DEFAULT uncompress;
for resave diffFile,recompress diffFile to outDiffFile by new set;
support compress type & level & dict:
-c-zlib[-{1..9}[-dictBits]] DEFAULT level 9
dictBits can 9--15, DEFAULT 15.
support run by multi-thread parallel, fast!
-c-bzip2[-{1..9}] (or -bz2) DEFAULT level 9
-c-pbzip2[-{1..9}] (or -pbz2) DEFAULT level 8
support run by multi-thread parallel, fast!
WARNING: code not compatible with it compressed by -c-bzip2!
and code size may be larger than if it compressed by -c-bzip2.
-c-lzma[-{0..9}[-dictSize]] DEFAULT level 7
dictSize can like 4096 or 4k or 4m or 128m etc..., DEFAULT 8m
support run by 2-thread parallel.
-c-lzma2[-{0..9}[-dictSize]] DEFAULT level 7
dictSize can like 4096 or 4k or 4m or 128m etc..., DEFAULT 8m
support run by multi-thread parallel, fast!
WARNING: code not compatible with it compressed by -c-lzma!
-c-zstd[-{0..22}[-dictBits]] DEFAULT level 20
dictBits can 10--31, DEFAULT 23.
support run by multi-thread parallel, fast!
set outDiffFile Checksum type for directory diff, DEFAULT -C-fadler64;
support checksum type:
-C-no no checksum
-C-fadler64 DEFAULT
limit Number of open files at same time when stream directory diff;
maxOpenFileNumber>=8, DEFAULT -n-48, the best limit value by different
operating system.
set iGnore path list when Directory Diff; ignore path list such as:
# means separator between names; (if char # in name, need write #: )
* means can match any chars in name; (if char * in name, need write *: );
/ at the end of name means must match directory;
set iGnore path list in oldPath when Directory Diff;
if oldFile can be changed, need add it in old ignore list;
set iGnore path list in newPath when Directory Diff;
in general, new ignore list should is empty;
create a Manifest file for inputPath; it is a text file, saved infos of
all files and directoriy list in inputPath; this file while be used in
manifest diff, support re-checksum data by manifest diff;
can be used to protect historical versions be modified!
oldManifestFile is created from oldPath; if no oldPath not need -M-old;
newManifestFile is created from newPath;
-D force run Directory diff between two files; DEFAULT (no -D) run
directory diff need oldPath or newPath is directory.
-d Diff only, do't run patch check, DEFAULT run patch check.
-t Test only, run patch check, patch(oldPath,testDiffFile)==newPath ?
-f Force overwrite, ignore write path already exists;
DEFAULT (no -f) not overwrite and then return error;
if used -f and write path is exist directory, will always return error.
swap to hpatchz mode.
-v output Version info.
-h (or -?)
output usage info.
patch usage: hpatchz [options] oldPath diffFile outNewPath
uncompress usage: hpatchz [options] "" diffFile outNewPath
create SFX: hpatchz [-X-exe#selfExecuteFile] diffFile -X#outSelfExtractArchive
run SFX: selfExtractArchive [options] oldPath -X outNewPath
extract SFX: selfExtractArchive (same as: selfExtractArchive -f "" -X "./")
memory options:
DEFAULT -s-4m; oldPath loaded as Stream;
cacheSize can like 262144 or 256k or 512m or 2g etc....
requires (cacheSize + 4*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory.
if diffFile is single compressed diffData(created by hdiffz -SD-stepSize), then requires
(cacheSize+ stepSize + 1*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory;
if diffFile is created by hdiffz -BSD,bsdiff4, hdiffz -VCD,xdelta3,open-vcdiff, then requires
(cacheSize + 3*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory;
if diffFile is VCDIFF: if created by hdiffz -VCD, then recommended patch by -s;
if created by xdelta3,open-vcdiff, then recommended patch by -m.
-m oldPath all loaded into Memory;
requires (oldFileSize + 4*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory.
if diffFile is single compressed diffData(created by hdiffz -SD-stepSize), then requires
(oldFileSize+ stepSize + 1*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory.
if diffFile is created by hdiffz -BSD,bsdiff4, then requires
(oldFileSize + 3*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory.
if diffFile is VCDIFF(created by hdiffz -VCD,xdelta3,open-vcdiff), then requires
(sourceWindowSize+targetWindowSize + 3*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory.
special options:
set Checksum data for directory patch, DEFAULT -C-new-copy;
checksumSets support (can choose multiple):
-C-diff checksum diffFile;
-C-old checksum old reference files;
-C-new checksum new files edited from old reference files;
-C-copy checksum new files copy from old same files;
-C-no no checksum;
-C-all same as: -C-diff-old-new-copy;
-C-no or -C-new
if diffFile is VCDIFF, then to close or open checksum, DEFAULT -C-new.
limit Number of open files at same time when stream directory patch;
maxOpenFileNumber>=8, DEFAULT -n-24, the best limit value by different
operating system.
-f Force overwrite, ignore write path already exists;
DEFAULT (no -f) not overwrite and then return error;
support oldPath outNewPath same path!(patch to tempPath and overwrite old)
if used -f and outNewPath is exist file:
if patch output file, will overwrite;
if patch output directory, will always return error;
if used -f and outNewPath is exist directory:
if patch output file, will always return error;
if patch output directory, will overwrite, but not delete
needless existing files in directory.
-v output Version info.
-h (or -?)
output usage info.
all diff&patch function in file: libHDiffPatch/HDiff/diff.h
& libHDiffPatch/HPatch/patch.h
dir_diff() & dir patch in: dirDiffPatch/dir_diff/dir_diff.h
& dirDiffPatch/dir_patch/dir_patch.h
- create diff(in newData,in oldData,out diffData); release the diffData for update oldData.
- patch(out newData,in oldData,in diffData); ok , get the newData.
- create_diff()
- patch()
- patch_stream()
- patch_stream_with_cache()
- create_compressed_diff()
- create_compressed_diff_stream()
- resave_compressed_diff()
- patch_decompress()
- patch_decompress_with_cache()
- patch_decompress_mem()
- dir_diff()
- TDirPatcher_*() functions with struct TDirPatcher
- create_single_compressed_diff()
- create_single_compressed_diff_stream()
- resave_single_compressed_diff()
- patch_single_stream()
- patch_single_stream_mem()
- patch_single_compressed_diff()
- patch_single_stream_diff()
hpatch lite API, optimized hpatch on MCU,NB-IoT... (demo HPatchLite):
- create_lite_diff()
- hpatch_lite_open()
- hpatch_lite_patch()
- create_bsdiff()
- create_bsdiff_stream()
- bspatch_with_cache()
- create_vcdiff()
- create_vcdiff_stream()
- vcpatch_with_cache()
hsynz API, diff&patch by sync (demo hsynz):
- create_sync_data()
- create_dir_sync_data()
- sync_patch()
- sync_patch_...()
- sync_local_diff()
- sync_local_diff_...()
- sync_local_patch()
- sync_local_patch_...()
case list(download from OneDrive):
newFile <-- oldFile | newSize | oldSize | |
1 | 7-Zip_22.01.win.tar <-- 7-Zip_21.07.win.tar | 5908992 | 5748224 |
2 | Chrome_107.0.5304.122-x64-Stable.win.tar <-- 106.0.5249.119 | 278658560 | 273026560 |
3 | cpu-z_2.03-en.win.tar <-- cpu-z_2.02-en.win.tar | 8718336 | 8643072 |
4 | curl_7.86.0.src.tar <-- curl_7.85.0.src.tar | 26275840 | 26030080 |
5 | douyin_1.5.1.mac.tar <-- douyin_1.4.2.mac.tar | 407940608 | 407642624 |
6 | Emacs_28.2-universal.mac.tar <-- Emacs_27.2-3-universal.mac.tar | 196380160 | 257496064 |
7 | FFmpeg-n_5.1.2.src.tar <-- FFmpeg-n_4.4.3.src.tar | 80527360 | 76154880 |
8 | gcc_12.2.0.src.tar <-- gcc_11.3.0.src.tar | 865884160 | 824309760 |
9 | git_2.33.0-intel-universal-mavericks.mac.tar <-- 2.31.0 | 73302528 | 70990848 |
10 | go_1.19.3.linux-amd64.tar <-- go_1.19.2.linux-amd64.tar | 468835840 | 468796416 |
11 | jdk_x64_mac_openj9_16.0.1_9_openj9-0.26.0.tar <-- 9_15.0.2_7-0.24.0 | 363765760 | 327188480 |
12 | jre_1.8.0_351-linux-x64.tar <-- jre_1.8.0_311-linux-x64.tar | 267796480 | 257996800 |
13 | linux_5.19.9.src.tar <-- linux_5.15.80.src.tar | 1269637120 | 1138933760 |
14 | Minecraft_175.win.tar <-- Minecraft_172.win.tar | 166643200 | 180084736 |
15 | OpenOffice_4.1.13.mac.tar <-- OpenOffice_4.1.10.mac.tar | 408364032 | 408336896 |
16 | postgresql_15.1.src.tar <-- postgresql_14.6.src.tar | 151787520 | 147660800 |
17 | QQ_9.6.9.win.tar <-- QQ_9.6.8.win.tar | 465045504 | 464837120 |
18 | tensorflow_2.10.1.src.tar <-- tensorflow_2.8.4.src.tar | 275548160 | 259246080 |
19 | VSCode-win32-x64_1.73.1.tar <-- VSCode-win32-x64_1.69.2.tar | 364025856 | 340256768 |
20 | WeChat_3.8.0.41.win.tar <-- WeChat_3.8.0.33.win.tar | 505876992 | 505018368 |
test PC: Windows11, CPU Ryzen 5800H, SSD Disk, Memroy 8G*2 DDR4 3200MHz
Program version: HDiffPatch4.6.0, hsynz 0.9.1, BsDiff4.3, xdelta3.1 zstd1.5.2
test Program:
xdelta diff with -S lzma -e -9 -n -f -s {old} {new} {pat}
xdelta patch with -d -f -s {old} {pat} {new}
add hpatchz test: hpatchz -m -f {old} {xdelta3-pat} {new}
xdelta -B diff with -S lzma -B {oldSize} -e -9 -n -f -s {old} {new} {pat}
xdelta -B patch with -B {oldSize} -d -f -s {old} {pat} {new}
add hpatchz test: hpatchz -m -f {old} {xdelta3-B-pat} {new}
bsdiff diff with {old} {new} {pat}
bspatch patch with {old} {new} {pat}
add hpatchz test: hpatchz -m -f {old} {bsdiff-pat} {new}
hdiffz -BSD diff with -m-6 -BSD -d -f -p-1 {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -zlib diff with -m-6 -SD -d -f -p-1 -c-zlib-9 {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -lzma2 diff with -m-6 -SD -d -f -p-1 -c-lzma2-9-16m {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -zstd diff with -m-6 -SD -d -f -p-1 -c-zstd-21-24 {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -s -zlib diff with -s-64 -SD -d -f -p-1 -c-zlib-9 {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -s -lzma2 diff with -s-64 -SD -d -f -p-1 -c-lzma2-9-16m {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -s -zstd diff with -s-64 -SD -d -f -p-1 -c-zstd-21-24 {old} {new} {pat}
all hdiffz add test with -p-8
hpatchz patch with -s-3m -f {old} {pat} {new}
add zstd --patch-from diff with --ultra -21 --long=24 -f --patch-from={old} {new} -o {pat}
zstd patch with -d -f --memory=2047MB --patch-from={old} {pat} -o {new}
add hsynz test, make sync info by hsync_make -s-2k {new} {out_newi} {out_newz}
client sync diff&patch by hsync_demo {old} {newi} {newz} {out_new} -p-1
hsynz p1 -zlib run hsync_make with -p-1 -c-zlib-9
hsynz p8 -zlib run hsync_make with -p-8 -c-zlib-9
(run hsync_demo
with -p-8
hsynz p1 -zstd run hsync_make with -p-1 -c-zstd-21-24
hsynz p8 -zstd run hsync_make with -p-8 -c-zstd-21-24
(run hsync_demo
with -p-8
test result average:
Program | compress | diff mem | speed | patch mem | max mem | speed |
bzip2-9 | 33.67% | 16.8MB/s | 44MB/s | |||
zlib-9 | 36.53% | 15.9MB/s | 421MB/s | |||
lzma2-9-16m | 25.85% | 3.9MB/s | 162MB/s | |||
zstd-21-24 | 27.21% | 2.7MB/s | 619MB/s | |||
zstd --patch-from | 7.96% | 2798M | 2.4MB/s | 631M | 2303M | 647MB/s |
xdelta3 | 13.60% | 409M | 4.7MB/s | 86M | 102M | 95MB/s |
xdelta3 +hpatchz -m | 13.60% | 409M | 4.7MB/s | 72M | 82M | 280MB/s |
xdelta3 -B | 9.63% | 2282M | 7.3MB/s | 460M | 2070M | 159MB/s |
xdelta3 -B +hpatchz -m | 9.63% | 2282M | 7.3MB/s | 317M | 1100M | 345MB/s |
bsdiff | 8.17% | 2773M | 1.9MB/s | 637M | 2312M | 121MB/s |
bsdiff +hpatchz -m | 8.17% | 2773M | 1.9MB/s | 321M | 1101M | 141MB/s |
hdiffz p1 -BSD | 7.72% | 1215M | 10.9MB/s | 14M | 14M | 124MB/s |
hdiffz p8 -BSD | 7.72% | 1191M | 22.0MB/s | 14M | 14M | 123MB/s |
hdiffz p1 -zlib | 7.79% | 1214M | 11.6MB/s | 4M | 4M | 415MB/s |
hdiffz p8 -zlib | 7.79% | 1191M | 30.5MB/s | 4M | 4M | 409MB/s |
hdiffz p1 -lzma2 | 6.44% | 1212M | 9.2MB/s | 17M | 20M | 312MB/s |
hdiffz p8 -lzma2 | 6.44% | 1192M | 23.2MB/s | 17M | 20M | 309MB/s |
hdiffz p1 -zstd | 6.74% | 1217M | 9.0MB/s | 16M | 21M | 422MB/s |
hdiffz p8 -zstd | 6.74% | 1531M | 16.7MB/s | 16M | 21M | 418MB/s |
hdiffz -s p1 -BSD | 11.96% | 91M | 33.3MB/s | 14M | 14M | 105MB/s |
hdiffz -s p8 -BSD | 11.96% | 95M | 40.6MB/s | 14M | 14M | 105MB/s |
hdiffz -s p1 -zlib | 12.52% | 90M | 35.2MB/s | 4M | 4M | 439MB/s |
hdiffz -s p8 -zlib | 12.53% | 95M | 104.4MB/s | 4M | 4M | 434MB/s |
hdiffz -s p1 -lzma2 | 9.11% | 170M | 13.7MB/s | 17M | 20M | 289MB/s |
hdiffz -s p8 -lzma2 | 9.13% | 370M | 34.7MB/s | 17M | 20M | 286MB/s |
hdiffz -s p1 -zstd | 9.60% | 195M | 10.9MB/s | 18M | 21M | 454MB/s |
hdiffz -s p8 -zstd | 9.60% | 976M | 17.1MB/s | 18M | 21M | 462MB/s |
hsynz p1 -zlib | 20.05% | 6M | 14.3MB/s | 6M | 21M | 172MB/s |
hsynz p8 -zlib | 20.05% | 30M | 89.8MB/s | 13M | 29M | 254MB/s |
hsynz p1 -zstd | 14.90% | 532M | 1.3MB/s | 24M | 35M | 192MB/s |
hsynz p8 -zstd | 14.90% | 3349M | 5.1MB/s | 24M | 35M | 301MB/s |
case list:
changed test Program:
hdiffz ... -m-6 -SD
changed to -m-1 -SD-2m -cache
, -s-64 -SD
changed to -s-16 -SD-2m
hdiffz ... lzma2 dict size 16m
changed to 8m
, zstd dict bit 24
changed to 23
hsynz ... make -s-2k
changed to -s-1k
add hsynz p1, hsynz p8 make without compressor
add archive-patcher v1.0, diff with --generate --old {old} --new {new} --patch {pat}
patch with --apply --old {old} --patch {pat} --new {new}
NOTE: archive-patcher's delta file compressed by lzma2-9-8m, diff&patch time not include compress&decompress delta file's memory&time.
sfpatcher -1 -zstd v1.1.0 diff with -o-1 -c-zstd-21-23 -m-1 -step-3m -lp-512k -p-8 -cache -d {old} {new} {pat}
sfpatcher -2 -lzma2 diff with -o-2 -c-lzma2-9-4m -m-1 -step-2m -lp-8m -p-8 -cache -d {old} {new} {pat}
sfpatcher patch with -lp -p-8 {old} {pat} {new}
( archive-patcher, sfpatcher optimized diff&patch between apk files )
test result average:
Program | compress | diff mem | speed | patch mem | max mem | speed |
zstd --patch-from | 53.18% | 2199M | 2.9MB/s | 209M | 596M | 624MB/s |
xdelta3 | 54.51% | 422M | 2.5MB/s | 98M | 99M | 103MB/s |
xdelta3 +hpatchz -m | 54.51% | 422M | 2.5MB/s | 70M | 81M | 331MB/s |
bsdiff | 53.84% | 931M | 1.0MB/s | 218M | 605M | 40MB/s |
bsdiff +hpatchz -s | 53.84% | 931M | 1.0MB/s | 14M | 14M | 40MB/s |
hdiffz p1 -BSD | 53.69% | 509M | 4.9MB/s | 14M | 14M | 40MB/s |
hdiffz p8 -BSD | 53.70% | 514M | 9.2MB/s | 14M | 14M | 40MB/s |
hdiffz p1 -zlib | 53.21% | 509M | 6.2MB/s | 5M | 6M | 382MB/s |
hdiffz p8 -zlib | 53.22% | 514M | 18.2MB/s | 5M | 6M | 380MB/s |
hdiffz p1 -lzma2 | 52.93% | 525M | 3.3MB/s | 21M | 22M | 195MB/s |
hdiffz p8 -lzma2 | 52.94% | 557M | 11.2MB/s | 21M | 22M | 196MB/s |
hdiffz p1 -zstd | 53.04% | 537M | 4.2MB/s | 21M | 22M | 428MB/s |
hdiffz p8 -zstd | 53.05% | 1251M | 7.8MB/s | 21M | 22M | 433MB/s |
hdiffz -s p1 -zlib | 53.73% | 118M | 20.0MB/s | 4M | 6M | 380MB/s |
hdiffz -s p8 -zlib | 53.73% | 122M | 62.5MB/s | 4M | 6M | 378MB/s |
hdiffz -s p1 -lzma2 | 53.30% | 197M | 5.2MB/s | 20M | 22M | 195MB/s |
hdiffz -s p8 -lzma2 | 53.30% | 309M | 20.9MB/s | 20M | 22M | 195MB/s |
hdiffz -s p1 -zstd | 53.44% | 221M | 8.1MB/s | 20M | 22M | 452MB/s |
hdiffz -s p8 -zstd | 53.44% | 1048M | 11.1MB/s | 20M | 22M | 448MB/s |
hsynz p1 | 62.43% | 4M | 1243.4MB/s | 4M | 10M | 172MB/s |
hsynz p8 | 62.43% | 25M | 1902.6MB/s | 12M | 18M | 293MB/s |
hsynz p1 -zlib | 58.67% | 5M | 18.5MB/s | 4M | 11M | 170MB/s |
hsynz p8 -zlib | 58.67% | 29M | 107.6MB/s | 12M | 19M | 285MB/s |
hsynz p1 -zstd | 57.92% | 534M | 2.2MB/s | 24M | 28M | 173MB/s |
hsynz p8 -zstd | 57.92% | 3434M | 7.6MB/s | 24M | 28M | 294MB/s |
archive-patcher +lzma2 | 31.68% | 3278M | 0.7MB/s | 759M | 788M | 15MB/s |
sfpatcher -1 p1 -zstd | 31.08% | 818M | 1.8MB/s | 15M | 19M | 154MB/s |
sfpatcher -1 p8 -zstd | 31.07% | 1026M | 3.1MB/s | 18M | 25M | 307MB/s |
sfpatcher -2 p1 -lzma2 | 24.11% | 976M | 1.6MB/s | 15M | 20M | 28MB/s |
sfpatcher -2 p8 -lzma2 | 24.15% | 967M | 3.3MB/s | 20M | 26M | 79MB/s |