This example shows the 3D cardiac ultrasound reconstruction using various hole-filling methods of pixel nearest-neighbour (PNN).
Firstly, the program reads a volume dataset, and removes a whole slice at position n. User can also choose to remove 2 or 3 slices. The slice removal can be removed at a specific sparsity s. Then, the hole-filling method is employed to reconstruct the missing region.
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- The Visualization Toolkit (VTK)
- CMake
Using CMake to create this project. The procedure is the same as any VTK projects.
Build the project using Visual Studio. A new "Debug" folder will be created.
Put the volume dataset file (vtk01) in the "Debug" folder.
Open command prompt and navigate to the "Debug" folder.
CUVReconstruction *outputDatasetName(string) *sliceNo(int) *method(string) *parameter(int, float)
CUVReconstruction vtk01 7 mean 3
CUVReconstruction vtk01 7 butterfly-my 0 3 0
- Then, input the number of continuous slice to remove.
- Input the sparsity value.
- Lastly, input the increment limit of sparsity value. If you want to remove 2 slices in every 7 slices spacing for 10 times: 2 -> 7 -> 10.
- The result is displayed. The output axial slices are stored in the "figures" folder.
- The dataset used in this example consists of 8-bits grey-scale pixel.
- The input dataset is preset to "v1" folder. See main().
For more information, please visit this conference proceeding or its ResearchGate counterpart.
The ultrasound dataset used in this project is provided by Cardia Atlas Project.
For more information about the dataset, please visit Benchmarking framework for myocardial tracking and deformation algorithms: An open access database.