Welcome to the Python Projects Repository! This repository contains a collection of Python projects covering various domains and functionalities.
This repository is a compilation of Python projects developed for learning, practice, and exploration of different programming concepts. Each project is designed to demonstrate specific features of Python programming language and its libraries.
Please refer to requirements.txt
file for dependencies.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/vrm-piyush/Python-Projects
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Python-Projects cd subprojects
Run the program:
For example, if you want to run the
project:cd Acronym python Acronym.py
with the actual Python file name.
Sl. No. | Project | Description | Author |
1 | Acronym | Generates acronyms from input phrases. | Piyush Verma |
2 | AlarmClock | A simple alarm clock program. | Piyush Verma |
3 | AnimalQuizGame | A quiz game about animals. | Piyush Verma |
4 | ArticleToSpeechConverter | Converts articles into speech. | Piyush Verma |
5 | BMICalculator | Calculates Body Mass Index (BMI). | Piyush Verma |
6 | BarcodeQRCodeReader | Reads barcodes and QR codes from images. | Piyush Verma |
7 | CalculatorGUI | Graphical User Interface (GUI) calculator. | Piyush Verma |
8 | CalendarApp | Calendar application with basic functionalities. | Piyush Verma |
9 | CardGameProgram | Simulates various card games. | Piyush Verma |
10 | ChessboardProgram | Draws a chessboard pattern. | Piyush Verma |
11 | CircularFractalTree | Generates circular fractal tree patterns. | Piyush Verma |
12 | Clock-app | Simple digital clock application. | Piyush Verma |
13 | ColoredTextPrinter | Prints text in different colors. | Piyush Verma |
14 | DesktopNotificationProgram | Displays desktop notifications. | Piyush Verma |
15 | DiceRollSimulation | Simulates rolling of dice. | Piyush Verma |
16 | DigitalClockGUI | GUI based digital clock. | Piyush Verma |
17 | EmailParser | Parses emails and extracts relevant information. | Piyush Verma |
18 | GameOfLife | Implements Conway's Game of Life. | Piyush Verma |
19 | ImageConverter | Converts images between different formats. | Piyush Verma |
20 | ImageFilter | Applies filters to images. | Piyush Verma |
21 | ImageToPencilSketch | Converts images into pencil sketches. | Piyush Verma |
22 | MontyHall | Simulates the Monty Hall problem. | Piyush Verma |
23 | MultipleInputProgram | Handles multiple types of user input. | Piyush Verma |
24 | MusicPlayerGUIProgram | GUI based music player. | Piyush Verma |
25 | NumberGuessingGame | Classic number guessing game. | Piyush Verma |
26 | PasswordGenerator | Generates random passwords. | Piyush Verma |
27 | PhoneCameraProgram | Simulates a phone camera application. | Piyush Verma |
28 | QRCodeGenerator | Generates QR codes. | Piyush Verma |
29 | RainyDays | Generates a rainy weather simulation. | Piyush Verma |
30 | RockPaperScissorsGame | Classic rock-paper-scissors game. | Piyush Verma |
31 | RomanDecimalConverter | Converts Roman numerals to decimal and vice versa. | Piyush Verma |
32 | ShortStoryGenerator | Generates short stories based on user input. | Piyush Verma |
33 | Snake-Game | Classic snake game implementation. | Piyush Verma |
34 | TemperatureConverter | Converts temperatures between different units. | Piyush Verma |
35 | TicTacToeGame | Classic Tic-Tac-Toe game. | Piyush Verma |
36 | URLShortener | Shortens URLs. | Piyush Verma |
37 | WeightConverter | Converts weights between different units. | Piyush Verma |
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, improvements, or new project ideas, feel free to open an issue or create a pull request. Please make sure to follow the contribution guidelines.
This repository is at version 1.0.1c.