Docker image with tools for debugging and troubleshooting:
- anchore-cli
- curl
- dig
- docker
- helm
- host
- jq
- kubectl
- mc
- netcat (OpenBSD version)
- nslookup
- ping
- skopeo
- sudo
- telnet
- traceroute
- vim
- wget
- yq
kubectl run container-tools --image=vpartington/container-tools --rm --tty --stdin bash
alias k8s-ct='kubectl run container-tools-$RANDOM --image=vpartington/container-tools --rm --tty --stdin bash'
Run the script
k8s-ct-on-node -h <nodename>
The script starts the container-tools image on a specific node, with /var/run/docker.sock
mounted into the container. This allows the docker
command line client to be used to interact with the Docker daemon on the node.