This library provides C++(11) classes and functions for interacting with lttng. On the one hand, the library enables developers to control and configure lttng trace generation from within C++(11) programs. On the other hand, the library provides support for reading and iterating traces in the Common Trace Format, enabling easy processing of trace files.
The library is primarily used as a convenience tool to support integration- and acceptance-testing infrastructure, specifically for setups that span across multiple processes and additionally require capturing kernel behavior.
- coroutine/context: For an easy async pattern.
- filesystem: For handling anything filesystem.
- system: Required by filesystem.
- thread: Required by coroutine/context.
babeltrace/babeltrace-ctf: For accessing CTF traces.
process-cpp: For interaction with the lttng control application.
On Ubuntu, you can install all required build- and run-time dependencies with:
sudo apt-get install \ libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-test-dev \ libbabeltrace-dev libbabeltrace-ctf-dev \ libprocess-cpp-dev
The following snippet illustrates analyzing multiple processes carrying out a task (memory allocation for demonstration purposes), capturing relevant trace points in a trace, and finally iterating the trace for calculating required statistics:
namespace acc = boost::accumulators;
// Typedef our accumulator type.
typedef acc::accumulator_set<
acc::tag::count, // The total count of events.
acc::tag::min, // Minimum value seen over all events.
acc::tag::max, // Maximum value seen over all events.
acc::tag::mean, // The mean value seen over all events.
acc::tag::variance, // The variance in values seen over all events.
acc::tag::density // Histogram over all values.
> Statistics;
// Call like: ./lttng-example
int main()
// We instruct lttng to write traces to /tmp, more precisely: To a subdirectory
// in /tmp of its own choice.
auto consumer = std::make_shared<lttng::FileSystemConsumer>("/tmp/lttng-example");
// We want to trace userspace events.
auto ust_tracer = lttng::Tracer::create(lttng::Domain::userspace);
// Create a tracing session.
auto ust_session = ust_tracer->create_session("JustATestingSession", consumer);
// Every event of the trace will carry this information.
// Enable all libc and pthread events for recording purposes.
// Finally start the session.
std::vector<core::posix::ChildProcess> children;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
children.push_back(core::posix::fork([]() {
std::default_random_engine rng;
// We do allocations of size [1, 500].
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(1, 500);
// Allocate memory a hundred times.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; i++)
return core::posix::exit::Status::success;
}, core::posix::StandardStream::stderr));
for(auto& child : children)
// Done, stopping the session.
// We want to calcute the average size of malloc calls.
Statistics malloc_size_stats(acc::tag::density::num_bins = 20, acc::tag::density::cache_size = 10);
// Open the previously recorded trace.
ctf::Trace trace(consumer->path());
// Spec out the fields we are interested in:
ctf::FieldSpec<ctf::Field::Type::integer> size{ctf::Scope::event_fields, "size"};
ctf::FieldSpec<ctf::Field::Type::integer> vpid{ctf::Scope::stream_event_context, "vpid"};
// Iterate over the trace.
trace.for_each_event([&](const ctf::Event& event)
if ( == lttng::events::userspace::libc::malloc)
if (size.available_in(event))
return ctf::Trace::EventEnumeratorReply::ok;
// Statistics have been calculated, printing summary now:
std::cout << acc::count(malloc_size_stats) << " "
<< acc::mean(malloc_size_stats) << " "
<< std::sqrt(acc::variance(malloc_size_stats)) << " "
<< acc::min(malloc_size_stats) << " "
<< acc::max(malloc_size_stats) << std::endl;
// And print the histogram.
auto hist = acc::density(malloc_size_stats);
for (auto pair : hist)
std::cout << pair.first << " " << pair.second << "\n";
return 0;