Documents manager that allows Upload and deleting of files. It is basically a playground to check up Elasticsearch capabilities as underlying storage Unit.
- JDK 23 +
- Maven v3.6.5 +
- Elasticsearch v7.17.4 + (
- Postman (Optional as Swagger is Enabled)
- Docker
- Please make sure that your Elastic Instance is Up and running (if you don't want to use docker-compose).
- Please make sure your Docker instance is Up and running otherwise Integration tests (implemented with Test Containers) will fail.
- Under
you can define your preferable index name
. - On start up it will check whether this index is already existing and if not it will be created and explicit mappings
will be applied. - Optionally you can spin up Dockerized Elasticsearch instance by executing
docker compose -f docker-infrastructure.yml up -d
. Important Note: Consider stopping this ES instance while building the project as you'll encounter failure (I'll further investigate and try to resolve it).
Using Docker Compose:
docker compose up --build -d
docker compose down
To Build:
mvn clean verify
To format code:
mvn com.spotify.fmt:fmt-maven-plugin:format
Details can be found on
To Run:
mvn spring-boot:run
Check up swagger UI on: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
or Import Postman API collection available under postman-collection
Happy Coding!!!
- Exception handling
- Swagger UI to document exposed API
- Caching mechanism to improve performance on serving docs content
- API versioning
- Integration tests using Test Containers
- Dockerized app
- Error prone to detect code issues on compile time (