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Configuration Setup

Rishi edited this page Sep 13, 2017 · 7 revisions

Configuration and setup

The transfer2go tool relies on two configuration files: the server config file and catalog one. Both should be provided in JSON data-format, see details below. The transfer2go tool combines both server and a client based on the way you use it, see below.

Server examples

# start the server based on provided configuration file
transfer2go -config config.json

# start the server with given config file
# as well as provide registration end-point (another agent where this one will be registered)
# and increase verbosity level
transfer2go -config config.json -agent http://localhost:8989 -verbose 1

Client examples

# we can register local files in our agent by providing records.json files, e.g.


# and now we can upload these records to the agent catalog
transfer2go -register=records.json -agent=http://localhost:8989

# if we want to transfer a file to T2_site_name, we'll do
transfer2go -agent http://localhost:8989 -src=file.root -dst=T4_site_name

# similarly we can transfer a block (/a/b/c#123) or a dataset (/a/b/c), e.g.
transfer2go -model=pull -agent=http://localhost:8989 -src=SourceAgent-2:a/b/c -dst=DestinationAgent -auth=false
transfer2go -model=pull -agent=http://localhost:8989 -src=SourceAgent-2:a/b/c#123 -dst=DestinationAgent -auth=false

we also may acquire some info about running agents via plain HTTP requests, e.g.

# get dump of agent TFC (Trivial File Catalog)
curl http://localhost:8987/tfc

# get status of specific agent
curl http://localhost:8987/status

and, we can update running agent:

# change agent's protocol to new one
curl -X POST -d '{"protocol":"srm", "backend":"srmv2", "tool":"/opt/VDT/srm-client-lbnl/bin/srmcp"}' http://localhost:8989/protocol

# reset agent's protocol to default one (http)
curl http://localhost:8989/reset

Configuration example

Configuration file is JSON based and contains the following fields:

  • catalog, a name of catalog configuration file
  • protocol, a name of protocol to be used by the agent, e.g. srmv2
  • backend, a backend end-point
  • tool, a unix path to internal tool used for transfer, e.g. /usr/bin/bla
  • mfile, name of the metrics file, i.e. file where various agent's metrics will be stored
  • minterval, a metrics interval, i.e. how often agent metrics values will be acquired
  • verbose, verbosity level
  • name, a name of the agent (a node name in PhEDEx)
  • register, a remote agent URL where we can register this one
  • type, pull/push in order to active the respective models. In pull model start main-agent in pull type while rest of them should be push type.
  • MonitorTime, time after which need to reset and recalculate the system param.
  • router, make it true to use the smart router.
  • trinterval, parameter for the router to retrain the ML model after certain interval. Here is an example of such file with simple UNIX cp command as internal tool.
    "trinterval": "10s",

Catalog example

A catalog file is simple JSON file which describes catalog nature, e.g.


Here it is SQLite database (type sqlite3) and its uri. The Catalog file may contain also Login/Password/Owner fields necessary for other databases.

Test Setup

Create three different database catalog.db, catalog2.db, main.db under test/catalog folder using schema of static/sql/sqlite3/schema.sql file.

$ bash