Minimal dataviz IDE with hot reloading & interactive widgets
This repo aims to be a place of experimentation (for now) in terms of what's required to set up a minimal integrated development environment for "Vizzes", the executable unit of code for VizHub, featuring both a code editor with interactive widgets and a runtime environment with hot reloading. The plan is to create a two-pane application with the editor on the left and the running viz on the right, but without anything super fancy. The editor will be an instance of CodeMirror 6 with the interactive widgets and syntax highlighting theme from VZCode. There will only be one file being edited, namely a Markdown file that contains embedded definitions for multiple code files using the "bold format" from llm-code-format. Those files will then be instantiated within a new version of the VizHub runtime environment, v4, based on ESM and unidirectional-data-flow.
Based on React + TypeScript + Vite.