Created by: Anurag Vishwakarma
- This website is capable of providing the current weather
details of various cities accross the globe
- We can get the weather details including Temperature, Wind Speed & Humidity of any city.
- This website will show the weather details of the city associated by our IP Address by default.
- It is very easy to search the weather details of any city.
- It privides various background images based on the time & date.
- It uses APIs such API Ninjas & IP Info.
I have used these following tech for building the cityWebCast WebApp:
- HTMl - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- CSS - Used for styling the website.
- Javascript - Used JS to make things functional.
- Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- API by API Ninjas - Feached the weather details.
- API by IP Info - Used for tracing IP Information of the user.
And of course citiWebCast is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
Because citiWebCast WebApp is build using simple technologies, this doesn't requires any Installation at all.
- Just run the index.html file to see the output.
- But you need to add your own API Key from API NINJAS & API Token from IP Info.
- Without the API keys & tokens you will not be able to use it in your local machine.
This website is live at firebase hosting. Live link is given below.