This a movie trailer web application created using the Flask framework as frontend and sqllite3 database as backend and sqlalchemy as ORM. It has 3 basic features.
- Displays the list of movies in home page
- Displays the movie trailer and its story in single page when user click on a movie
- Add movie page which enables the user to add movie title,story,poster url and youtube url to database
To set up the environment, the following steps must be followed.
Download and install Python, Skip this step if Python is already installed
Open windows power shell with administrator privileges and enter the following command to install Python virtual environment
pip install virtualenv
Create a new folder and open the windows power shell to browse to the newly created directory
cd <directory path>
To create virtual environment in the new folder, enter the following command in the power shell window
virtualenv flaskvenv -p 'C:\Program Files\python.exe'
After successfully creation of virtual environment, activate the environment with the following command
Install Flask and sqlalchemy packages using pip command. Please refer to requirements.txt file to find the list of packages installed
pip install Flask pip install flask-sqlalchemy
Download the
repository and copy to the virtual environment folder -
Browse the
folder from power shell window and run the commandpython
, the server gets started as shown belowUse a production WSGI server instead. Debug mode: on Restarting with stat Debugger is active! Debugger PIN: 130-926-720 Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
The application contains the following structure
| |-------css
| | |---------styles.css
| |
| |-------images
| | |----------logo.png
| |
| |-------js
| |----------jquery-3.1.1.min.js
| |---------layout.html
| |---------movies.html
| |---------newmovie.html
| |---------single.html
The theme used in this app is open source and can be found here
Enter the data in the add movie page shown below:
Movie Title: The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Movie story: Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency.
Movie poster url:
Youtube trailer url: