This is the result of my final degree project, which consist on a node-based shader editor implemented on web. The framework is based mainly on the usage of this libraries:
- Litegl.js - It helps simplifying working with WebGL.
- Litegraph.js - A library in Javascript to create graphs in the browser.
This is the list of the most important functionalities of the application.
- Manipulation of the Volume Render algorithm via nodes.
- Load and visualization of Dicom datasets. In the case you don't have any but you want to try it, I uploaded an anonymized dataset in the repository. More info here.
- Manipulation of the datasets by editing the transfer function.
- Download of the Vertex Shader and Fragment Shader createds by the graph editor.
- Try an online demo here.
This is the list of the nodes currently available. There are more comming soon, so stay tunned.
- Input: Number, Color, Coordinates.
- Texture: Gradient, Noise, Dicom, Transfer Function.
- Operator: Math, MixRGB, ColorRamp, Translate, Scale, Rotate, Separate, Combine.
- Shader: Volume.
- Output: Material Output.