The Rust bindings working group is dedicated to creating a foundation for C and Rust bindings for C++ libraries used by the media and entertainment industry.
Goals of the WG are:
- To collaborate with ASWF communities to create (or facilitate the creation of) C and Rust bindings which are consistent across projects.
- Create tooling to help build the C and Rust bindings.
- Define a set of conventions and rules to create a consistent and ergonomic C and Rust interface for the wrapped libraries.
- To have the Rust bindings easily accessible through Rust's repository, and to give ownership of those bindings to the ASWF.
Non-goals of the WG are:
- Re-implementing current C++ libraries in Rust.
The TAC member sponsor of this working group is Sean Looper
- Bind Imath and OpenEXR with C and Rust bindings
- Create a framework for binding the other libraries
This WG communicates on the following channels:
- vfx-rs organization repository on GitHub
- #Rust on ASWF slack.
See the ASWF public calendar. This WG meets the first Friday of every month at 12 pm Pacific Time.
provide the Zoom/conference call details
list if applicable, or skip if not
Meeting notes, recordings, and any presentations made during WG meetings are available here.