The FLUIDOMOS project aims to create a use case that extends the DELIS V2.0 platform (conceived as a seamless, reconfigurable, and expandable home/building automation platform) to the FLUIDOS Computing Continuum environment.
The current version of DELIS is a Cloud platform that provides to domotic system users (consumers, business, system integrators, and domotic system maintainers) an effective solution for:
design, implementation, and development
control and management
reconfiguration and troubleshooting
of home/building automation systems made by multiple and heterogeneous devices with the least cost, the best scalability, and compatibility with as many possible third-party systems and devices. The proposed use case aims to translate the DELIS Cloud architectural model into the continuum computing architectural model of FLUIDOS by exposing DELIS software micro services through the FLUIDOS interface.
There are two benefits achievable for the FLUIDOS ecosystem resulting from the implementation of the FLUIDOMOS use case:
The validation of the fluid computing continuum functionality in the home/building automation application scenario.
The spread of the FLUIDOS platform to support home/building automation systems, where continuous improvement and state-of-the-art product and service innovations are required.
Regarding the first point, the result deriving from the migration of DELIS (implemented on a cloud architecture) to an architecture that uses the fluid computing continuum paradigm will emerge (FLUIDOMOS). The realization, testing, usage, and performance evaluation of FLUIDOMOS will constitute a validation test of the FLUIDOS platform and its features/functions/services from a use case that can contribute to demonstrating the benefits of using FLUIDOS.
In this repository you can find all the information and guides to create the infrastructure of the FLUIDOMOS project, which uses a K3S multi-cluster environment based on FLUIDOS and LIQO, as well as all the YAML distributions, will be used to implement DELIS execution in this environment.