- Install homebrew
- Mac only
- Install rustup through rustup.rs
- Install rust programs through cargo install
- alacritty
- jless
- ripgrep
- xh
- exa
- dua
- erdtree
- zellij
- Install helix: https://docs.helix-editor.com/install.html#installing-helix
- MacOS: brew install helix
Install karabiner-elementers
- install config
Install Rectangle
- install config (config must be manually imported/exported...)
Copy the
- General: install from repository root
ln -fs $(pwd)/dot.zshrc ~/.zshrc
ln -fs $(pwd)/dot.alacritty.toml ~/.alacritty.toml
ln -fs $(pwd)/dot.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
ln -fs $(pwd)/cargo.config.toml ~/.cargo/config.toml
ln -fs $(pwd)/config.zellij.config.kdl ~/.config/zellij/config.kdl
ln -fs $(pwd)/config.karabiner.karabiner.json ~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json
ln -fs $(pwd)/config.helix.config.json ~/.config/helix/config.json
ln -fs $(pwd)/config.helix.languages.toml ~/.config/helix/languages.toml