A python module to connect to VPN using cisco anyconnect secure mobility client
Clone/Download the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/vasudev-bongale/ciscovpn.git
Update the parameters in ciscovpn.py
USERNAME - Username for the client connection
VPN_HOST - VPN Server host name
VPN_BIN - The binary path of the VPN client
CONNECT_GROUP - The group number under which you wish to connect, leave it '' if no group selection is required.
CISCO_CLIENT_APP = 'Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client'
SYS_NAME - Keychain item name which stores the password
ACCOUNT_NAME - The account name in the keychain item
Install using pip
$ pip install .
$ pip uninstall ciscovpn
$ ciscovpn --connect
Connected to VPN - "username"@"vpn_server"
$ ciscovpn --disconnect
Disconnected from VPN - "username"@"vpn_server"