Problem 1: Task Management System
Objective: Create a system to manage daily tasks dynamically.
Create an array of task objects. Each object should contain:
title (string): The name of the task.
status (string): Either "Pending" or "Completed".
priority (number): A value between 1 (low priority) and 5 (high priority).
Write the following functions:
Add Task: Use an arrow function to add a new task object to the array.
Filter by Status: Use filter() to return all tasks based on their status.
Find High Priority Task: Use find() to get the first task with a priority of 5.
Use map() to create a list of task titles with their status, formatted as: "Task: [Title], Status: [Status]".
Use template literals to log the details of all tasks in a readable format.
Problem 2: Online Shopping Cart
Objective: Develop a simple shopping cart system.
Create an array of product objects, where each object contains: productName (string), price (number), quantity (number).
Write the following functions:
Add Product: Function to add a new product to the cart.
Calculate Total: Use reduce() to calculate the total cost of all items in the cart.
Remove Product: Use an arrow function to remove a product by name.
Use destructuring to extract and log product details (e.g., name and price) for each product in the cart.
Use template literals to display a summary of the cart in this format: "Product: [Name], Price: $[Price], Quantity: [Quantity]".
Problem 3: Weather Forecast Tracker
Objective: Build a tracker to manage weather data for different cities.
Create an array of city weather objects, where each object contains: cityName (string), temperature (number in Celsius), condition (string, e.g., "Sunny", "Cloudy", "Rainy").
Write the following functions:
Add City Weather: Function to add a new city weather object.
Find Hottest City: Use find() to identify the city with the highest temperature.
Filter by Condition: Use filter() to list all cities with a specific weather condition.
Use map() to create a list of city names with their temperatures in the format: "City: [CityName], Temp: [Temperature]°C".
Use destructuring to extract and log details of the hottest city.
Use template literals to log a weather summary for all cities in this format: "City: [Name], Temp: [Temp]°C, Condition: [Condition]".
Add a feature to sort cities by temperature.
Include a function to convert temperatures between Celsius and Fahrenheit.