A simple text commentig app for the web.
This app is created with Meteor.js and utilizes rangy.
To install the app, first follow the instructions to install Meteor
curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
and then:
1. git clone https://github.com/valeviolin/commently.git
2. meteor npm install
3. meteor
the following will have the app running on localhost:3000
The main logic of the app can be found in main.js.
The approach taken roughly follows the following:
- Before each action "restore" the DOM state of the text. E.g remove highlights
- For new comments, create a Mongo document with the comment's text and the serialized range of the selected text.
- After clicking on a comment, deserialize the range of the comment and highlight it.
There are some bugs here and there (which I could not spot easily) due to either rangy or myself not fully getting rangy's way of working.
This is only tested on the latest Chrome browser.
- Introduce users and assign comments to users
- Reply/Accept/Ignore comments
- Make it usable on mobile.
- Problems with big DOMs?