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Security: valaatech/kernel



Valaa Open System Security and Attack Model primer

This document is a rough conceptual dump of ValOS infrastructure security considerations as of 2019-03. Reader is expected to have passing familiarity with event sourcing. Otherwise the document purports to be a high-level stand-alone document and begins with an introduction to central ValOS concepts and specifically how they relate to the general world wide web architecture.

Author's disclaimer: this document is written by a single person and I'm not a security professional. I genuinely believe in that the core concepts and the overall approach is sound. Non-trivial amounts of both real and calendar time, thought and experimentation has gone into the ValOS infrastructure taking shape. But even if you read and keep agreeing don't let that fool you: there can be gaping maws of black holes of omission that I just didn't happen to think of. Security audit is pending resources.

1. Correspondence between webarch ( ) and ValOS infrastructure concepts

In general ValOS strives to use webarch designs, concepts, and terminology directly as far as possible. However, there are fundamental differences which require a different name for different-yet-corresponding concepts. There are four such major cases:

Correspondence name webarch concept ValOS concept ValOS description
Document Web Document Partition Event log container with a fixed URI
Presentation Web Browser Inspire Gateway JavaScript component in browser
Logic Web Server Perspire Gateway JavaScript component on Node.js
Data Database Authority Event authorizer and broker

Side note: the two gateways share vast majority of their structure (read: they use the exact same codebase).

The three fundamental differences that cause these divergences are elaborated in more detail:

1.1. Three Tier architecture - ValOS flips Logic/Server and Data/Database tiers:

When compared to the traditional three-tier model:

Presentation/Browser <-> Logic/Server <-> Data/Database

ValOS flips the order of Logic and Data tiers:

Presentation/Inspire <-> Data/Authority <-> Logic/Perspire

In ValOS architecture both Presentation/Inspire and Logic/Perspire gateways talk to the Data/Authorities.

1.2. Same ValOS Gateway implementation runs both ValOS Presentation/Inspire and Logic/Perspire layers

There is very little technical difference between Presentation/Inspire (in browser) and Logic/Perspire (JavaScript in Node.js) Gateways. They subscribe to partitions similarily, send new commands to partitions similarily and perform computations with the same infrastructure codebase.

If the application and synchronization logic allows the same ValOS Logic components can be executed directly on the Presentation/Inspire tier Gateway even if the 'conceptual home' would be a Logic/Perspire Gateway. Implementing this has obvious limitations: but whenever possible this offers substantial benefits in lower costs, low latency and simpler architectures resulting to faster development cycles.

Only when the responsibilities, execution context needs, security considerations, synchronization problems and/or external integration needs so dictate is a separate Logic/Perspire tier is needed.

1.3. webarch Content is fundamentally static - ValOS Content is fundamentally dynamic

HTML/JSON/etc. web documents over HTTP are fundamentally static representations. Streaming API's, AJAX etc. do solve most practical needs for dynamic content updates but are still conceptually a bit of a hack. The content itself and the updates to that content are described using different paradigms: content is typically an object representation of some kind ands update are imperative functions which manipulate the object representation.

In ValOS the state and its changes is purely represented using ValOS partition event streams only. These dynamic change events are used (reduced) by the gateways to build all types of application state, both logic and dynamic state from ground up each time. This does not mean that ValOS would eliminate code or files altogether; traditional source code is used to perform computation and generate new events in response to user (and other) actions. Traditional UI presentation files are used to describe how the UI is presented based on the internal state.

Nevertheless this presentation/logic is the most superficial layer only and everything below it is converted to and from events.

2. Terminology

2.1. Event sourcing - Capture all changes to an application state as a sequence of events.

This darling child has many names: event logs, change history, the-things-that-get-hash-chained, etc. Redux reduces its events and never called it event sourcing.

ValOS draws its terminology from Martin Fowler's popularization from the year 2005 ( ).

It should be noted that as a fundamental divergence to traditional event sourcing 'done right' and to domain driven design specifically ValOS event sourcing is a straightforward CRUD event sourcing with a limited set of generic event types manipulating a general purpose resource model.

2.2. Partition - A globally unique URI which identifies and locates a single event log

The partition URI can be resolved by the gateway to retrieve the event log as well as to subscribe for new events. The gateway then reduces the event log to an internal resource representation. If this representation is an application it can then be shown to the user. If it is a data set it probably was requested by an already running application for some particular use, usually then indirectly shown to user anyway. Nevertheless as all partitions can receive new events dynamically, this makes logic and data partitions inherently correspond to streaming, interactive web documents.

Because a Partition URI is stable and tightly associated with its partition it allows events in different logs to refer to each other. This is what allows the global, shared ValOS resource space to be segmented into manageable sized pieces without splintering it to isolated boxes.

An typical early stage web application uses anywhere from four to several dozen partitions which cross-reference each other to render the final product to user.

2.3. Authority - A Data layer server which hosts, authorizes and distributes the events of multiple partitions

An authority is where gateways connect for event stream(s) of partitions owned by that authority.

While this would make the most tempting analogy to be the "web server" the best correspondence for an authority is the backend database.

Both try to be as dumb and resilient as they can get away with, don't perform computation, offer their services via generic, stable API and provide persistence services.

3. Attack model against ValOS infrastructure

The ValOS security model into two major domains based on whether the attack is made directly against infrastructure promises (infrastructure integrity security domain) or whether the attack happens indirectly via trying co-opting user computation and/or identity (hapless user protection security domain).

The third security domain is the authority security domain. This domain is intentionally void as on one hand authorities are not automatically trusted and on the other hand authorities are expected to secure their own systems (wild west authority security domain).

The dynamics of the first two domains differ considerably. As of 2019-03 this document primarily focuses on the infrastructure integrity domain as 1) without it the hapless user protection domain is largely meaningless, 2) there are use cases which don't have any users to protected or there is no computation that could be attacked, and 3) at early stages of the ecosystem there are practical solutions to mitigate hapless user protection issues even without strong protections.

3.1. Infrastructure integrity security domain

This domain considers attacks that try to break the promises of the infrastructure itself.

The central promise category (as of 2019-03, the only category) are the various partition behaviors. A partition behaviour is a named (like isLocallyPersisted, restrictedEventSignatures or forgetful) and well-specified behaviour of the partition or its event a particular partition can have. The semantics of a partition is fully defined as the combination of all partition behaviors it has.

Attack models against partition behaviors are specific to the semantics of each behavior.

3.1.1. Partition behaviors are advertized by authorities, requested by partition creators

Partition behaviors are customizable parameters which are initially set when the partition is within an authority. Well-behaving authorities don't need to support all behaviors and some behaviors can come hard-coded if the authority is some speciality authority.

The attack model analysis of each behavior yields a security profile of what assumptions must be broken for the overall behavior to break.

3.1.2. Behaviour trust grouping from gateway user perspective

Looking at the security profiles from the perspective of a gateway user these behaviors are grouped into three rough trust categories in increasing levels of trust required: capability, cryptographic and social behaviors.

This grouping is not definitive but only informative as different behaviors are still associated with different types of attack models and unique security profiles. Capability behaviors relate to semantics, performance or are informative

A capability is a behavior that a client can enforce themselves or is otherwise trivially true.

These are usually trivial attributes of the partition:

  • isLocallyCached: if the partition content is to be persisted locally so that it survives browser/server refresh.
  • isRemotePartition: if false, the partition is local to the gateway (can be combined with isLocallyCached)
  • procedural partitions where the event content can be derived from the partition URI itself via a publicly known algorithm. Cryptographic behaviors

A cryptographic behavior is one which relies on clients to be able to audit the event log when receiving events. This auditing is done using ValOS crypto algorithms like hash-chaining, event-signing and deterministic resource id generation (etc.) to prove that the partition satisfies the specified behavior up to the audited event index.

For example, ValOS infra might allow an application developer to create a partition with promise:

  • allowOnlyEventsSignedBy: only signed events by these keys/certs are accepted as truths
  • immutableHistory: historical events cannot be altered without it being apparent to gateways,
  • limitedEventTypes: only allow a particular subset of Event types,
  • limitedResourceModifications: only allow modifications on particular sets of resources,
  • mutableBehaviors: allow modification of the partition promises by specific events,
  • deterministicResourceIds: only allow resource ids which are deterministically tied to the event log itself (this is a central promise, but explaining this open is a post of its own).

It is the job of ValOS infrastructure to not just enable backend implementations but to cryptographically require them to make good on these behaviors promise lest clients outright rejecting the event log. And do this in a way that is still technically reasonable. Social behaviors

Social behavior is one where client needs to trust the authority and/or other users without an ability to prove

  • isPrimaryPartition: whether the partition contains primary content which can be modified or whether the partition is (living or static) shadow of some external source.
  • forgetful: no one, including partition creator, will be able to retrieve historical event data, only the most recent,
  • crossPartitionTransactions: events in this partition can be part of a (atomic) transaction spanning multiple partitions.
  • etc.

3.1.3. Behavior interactions

Even separately each one of the promises have different security/trust profiles. For example forgetful is a promise that cannot be cryptographically validated. Thus there's no way of knowing if some authority, service or client retains copies of the history. This is a promise where the partition creator has to have social trust the authority which hosting the partition - or institutional trust, where things like GDPR and legislation comes into play.

On the other hand immutableHistory, limitedEventTypes and limitedResourceModifications are promises where hash-chaining even without signing can be used to reduce the social trust the partition creator needs to have on other actors, especially authorities. But even this is possible only if there is a jointly trusted third party which maintains a list of "truth signatures". Maybe this third party is some global block-chain which contains "most recent validated and authorized truth hashes of all the world's partitions".

If there is no third party and no event signing then these behaviors become social behaviors: the gateway must again solely trust the authority.

Finally, when taken together and looking at a particular set of behaviors requested of a partition the combinations will get even more complex. Some promise combinations are outright not possible. For example the promise forgetful is potentially fundamentally incompatible with mutablePromises, because there's no way to validate the history to see if the promises have changed.

3.2. Hapless user protection security domain

This domain considers attacks that try to co-opt the computational resources and/or identity of a hapless but reasonable user in order to bring into being 1) infrastructurally valid ValOS events that are signed by the hapless user or 2) other computational side effects, yet 3) which are against reasonable expectations of the hapless user.

As a general purpose, decentralized interactive content creation platform ValOS cannot be expected to be able protect against all attacks in this category. However, all tools and solutions that are in line with ValOS philosophy and which help in reducing the prevalence and impact of this category of attacks should be aggressively pursued and integrated into ValOS core.

Once a technical solution is accepted as part of ValOS core infrastructure it becomes part of the infrastructure integrity domain.

3.2.1. Gateway guarantees

Gateway guarantees are mechanisms similar to CORS protections.

The role of a gateway in ValOS ecosystem is similar to browsers. It is a 'standardized', audited executable. Its users rely on it to restrict and isolate computation and requests made by the partitions (ie. documents) it handles and presents to the users in various ways. It does this to prevent malicious or broken partition from behaving against the interests or expectations of the user.

Gateway guarantees revolve around partition content interpretation, computation and presentation by restricting these processes based on the origin and other relevant contextual information.

As of 2019-03 There are no gateway guarantees, as they're mostly pending the authentication infrastructure.

3.3. Wild west authority security domain

The third major component of the ValOS infrastructure, Authorities, is of lesser importance due to couple of reasons.

From the perspective of authority owners:

  • authority owners can typically be expected to be in full control of their own infrastructure
  • authority owners are free to can use existing ValOS authority code bases or write their own against their chosen ValOS protocol specification
  • functional requirements for handling event streams don't necessitate arbitrary computation (this is done in Logic/Perspire Gateways), thus implementing code which reaches the security criteria of the authority owners is easier

In other words authority owners can take care of themselves if they want to, and if they don't want to there's nothing that can be done about that besides client-side crypto validation schemas.

From the perspective of clients:

  • technical and cryptographic trust aspects of partitions are provided by Presentation/Inspire Gateway performing validation of all incoming content, including crypto validations. Authorities are assumed to be broken and to only work usefully by accident.
  • social trust aspects towards authorities are provided by the incentives of the company/party/algorithm which hosts/pays/implements said authority. Or broken, or obviously lied about, depending on the nature of the social promise.

3.3.1. Institutional actors, Authorities and Logic/Perspire Gateways

For an institution with specific business case the authorities are likely only part of their own ValOS infrastructure. If they want to perform protected computation, host query-response business logic, expose API's etc. as they're very likely to want to do they will launch Perspire Gateway workers.

These workers however run the same gateway as Inspire Gateway in the browser does the same technical guarantees that made to Inspire Gateway users apply to them also. In addition, the initial configuration of a Logic/Perspire Gateway can be made as restrictive as desired, allowing execution of only a select set of partitions and communication with only the authorities of the institution itself.

4. Who is the attacker?

Note: this section is of noticeably lesser quality than the earlier sections and truly just a draft starting point.

Everyone is a potential attacker from the general ValOS standpoint. The vertical scope of ValOS infrastructure is the OSI application/presentation layer as that's where events and their resource contents are handled. For some behaviors the session layer is relevant: there is value in an authoritiy being able to tie a gateway user login identity to a particular connection separately from the key that the gateway uses to sign events.

Horizontal scope is everyone involved at all stages of the event stream handling, including all gateway streaming nodes and the backend authorities.

4.1. What is the aim of the attacker?

For partition behaviors the attack target is the specific behaviors that ValOS infrastructure allows that particular partition to make. For this the aim of the attacker can be any of the following generic goals:

  1. getting answers to specific "yes/no" questions regarding streamed information
  2. extraction of arbitrary information content from an event stream
  3. disruption of event streams with corrupted events so that they get blocked
  4. forgery of new events (incl. impersonation) so that they pass crypto auditing
  5. alteration of existing event history

For gateway guarantees the attack target is 'privilege escalation', so that malicious partition content can break the restriction guarantees that were requested from the gateway by the root application partition and/or by the gateway user. Browsers implement this by deny-all, allow-by-CORS, we will have to either co-opt CORS or come up with our own.

4.2. What are the capabilities of the attacker?

This section not even started.

NOTE(iridian, 2019-02): Two hilariously general hand-wavy principles or a wishlist that I dumped here to use as a conceptualization starting point:

  • no-cascade principle: when a set of assumptions are broken in a way that leads to break-down of a partition behavior or a gateway guarantee this shall only result in a sub-sequent breakdown of lesser amount other assumptions. What is lesser should be well-defined as some type of total ordering between over all behaviours/guarantees and their assumptions.

  • baseline-read-failure-to-no-writes: when an attacker manages to breach for an unencrypted read access to either a not-specifically-protected part of the event stream content handling, to in-memory execution contexts or to persisted content this breach must not result in the attacker being able to use information to make new events with impersonated identity or elevated privileges against baseline-secured partitions.

    "specifically-protected" is a provision for storage that contains identity information, security tokens etc. It could f.ex. be a solution where event signing is done in a process space separate to the JavaScript execution context (service workers, using crypto API, etc). Alternatively an authority can maintain identity sessions and only accepts events which are coming across that particular session and are signed by an identity affiliated with that session, in a solution where session login key/password are not stored or are stored separately from the event signing key.

There aren’t any published security advisories