- Dialogflow - A Google-owned platform that give users new ways to interact with your product by building engaging voice and text-based conversational interfaces, such as voice apps and chatbots, powered by AI.
- Facebook Messenger - Integration for Chat UI.
- Kommunicate - Kommunicate is a live chat and chatbots powered software for real-time, proactive and efficient customer support.
- Answers questions related to JETS recruitment.
- Answer content is currently based on the Jardines Careers website.
- A Knowledge Base has been used to answer FAQs.
- Uses Small Talk mechanism
- Integrate with Facebook Messenger or embed on website, mobile app using Kommunicate
- Uses 3rd party Chuck Norris API to tell jokes (Demo PoC, (Link))
- Download/Clone the jm-jets-chatbot git repository or download the zip file.
- Create a new agent in Dialogflow and subsequently import the zip file via the Settings menu.
- Setup Facebook Messenger integration and webhook. (See resources section for help).
- Setup Kommunicate account and get embed code from bot integration menu. (See resources section for help)
- Start chatting with Harvey on Messenger, website or mobile app.
- Smallcase naming convention has been applied throughout the project.
- Breaking down intent naming into jm-, jets-, and kb- primary classes.
- bad-words : Remind users to be polite.
- contact-us : Ask for Contact.
- convo-extension : Reply Emoji.
- Default Fallback : Ask user to type their question again.
- Default Welcome : First chatbot reply. Greeting and showing a menue.
- end-session : Ensure user will quit chatbot. Last chatbot reply.
- jets-app-process : List all application process: 1. Online Application (10 mins) 2. Online Tests (70 mins) 3. On-Demand Video Interview (20 mins) 4. Assessment Centre (Full Day, In person) 5. Offer
- jets-app-timeline-center : Show all Assessment Schedule.
- jets-apply-now : Link to Application Form.
- jets-faqs : Show a menu of all FAQs. To direct user to their desired FAQs.
- jets-info : About JETS, focus on the benefits of joining JETS.
- jets-salary : About the salary in JETS Programe
- jm-about : Show the menue of all "About", include Our Company, History, Business Unit
- jm-company : About Jardine and Matheson
- jm-history : About Jardine and Matheson
- jm-menue : Show the menue. To direct user to their desired
- jokes : No response. Debug purpose.
- kb-app-rolling : Application process is NOT on a rolling basis, there is screening
- kb-app-total-time : The duration of entire recruitment processes from appling to giving offer
- kb-astra : About Astra International
- kb-df : About Daily Farm
- kb-email-apply : Emphasis application method must be done by online application
- kb-hk-land: About Hong Kong Land
- kb-intake-num : About number of quota
- kb-jcc : About Jardine Cycle & Carriage
- kb-jmmotors : About Jardine motors
- kb-jp : Jardine Pacific
- kb-mo : Mandarin Oriental
- kb-reapply : People can re-apply even they have failed in previous year application
- kb-when-hear-back : The duration to get the application results
- kb-work-exp : It is not a must to have work experience. Target are fresh graduates.
-about -applicationTimeline -applyNow -bad-words -faqs -jardines -jets -joke -process -userQuit
- Training Data (train users' input to correct intents)
- To add more training phrase that triggers the Intent:
- Press Training, check if there are No match. If there is number indicating No match, pree the conversation to assign an intent for it.
- You may press > to check matched intent.
- Add / Change Responses (the content answered by the chatbot)
- Press Intents, go to section Response and press button ADD RESPONSES or change content directly.
- Add more synonyms for entities
- Press Entities, click the edit icon and enter synonyms.
- Migrate from static to dynamic responses using Firebase database.
- Using data from other sources for training phases.
- Addition of entities for more accurate intent matching.