This is for the Turtlebot Pincher arm, this contains the complete steps for installation of the moveit workspace along with the phantomX pincher arm files. It also has a URDF model and SRDF fo the turtlebot with the phantomx pincher arm. common issues during installation and building can be found at the end of this file
This contains the step for moveit installation. I recommend installing moveit at /opt/ros/kinetic/share and in a ws_moveit in the home diretory
navigate to where you install this repository you should be in PincherArmInstallTutorial
run in terminal
- bash
Installation for /opt/ros/kinetic/share: (Instructions found from
run in terminal do not run if you did the quick install
- sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-moveit
Installation for ws_moveit: (Instructions found from with added neccesary parts)
run in terminal do not run if you did the quick install
- rosdep update
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
- sudo apt-get install python-wstool python-catkin-tools clang-format-3.9
- mkdir ~/ws_moveit
- cd ~/ws_moveit
- source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
- wstool init src
- wstool merge -t src
- wstool update -t src
- rosdep install -y --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro kinetic
- catkin config --extend /opt/ros/kinetic --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- git clone
- cd ~/ws_moveit
- catkin build (this might take a long time, that is normal, do not panick)
- source ~/ws_moveit/devel/setup.bash
run in terminal
- cd ~/ws_moveit/src
- git clone
- git clone
- cd ..
- catkin build
- source ~/ws_moveit/devel/setup.bash
run in terminal
- cd ~/ws_moveit/src/phantomx_pincher_arm/phantomx_pincher_arm_description
- sudo rm -r urdf
You do not need terminal for this
- navigate to where you downloaded this github repository and enter into it
- copy the urdf folder
- navigate to the ws_moveit, then enter into src, then phantomx_pincher_arm then phantomx_pincher_arm_description
- paste the copied urdf folder into phantomx_pincher_arm_description
- navigate to where you downloaded this github repository and enter into it
- copy the kobuki_description folder
- navigate to the ws_moveit, then enter into src
- paste the copied kobuki_description folder into src folder
Solution: search (file)_msg ros in a web browser and go into the wiki page, go to the github page stated by the wiki page. Then navigate to the ws_moveit/src file and git clone (url found). Then cd .. and do catkin build in terminal.
Solution: if it doens't break the build you can ignore the error, most likely it doesn't mean anything.
Solution: Try looking up the error, or post about it on the repository's isuses page For directory's cup team ask Tim for my email, or go to the issues page on my repository and paste the error in, I will attempt to help you solve that error.
Solution: Make sure you are connected to a router with internet access. For directory's cup team if you are on ARF you should switch to PRF_guest and make sure that you are logged in. You can check this by opening firefox and trying to access a website. If that doens't work do sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade and try again. If it still doens't work ask Tim for my email or post the what package you were trying to install on my issues page.
Solution: post on my issues page. For directory's cup team you can ask Tim for help or for my email, you can also post those issues on the repository's issues page.