fakelist is a fake craigslist webapp built for learning purpose. It uses LAMP stack. Full tutorials will be available sometimes in the future at upretip.github.io/fakelist
Run it on a local LAMP stack by installing LAMPP on a VM from here. This will probably require learning and starting apache and mysql servers using LAMP.
Or use this Dockerfile
if docker is installed and started on your machine.
Execute rebuild.sh
as it already contains docker build commands using bash shell.
>$ chmod 784 ./rebuild.sh
>$ bash ./rebuild.sh
Visit the app by going to http://localhost:8000/.
Stop the container when done.
# stop and remove the container
>$ docker rm -f faker
# remove the docker image
>$ docker rmi lamp
#remove all unused volume
>$ docker volume prune
Need to execute the queries.sql
file on mysql to get the underlying table and default data. Dockerfile copies it inside working directory /app already.