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andy diller edited this page Nov 21, 2021 · 1 revision

                           Starting up the system...

Boot file not found on device: scsi(0)disk(6)rdisk(0)partition(8)/sash.

Unable to boot; press any key to continue: 
dks0d6s0: volume header not valid
Warning: unrecognized volume header type.

System Maintenance Menu

1) Start System
2) Install System Software
3) Run Diagnostics
4) Recover System
5) Enter Command Monitor

Option? 5
Command Monitor.  Type "exit" to return to the menu.
>> bootp():/6.5.22/Overlay/disc1/stand/fx.ARCS
Setting $netaddr to (from server
Obtaining /6.5.22/Overlay/disc1/stand/fx.ARCS from server
95040+26448+7168+2805248+50056d+5908+8928 entry: 0x97d4aa40
Currently in safe read-only mode.
Do you require extended mode with all options available? (no) yes
SGI Version 6.5 ARCS BE  Oct  6, 2003
fx: "device-name" = (dksc) 
fx: ctlr# = (0) 
fx: drive# = (1) 6
...opening dksc(0,6,0)
dks0d6s10: volume header not valid
sc0,6,0: SYNC negotiation error, resetting SCSI bus selftest...OK
fx: Warning:  invalid label from disk driver, ignored
Scsi drive type ==  SEAGATE          ST225N0210
...creating default bootinfo
...created default partitions, use /repartition menu to change
...creating default volume directory

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[exi]t             [d]ebug/           [l]abel/           [a]uto
[b]adblock/        [exe]rcise/        [r]epartition/
fx> r

----- partitions-----
part  type        blocks            Megabytes   (base+size)
  0: xfs      266240 + 3403776      130 + 1662 
  1: raw        4096 + 262144         2 + 128  
  8: volhdr        0 + 4096           0 + 2    
 10: volume        0 + 3670016        0 + 1792 

capacity is 3670016 blocks

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[ro]otdrive           [o]ptiondrive         [e]xpert
[u]srrootdrive        [re]size
fx/repartition> ro

fx/repartition/rootdrive: type of data partition = (xfs) 
Warning: you will need to re-install all software and restore user data
from backups after changing the partition layout.  Changing partitions
will cause all data on the drive to be lost.  Be sure you have the drive
backed up if it contains any user data.  Continue? yes

----- partitions-----
part  type        blocks            Megabytes   (base+size)
  0: xfs      266240 + 3403776      130 + 1662 
  1: raw        4096 + 262144         2 + 128  
  8: volhdr        0 + 4096           0 + 2    
 10: volume        0 + 3670016        0 + 1792 

capacity is 3670016 blocks

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[ro]otdrive           [o]ptiondrive         [e]xpert
[u]srrootdrive        [re]size
fx/repartition> ..

----- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu)-----
[exi]t             [d]ebug/           [l]abel/           [a]uto
[b]adblock/        [exe]rcise/        [r]epartition/
fx> exi

sc0,6,0: SYNC negotiation error, resetting SCSI bus

System Maintenance Menu

1) Start System
2) Install System Software
3) Run Diagnostics
4) Recover System
5) Enter Command Monitor

Option? 2

                         Installing System Software...

                       Press <Esc> to return to the menu.

1) Remote Tape  2) Remote Directory  X) Local CD-ROM  X) Local Tape  

Enter 1-4 to select source type, <esc> to quit,
or <enter> to start: 2

Enter the name of the remote host:
Enter the remote directory: 6.5.22/Overlay/disc1/dist

1) Remote Tape  2)[Remote Directory]  X) Local CD-ROM  X) Local Tape  
      *a) Remote directory 6.5.22/Overlay/disc1/dist from server

Enter 1-4 to select source type, a to select the source, <esc> to quit,
or <enter> to start: 

Setting $netaddr to (from server
Copying installation program to disk.
Setting $netaddr to (from server
......... 10% ......... 20% ......... 30% ......... 40% ......... 50% 
......... 60% ......... 70% ......... 80% ......... 90% ......... 100% 

Copy complete
Setting $netaddr to (from server
Setting $netaddr to (from server
IRIX Release 6.5 IP22 Version 10070055 System V
Copyright 1987-2003 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

gfe1: missing
gfe0: missing
xpi0: missing from slot 1
root on /hw/node/io/gio/hpc/scsi_ctlr/0/target/6/lun/0/disk/partition/1/block ; dumpdev on /dev/swap ; boot swap0
Creating miniroot devices, please wait...

Current system date is Fri Nov 05 12:20:49 PST 1993

Mounting file systems:

/dev/dsk/realroot: Invalid argument
No valid file system found on: /dev/dsk/realroot
This is your system disk: without it we have nothing
on which to install software.

Make new file system on /dev/dsk/realroot [yes/no/sh/help]: yes

About to remake (mkfs) file system on: /dev/dsk/realroot
This will destroy all data on disk partition: /dev/dsk/realroot.

        Are you sure? [y/n] (n): y

        Block size of filesystem 512 or 4096 bytes? 512

Doing: mkfs -b size=512 /dev/dsk/realroot
meta-data=/dev/rdsk/realroot     isize=256    agcount=8, agsize=425472 blks
data     =                       bsize=512    blocks=3403776, imaxpct=25
         =                       sunit=0      swidth=0 blks, unwritten=1
naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   mixed-case=Y
log      =internal log           bsize=512    blocks=4944
realtime =none                   extsz=65536  blocks=0, rtextents=0

Trying again to mount /dev/dsk/realroot on /root.

UX:make: INFO: `scsi' is up to date.
NOTICE: XVM mirrors enabled
NOTICE: XVM snapshot enabled
xvminit complete
    /dev/miniroot            on  /
    /dev/dsk/realroot        on  /root

Invoking software installation.

What is the hostname (system name) of your machine? iris
What is the network address of iris?
What is the netmask for
Press Enter for the IP class default [0xffffff00]: 
Starting network with hostname: iris, at ip address:

Default distribution to install from:

For help on inst commands, type "help overview".

Inst 4.1 Main Menu

 1. from [source ...]            Specify location of software to be installed
 2. open [source ...]            Specify additional software locations
 3. close [source ...]           Close a software distribution location
 4. list [keywords] [names]      Display information about software subsystems
 5. go                           Perform software installation and removal now
 6. install [keywords] [names]   Select subsystems to be installed
 7. remove [keywords] [names]    Select subsystems to be removed
 8. keep [keywords] [names]      Do not install or remove these subsystems
 9. step [keywords] [names]      Interactive mode for install/remove/keep
10. conflicts [choice ...]       List or resolve installation conflicts
11. help [topic]                 Get help in general or on a specific word
12. view ...                     Go to the View Commands Menu
13. admin ...                    Go to the Administrative Commands Menu
14. quit                         Terminate software installation

Inst> 13

Administrative Commands Menu

 1. set [preferences]            List all preferences or set/clear a preference
 2. date [args]                  Display or set the system date
 3. files [names]                List files in subsystems
 4. space                        List disk usage information
 5. recalculate                  Recalculate space required for installation
 6. sh [cmd]                     Escape to a shell or run a command
 7. shroot [cmd]                 Escape to a chrooted shell or run a command
 8. relocate [prod [disk] ]      Relocate product to a different disk
 9. mount [fsname] [dir]         Show mounted filesystems or mount new ones
10. umount [fsname]              Unmount a filesystem
11. mkfs [blockdevice]           Make a new filesystem
12. sethostname                  Set name of current host, for networking
13. sethostipaddr                Set host ipaddr - Internet address
14. save filename                Save selection to file
15. load filename                Load selection from file
16. source filename              Execute inst commands from file
17. rqs                          Perform rqs(1) processing
18. config [changed]             List all or modified config files
19. hardware                     List machine-specific hardware information
20. updatekeepfile               Add N(ew), unselected subsystems to keepfile
21. return                       Go to the Inst Main Menu      

Admin> 15
Load selections from file:

IRIX 6.5.22 Installation Tools and Overlays, November 2003 README
Silicon Graphics, Inc.

The IRIX 6.5.22 Overlay CDs contain the miniroot and other components
necessary for booting the system into the basic installation environment.
A "Customer Welcome" document includes installing IRIX 6.5 and other
vital information you should read before you install this release of IRIX.

 To view the Installing IRIX 6.5 pages:
 1. Insert the Installation Tools and Overlays CD 1-of-3 November 2003
    into the CD-ROM drive.
 2. Open a Web browser and enter the following address:

    NOTE: Literally type yourSystem.html; do not
          type your actual system name.

 3. Click the "Installing IRIX 6.5" link.

The MIPSpro 7.4. Compiler Release 

Each MIPSpro 7.4 Compiler Language is packaged on 3 CD's.

1. MIPSpro 7.4 Compiler Execution Envrionment (EOE) CD
2. Irix Development Foundation (IDF) 1.3 CD
3. MIPSpro C (or C++, F77, F90) Compiler CD 

Installation under /

This example assumes that the dev and irix_dev
images have already been installed. These base images
are located on the IRIX Development Libraries CD (IDL)
and updated with each version of 6.5.x on the 
Irix 6.5.x Installation Tools and Overlays CD's.

To install the MIPSpro 7.4 compiler products
on top of an earlier MIPSpro release under / 
use the inst command as follows:
IRIX 6.5 Applications, November 2003 

The IRIX 6.5 Applications CD, November 2003, is a companion to IRIX 6.5.22.
This CD contains the IRIX Desktop and various desktop applications.  It 
replaces all previous IRIX 6.5 Applications CDs (June 1998 through August

Application upgrades shipped with the IRIX release are either Full images
or Overlays.  Updates to Full images are found on the Applications CD whereas 
updated Overlays are found on the IRIX 6.5.22 Overlay CDs.  Additional
applications can be found on the Base IRIX 6.5 CDs and the Complementary
Applications CD. To install the new versions of Overlay applications
you must install IRIX 6.5.22.  

The /CDROM/dist/dev and /CDROM/dist/extras directories have been moved
to the Complementary Applications CD.

Products migrated to Complementary Applications CD
  * Common Desktop Environment, 5.3.2
The MIPSpro 7.4.3m Compiler Update 

This distribution is the second maintenance
update of the MIPSpro 7.4 Compilers for 
IRIX 6.5.x. It is currently packaged as a 
set of the following overlay images that are 
installed on top of MIPSpro 7.4.

  c++_eoe, ftn_eoe, compiler_eoe
  c++_dev, compiler_dev, ftn90_dev, ftn77_dev, ftn_dev
  c_fe, c++_fe, ftn77_fe, ftn90_fe

            Please NOTE:

Under MIPSpro 7.4.3m (and 7.4) C++, 
-LANG:std and -LANG:libc_in_namespace_std 
are both on by default.

To override this either use 
The MIPSpro 7.4.4m Compiler Update 

This distribution is the fourth maintenance
update of the MIPSpro 7.4 Compilers for 
IRIX 6.5.x. It is currently packaged as a 
set of the following overlay images that are 
installed on top of MIPSpro 7.4.

  c++_eoe, ftn_eoe, compiler_eoe
  c++_dev, compiler_dev, ftn90_dev, ftn77_dev, ftn_dev
  c_fe, c++_fe, ftn77_fe, ftn90_fe

            Please NOTE:

Under MIPSpro 7.4.4m (and 7.4) C++, 
-LANG:std and -LANG:libc_in_namespace_std 
are both on by default.

To override this either use 
MIPSpro C Compiler 7.4

This CD contains MIPSpro C compiler 
front-ends packaged as c_fe images.

You will also need to install the overlays
from the Compiler Execution Environment
(EOE) 7.4 CD and the IRIX Development
Foundation 1.3 CD.

For more information please consult the
inst.README file on the IRIX Development
Foundation (IDF) 1.3 CD as well as the 
IDF 1.3 release notes (#relnotes idf 1).

         PLEASE NOTE: 

Full C99 functionality requires
that patchSG0004605 is installed on IRIX 6.5.18
and above systems. For more information please
consult chapter 1 of the release notes on this
Compiler Execution Environment (EOE) 7.4

This CD contains the compiler related
runtime libraries packaged as 
ftn_eoe, c++_eoe and compiler_eoe overlays.
They are necessary for MIPSpro 7.4 compilers
running on IRIX 6.5.x systems.

This CD also contains dist_modules directory
containing images necessary for a modules
style installation of MIPSpro 7.4 compilers
to an alternate root.

For more information please consult the
inst.README file on the IRIX Development
Foundation (IDF) 1.3 CD as well as the 
IDF 1.3 release notes (#relnotes idf 1).

Note: These overlays are duplicated in 
      IRIX 6.5.19 and may appear as 
      downgrades there.
MIPSpro C++ Compiler 7.4

This CD contains MIPSpro C++ compiler 
front-ends packaged as c++_fe images.

You will also need to install the overlays
from the Compiler Execution Environment
(EOE) 7.4 CD and the IRIX Development
Foundation 1.3 CD.

For more information please consult the
inst.README file on the IRIX Development
Foundation (IDF) 1.3 CD as well as the 
IDF 1.3 release notes (#relnotes idf 1).

           PLEASE NOTE: 

On IRIX 6.5.18 systems and above, you must
install patchSG0004605 from the IRIX Development
Foundation (IDF) 1.3 CD.

MIPSpro Auto Parallelizing Option 7.4

This CD contains only contains release
notes. The functionality for automatic
parallelziation (-apo) is built into
the compiler back-end. To use this
functionality with any of the MIPSpro 7.4
compilers you will need to obtain and 
install a license for this product.

For more information consult the release
notes on this CD (#relnotes apo_doc).

Reading product descriptions ..  27% 
Skipping product infosearch (already open)
Skipping product insight (already open)
Skipping product insight_base (already open)
Skipping product license_eoe (already open)
Skipping product sgsearch (already open)
Reading product descriptions ..  29% 
Skipping product modules (already open)
Reading product descriptions ..  33% 
Skipping product c++_dev (already open)
Skipping product c_dev (already open)
Skipping product compiler_dev (already open)
Skipping product ftn77_dev (already open)
Skipping product ftn90_dev (already open)
Skipping product ftn_dev (already open)
Skipping product langtools (already open)
Skipping product modules (already open)
Skipping product patchSG0004605 (already open)
Skipping product patchSG0005329 (already open)
Skipping product patchSG0005401 (already open)
Reading product descriptions ..  35% 
Skipping product c_fe (already open)
Reading product descriptions ..  37% 
Distribution is empty, or contains only products that are already open.
Skipping product c++_eoe (already open)
Skipping product compiler_eoe (already open)
Reading product descriptions ..  38% 
Skipping product ftn_eoe (already open)
Reading product descriptions ..  39% 
Distribution is empty, or contains only products that are already open.
Skipping product c++_fe (already open)
Reading product descriptions ..  41% 
Distribution is empty, or contains only products that are already open.
Reading product descriptions ..  43% 

Select appropriate software stream to install.
Before you install an intermediate release, you must select
between two streams of installable software: the maintenance
stream, which contains accumulated bug fixes and any required software
for new hardware components; or the feature stream, which contains
accumulated bug fixes, any required software for new hardware
components, and new hardware and software features.  After your
selection, inst automatically identifies the modules in the stream
that you selected and loads them with no further prompting.
The currently loaded distributions contain maintenance and feature
stream products.

Select the maintenance stream if you simply want to maintain the
current hardware and software functions on your system.  The
maintenance stream insures compatibility of new hardware components.

Select the feature stream if you want to upgrade hardware and
software with new features.  Occasionally, the feature stream
introduces incompatibilities between old and new hardware components.

To change the stream selection between maintenance and feature,
reset the stream preference to the new setting.  In some cases,
resetting the stream preference and installing products from the
new stream requires reinstalling portions of the IRIX operating system.
1. Place me on the maintenance stream.
2. Place me on the feature stream.
3. Cancel
Please enter a choice [1]: 2
Reading product descriptions .. 100% Done.
WARNING: This software distribution is not meant to install on 
the version of IRIX currently running on this machine.  Sorry.
Please insert the CD containing PCP 2.2 to begin

This distribution contains overlay products.  You may need to specify
additional distributions that contain the base software for these overlays.
If you do not load all the related distributions now, "Conflict" messages
later in the installation will prompt you to load any other necessary CDs.
(See the "overlay" help topic for more information.)

You can enter the name of a different distribution and press "Enter."

Or, enter "done" if you are ready to proceed with the installation now.

Install software from: [] done
Importing selections from

Admin> e^?re
ere is not an item on this menu.
type ? or <Enter> to display menu

Admin> return

Inst 4.1 Main Menu

 1. from [source ...]            Specify location of software to be installed
 2. open [source ...]            Specify additional software locations
 3. close [source ...]           Close a software distribution location
 4. list [keywords] [names]      Display information about software subsystems
 5. go                           Perform software installation and removal now
 6. install [keywords] [names]   Select subsystems to be installed
 7. remove [keywords] [names]    Select subsystems to be removed
 8. keep [keywords] [names]      Do not install or remove these subsystems
 9. step [keywords] [names]      Interactive mode for install/remove/keep
10. conflicts [choice ...]       List or resolve installation conflicts
11. help [topic]                 Get help in general or on a specific word
12. view ...                     Go to the View Commands Menu
13. admin ...                    Go to the Administrative Commands Menu
14. quit                         Terminate software installation

Inst> keep *

Inst> install standard

Inst> keep incompleteoverlays

Inst> remove java_dev*

Inst> remove java2_plugin*

Inst> conflicts
No conflicts

Inst> go
Pre-installation check ..   8% 
Checking space requirements ..  16% 
Installing/removing files ..  16% 
Installing new versions of selected eoe.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  18% 
Installing new versions of selected compiler_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  20% 
Installing new versions of selected x_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected motif_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected 4Dwm.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ViewKit_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected desktop_base.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected dmedia_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  22% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected tooltalk_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected tooltalk_eoe.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected websupport_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected websupport_eoe.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected appletalk.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected netscape.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  23% 
Installing new versions of selected sgi_apache.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sgi_apache.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected dps_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected accessx.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected desktop_tools.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected imgtools.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected insight_gloss.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected outbox.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sitemgr.books subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  24% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected Teleffect.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected java2_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  25% 
Installing new versions of selected java2_eoe.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected print.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected accessx.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected acrobat.plugins subsystems
Installing new versions of selected acrobat.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected arraysvcs.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected cms_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected cosmoplayer.lang subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected cosmoplayer.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected cosmoplayer.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  26% 
Installing new versions of selected desktop_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected flash5.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected gateway.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  27% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected imgtools.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected java3d.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected java3d.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected java_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected java_eoe.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected java_plugin.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected java_plugin.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected macromedia.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected media_warehouse.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected mozilla.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  28% 
Installing new versions of selected mpi.hdr subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  29% 
Installing new versions of selected mpi.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected mpi.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected mpi.sw64 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected mpt.relnotes subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected nedit.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected netscape.plugin subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  30% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected outbox.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected scsl.hdr subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  32% 
Installing new versions of selected scsl.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected scsl.sw64 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sgimeeting.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sgimeeting.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected showcase.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  34% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sitemgr.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sma.hdr subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sma.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sma.sw64 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sysadmdesktop.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  35% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sysmon.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected websetup.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  36% 
Installing new versions of selected webviewer.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  39% 
Installing new versions of selected gl_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  40% 
Installing new versions of selected motif_dev.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  41% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected cms_dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected inst_dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected irix_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ViewKit_dev.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  42% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected complib_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected complib_dev.sw64 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected complib_eoe.hdr subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  46% 
Installing new versions of selected complib_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected complib_eoe.sw64 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  48% 
Installing new versions of selected dmedia_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ifl_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected inst_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected webviewer_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  49% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ifl_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected il_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected javascript_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected javascript_eoe.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected pcp_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  51% 
Installing new versions of selected sgitcl_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected inventor_dev.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  52% 
Installing new versions of selected motif21_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  53% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected performer_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected performer_demo.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  54% 
Installing new versions of selected infosearch.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected license_eoe.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected motif_books.books subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  55% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ViewKit21_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected infosearch.index subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected infosearch.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected insight.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected insight.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected insight_base.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  56% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected kerberos.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected license_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  57% 
Installing new versions of selected ntp.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected openldap.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected openssh.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected openssl.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sgsearch.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected shader_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected CaseVision.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  58% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ProMP.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected SpeedShop.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected SpeedShop.sw64 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected WorkShop.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected WorkShop.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected dbx.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected Welcome.doc subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  59% 
Installing new versions of selected Welcome.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected roboinst.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected x_eoe.src subsystems
Installing new versions of selected eoe.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  63% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  65% 
Installing new versions of selected x_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  67% 
Installing new versions of selected dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected desktop_eoe.books subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  69% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected desktop_tools.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected eoe.books subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  72% 
Installing new versions of selected irix_dev.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  73% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected print.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected 4Dwm.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected desktop_base.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected desktop_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected pcp_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  74% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sysadmdesktop.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sysmon.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected sysmon.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected inventor_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected compiler_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected gl_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  76% 
Installing new versions of selected motif_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected motif_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected dps_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected license_dev.demo subsystems
Installing new versions of selected license_dev.hdr subsystems
Installing new versions of selected license_dev.lib subsystems
Installing new versions of selected license_dev.lib32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected license_dev.lib64 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ViewKit_dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected dvdr.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected gl_dev.books subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  78% 
Installing new versions of selected inst_dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected webviewer.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ViewKit_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ViewKit_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected dmedia_dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected dmedia_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected dmedia_eoe.books subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  79% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected dmedia_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  80% 
Installing new versions of selected dps_eoe.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ifl_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ifl_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected il_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected inst_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected media_warehouse.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected tooltalk_eoe.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected tooltalk_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected tooltalk_eoe.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected websupport_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected websupport_eoe.sw32 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected webviewer.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected x_dev.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  81% 
Installing new versions of selected c_fe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected c++_fe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected compiler_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected c++_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ftn_eoe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected compiler_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected compiler_dev.hdr subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected c_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected c_fe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected c++_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected c++_fe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected c++_dev.hdr subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ftn77_fe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ftn90_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ftn90_fe.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected c++_dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected c_dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected compiler_dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ftn77_dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected patchSG0007076.c++_dev_hdr subsystems
Installing new versions of selected patchSG0007188.c++_fe_sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected patchSG0007188.c_fe_sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected compiler_dev.sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  82% 
Installing new versions of selected compiler_dev.hdr subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  83% 
Installing new versions of selected c_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected c++_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected c++_dev.hdr subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ftn77_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ftn90_dev.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ftn_dev.hdr subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  84% 
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  85% 
Installing new versions of selected c++_dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected compiler_dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected ftn77_dev.books subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected langtools.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected subsystems
Installing new versions of selected modules.sw subsystems
Installing new versions of selected patchSG0005329.c++_dev_hdr_6518 subsystems
Installing new versions of selected patchSG0005329.compiler_dev_hdr_6518 subsys
Installing new versions of selected patchSG0005401.modules_sw subsystems
Installing/removing files ..  86% 
Running exit-commands ..  86% 
UX:make: INFO: `local.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `install.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `system.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `default.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `local.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `install.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `system.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `default.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `local.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `install.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `system.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `default.otr' is up to date.

* You must generate real certificates for your site before enabling *
* https support in sgi_apache.  See the relnotes for details.       *

UX:make: INFO: `local.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `install.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `system.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `default.otr' is up to date.

To complete the installation of Teleffect you must configure Teleffect.
To do this run /usr/sbin/teleffect as root.
Running exit-commands ..  87% 
UX:make: INFO: `local.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `install.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `system.otr' is up to date.
UX:make: INFO: `default.otr' is up to date.
Running exit-commands ..  91% 
Checking dependencies .. 100% Done.
Calculating sizes .. 100% Done.
Installations and removals were successful.
You may continue with installations or quit now.

Inst> quit
Requickstarting ELF files (see rqsall(1)) .. 100% Done.
Automatically reconfiguring the operating system.
Ready to restart the system.  Restart? { (y)es, (n)o, (sh)ell, (h)elp }: y
Preparing to restart system ...

The system is being restarted.

sc0,6,0: SYNC negotiation error, resetting SCSI bus

                           Starting up the system...

sc0,6,0: SYNC negotiation error, resetting SCSI bus
sc0,6,0: SYNC negotiation error, resetting SCSI bus
IRIX Release 6.5 IP22 Version 10070055 System V
Copyright 1987-2003 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

NOTICE: wd93 SCSI Bus=0 ID=6: SYNC negotiation error, resetting bus
The system is coming up.

network: WARNING: IRIS's Internet address is the default.
Using standalone network mode.
Warning:  Internet Gateway web server running as root.
          Use "chkconfig webface_apache off" to disable.
First RE may not be null
First RE may not be null
First RE may not be null
First RE may not be null
First RE may not be null
First RE may not be null

IRIS console login: root
IRIX Release 6.5 IP22 IRIS
Copyright 1987-2003 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
TERM = (vt100) 

IRIS 1# hinv
CPU: MIPS R4400 Processor Chip Revision: 6.0
FPU: MIPS R4000 Floating Point Coprocessor Revision: 0.0
1 200 MHZ IP22 Processor
Main memory size: 320 Mbytes
Secondary unified instruction/data cache size: 1 Mbyte on Processor 0
Instruction cache size: 16 Kbytes
Data cache size: 16 Kbytes
Integral SCSI controller 0: Version WD33C93B, revision D
  Disk drive: unit 6 on SCSI controller 0
Integral SCSI controller 1: Version WD33C93B, revision D
On-board serial ports: 2
On-board bi-directional parallel port
Graphics board: GR3-Elan
Integral Ethernet: ec0, version 1
Iris Audio Processor: version A2 revision 1.1.0
EISA bus: adapter 0
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