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A browser-based and node.js client to BloomAPI.


The following are steps to get BloomJS into your javascript-based project.


Place dist/bloom.min.js from the GitHub project or install it with bower (bower install bloomjs) into your project in a location accessible from the web. Include it in your site with a script tag

<script src="js/bloom.min.js"></script>


npm install bloom-js

Use it in your node project via

var bloomjs = require('bloom-js');

Client API

Create New Client

bloomjs.Client(<API Key OR options>);

  • Returns: BloomJS Client Object
  • API Key BloomAPI access key
  • options object can have the follow parameters

BloomJS Client Object


  • Returns nothing
  • callback a function that will be called once results retrieved. Paramters to callback include
    • error an object that is set if something went wrong
    • response an array of sources available<source>, <search params>, <options>, <callback>)

  • Returns nothing
  • source is a string that matches a BloomAPI data source name (e.g. 'usgov.hhs.npi')
  • search params is a object that represnts a query. See Example Usage for expected object structure. Optional
  • options object with options to pass through that are not search params (e.g. 'offset' and 'limit') Optional
  • callback a function that will be called once results retrieved. Parameters to callback include
    • error an object that is set if something went wrong
    • response an array of results found given query
    • info additional information on the query/ response. Currently includes meta which is the metadata from the response (e.g. rowCount and messages)

bloomClient.find(<source>, <id>, <callback>)

  • Returns nothing
  • source is a string that matches a BloomAPI data source name (e.g. 'usgov.hhs.npi')
  • id a string that will be used to match the ID of the dataset (e.g. the ten-digit unique NPI or an HCPCS code)
  • callback a function that will be called once results retrieved. Parameters to callback include
    • error an object that is set if something went wrong
    • response an single result found given id

Example Usage

The following will work on both the browser (using JSONP behind the scenes) and Node.js:

Create a new client

// Basic
var bloomClient = new bloomjs.Client();

// If using an API Key
var bloomClient = new bloomjs.Client('<API Key Here>');

// If using your own server (with or without your own API keys)
var bloomClient = new bloomjs.Client({
    url: "",
    apiKey: "<API Key Here>" // Optional

Query available datasources

  bloomClient.sources(function (error, response) {
    if (error) return console.log(error.stack);
    var source = response[0];
    console.log('=== First available source');
    console.log('Name: ' + source.source);
    console.log('Last Checked for Updates: ' + source.checked);

Search the National Provider Identifier (NPI) without parameters'usgov.hhs.npi', function (error, response, info) {
    if (error) return console.log(error.stack);
    console.log('=== First available NPI');
    console.log('NPI: ' + response[0].npi);
    console.log('Total NPIs: ' + info['meta']['rowCount']);

Search HCPCS Procedure Codes for the code 'C9289''usgov.hhs.hcpcs', {
    'code': 'C9289'
  }, function (error, response) {
    if (error) return console.log(error.stack);
    console.log('=== HCPCS code found');
    console.log('Code: ' + response[0].code);

Page through search results

  var bloomjs = require('bloom-js');
  var bloomClient = new bloomjs.Client();

  function searchAll(dataset, query, cb) {
    var offset = 0;

    (function searchMore(aggregate) {, query, { 'offset': offset, 'limit': 100 }, function (err, data, info) {
        if (err) return cb(err);

        data = data.concat(aggregate);

        if (info.meta.rowCount > data.length) {
          offset += 100;
        } else {
          cb(null, data);

  searchAll('usgov.hhs.npi', {'last_name': 'murillo'}, function (err, results) {
    if (err) console.log(err.stack);

Search HCPCS Procedure Codes for any code with word that starts with 'ambula' in the description' This also specifies an offset and limit using the options parameter.'usgov.hhs.hcpcs', {
      'long_description': {
        'prefix': 'ambula'
    }, {
      'offset': 0,
      'limit': 10
    }, function (error, response) {
      if (error) return console.log(error.stack);
      console.log('=== HCPCS code starting with ambula');
      console.log('Code: ' + response[0].code);

Search for HCPCS codes with both the prefix 'ambula' and another word 'emer''usgov.hhs.hcpcs', [
        'long_description': { 'prefix': 'ambula' }
        'long_description': { 'prefix': 'emer' }
    ], function (error, response, info) {
      if (error) return console.log(error.stack);
      console.log('=== HCPCS code starting with ambula AND emer');
      console.log('Code: ' + response[0].code);

Search HCPCS for both code 'L8410' and 'C9289' (Logical OR)'usgov.hhs.hcpcs', {
    'code': ['L8410', 'C9289']
  }, function (error, response) {
    if (error) return console.log(error.stack);
    console.log('=== HCPCS code with codes L8410 or C9289');
    console.log('Code: ' + response[0].code);
    console.log('Code: ' + response[1].code);

Find a National Provider Identifier its NPI

bloomClient.find('usgov.hhs.hcpcs', 1770707127, function (error, response) {
    if (error) return console.log(error.stack);
    console.log('=== NPI details for 1770707127');
    console.log('NPI: ' + response.npi);


Javascript client for BloomAPI






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