Wrapper around the AWS cli for quick queries of AWS resources (currently only EC2)
When trying to access an AWS resource, most developers have to open the console, search for their instance, copy and paste the info they need then proceed. Mr. Deets is a small binary to avoid the small but mundane task.
./mrDeets -option []{value}
./mrDeets -option []{value} -out -option []{value}
-availability-zone value
the availability zone of the instance
-aws-region string
what region should should we search in
-instance-id value
the instance-id of the instance
-out value
what properties to display. use --help to see properties
-private-ip-address value
the private IP address
-public-dns-name value
the public DNS name of the instance
-public-ip-address value
the public IP address
-security-groups value
the security groups of the instance
-state value
the current state of the instance (running, pending, etc)
-tag value
the tag key(s)/value(s) of the instance
-tag-key value
the tag key(s) of the instance
-tag-value value
the tag values(s) of the instance
-vpc-id value
the VPC Id of the instance
search by tag key/value
./mrDeets -tag Name=nonprod::streaming* -aws-region us-west-2
search by tag value
./mrDeets -tag-value nonprod* -aws-region us-west-2
get the IP address back from an instance id
./mrDeets -instance-id i-05502a7f472395473 -out public-ip-address -aws-region us-west-2
think I know part of the name and want the IP address
./mrDeets -tag Name=*soundwave*development* -aws-region us-west-2 -out public-ip-address
ssh into the box using the instance id
ssh ec2-user@`./mrDeets -instance-id i-05502a7f472395473 -out public-ip-address -aws-region us-west-2`
Last login: Fri May 25 22:12:43 2018 from
[ec2-user@ip-10-82-28-212 ~]$
combine filters
./mrDeets -tag-value nonprod* -vpc-id vpc-c4717aa0 -aws-region us-west-2
combine output filters
./mrDeets -instance-id i-05502a7f472395473 -out "public-ip-address,vpc-id,tag" -aws-region us-west-2
tag: aws:autoscaling:groupName=streaming_service-1-staging
tag: Name=nonprod::streaming_service::staging::1
tag: datadog=monitored
tag: Application=streaming_service
tag: Environment=staging