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[geom] 3D Mesh elements
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* Add support in Mesh for: tetra, pyramid, prism, hexa
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holl- committed Dec 6, 2024
1 parent cd4897d commit 1a3720d
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 32 deletions.
100 changes: 68 additions & 32 deletions phi/geom/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import cached_property
from functools import cached_property, lru_cache
from numbers import Number
from typing import Dict, List, Sequence, Union, Any, Tuple, Optional

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,15 +99,13 @@ def face_normals(self) -> Tensor:

def _faces(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if self.element_rank == 2:
centers, normals, areas, boundary_slices = build_faces(, self.elements, self.boundaries, self.element_rank, self.periodic, self._vertex_mean, self.face_format)
return {
'center': centers,
'normal': normals,
'area': areas,
'boundary_slices': boundary_slices,
return None
centers, normals, areas, boundary_slices = build_faces(, self.elements, self.boundaries, self.element_rank, self.periodic, self._vertex_mean, self.face_format)
return {
'center': centers,
'normal': normals,
'area': areas,
'boundary_slices': boundary_slices,

def face_shape(self) -> Shape:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -682,19 +680,19 @@ def build_faces(vertices: Tensor, # (vertices:i, vector)
vertex_id[np.concatenate(boundaries[dim+'+'])] = vertex_id[np.concatenate(boundaries[dim+'-'])[::-1] if is_flipped else np.concatenate(boundaries[dim+'-'])]
is_periodic = dim_mask(vertices.vector.item_names, tuple(periodic))
# --- element-facet and facet-vertex matrix. A facet describes a single oriented face of an element, i.e. shared faces get two entries. ---
v_count = dsum(elements).numpy() # number of vertices per element
v1 = stored_indices(elements).index[dual(elements).name].numpy()
if element_rank == 2: # edges are the lines between neighbor vertices in the vertex lists + the edge last-to-first
v1 = stored_indices(elements).index[dual(elements).name].numpy()
v1 = vertex_id[v1]
n_f = v1.size # total number of facets (excluding boundaries)
f_count = dsum(elements).numpy() # #facets per element
ptr = np.cumsum(f_count)
ptr = np.cumsum(v_count)
roll = np.arange(v1.size) + 1
roll[ptr - 1] = ptr - f_count
roll[ptr - 1] = ptr - v_count
v12 = np.stack([v1, v1[roll]], -1).flatten()
f_idx = np.arange(v1.size, dtype=v1.dtype)
f_idx2 = f_idx.repeat(2)
f_v = coo_matrix((np.ones(n_f*2, np.int32), (f_idx2, v12)), shape=(n_f, n_v)) # facet-vertex matrix
e_idx = np.arange(instance(elements).size).repeat(f_count)
e_idx = np.arange(instance(elements).size).repeat(v_count)
e_f = coo_matrix((np.ones(n_f, bool), (e_idx, f_idx)), shape=(n_e, n_f)) # element-facet matrix
# --- Compute facet properties: center, normal, area ---
f_v_pos = vertices[reshaped_tensor(v12, [instance('facets') + dual(pair=2)])] # vertex positions of every (inner) facet
Expand All @@ -703,37 +701,62 @@ def build_faces(vertices: Tensor, # (vertices:i, vector)
bounds = bounding_box(vertices)
delta = PERIODIC.shortest_distance(cell_center - bounds.lower, f_v_pos - bounds.lower, bounds.size)
f_v_pos = where(is_periodic, cell_center + delta, f_v_pos)
edge_center = dmean(f_v_pos)
f_center = dmean(f_v_pos)
edge_dir = f_v_pos.pair.dual[1] - f_v_pos.pair.dual[0]
edge_len = vec_length(edge_dir)
area = vec_length(edge_dir)
normal = vec_normalize(stack([-edge_dir[1], edge_dir[0]], channel(edge_dir)))
elif element_rank == 3:
v3d, c3d = element_types_3d()
n_v_per_f = [c3d[v] for v in v_count]
n_f_per_e = [len(v) for v in n_v_per_f]
n_fv_per_e = [sum(v) for v in n_v_per_f]
n_v_per_f = np.concatenate(n_v_per_f)
n_f = sum(n_f_per_e)
f_ptr = np.pad(np.cumsum(n_v_per_f), (1, 0))
v_idx0 = np.concatenate([v3d[v] for v in v_count]) # here vertex indices start at 0 for each element
v_idx = v1[v_idx0 + np.pad(np.cumsum(n_f_per_e), (1, 0))[:-1].repeat(n_fv_per_e)]
f_v = csr_matrix((np.ones(v_idx.size, np.int32), v_idx, f_ptr), shape=(n_f, n_v))
f_idx = np.arange(n_f)
e_ptr = np.pad(np.cumsum(n_f_per_e), (1, 0))
e_f = csr_matrix((np. ones(n_f, bool), f_idx, e_ptr), shape=(n_e, n_f))
# --- Compute facet properties: center, normal, area ---
facet_vertices = wrap(f_v, 'facets:i', instance(vertices).as_dual())
f_v_pos = facet_vertices * vertices.Ti
if periodic: # map v_pos: closest to cell_center
e_idx = np.arange(n_e).repeat(n_f_per_e)
cell_center = vertex_mean[wrap(e_idx, 'facets:i')]
bounds = bounding_box(vertices)
delta = PERIODIC.shortest_distance(cell_center - bounds.lower, f_v_pos - bounds.lower, bounds.size)
f_v_pos = where(is_periodic, cell_center + delta, f_v_pos)
f_center = dmean(f_v_pos)
fv123 = wrap(v_idx[f_ptr[:-1] + np.arange(3)[:, None]], 'v:s=(v1,v2,v3),facets:i')
fv_pos = vertices[fv123]
cross_prod = cross(fv_pos.v['v2']-fv_pos.v['v1'], fv_pos.v['v3']-fv_pos.v['v1'])
area_fac = np.where(n_v_per_f == 3, 0.5, 1)
area = vec_length(cross_prod) * area_fac
normal = vec_normalize(cross_prod)
raise NotImplementedError("Only 2D Mesh faces are currently supported")
# e_v = to_format(elements, 'coo').numpy().astype(np.int32)
# e_v.col = vertex_id[e_v.col]
# e_f = coo_matrix(...)
# f_v = coo_matrix(...)
# f_v_pos = vertices[...]
raise ValueError(f"element_rank must be 2 or 3 but got {element_rank}")
# --- Add virtual boundary elements to f_v for non-periodic boundaries ---
boundary_slices = {}
e_end, f_end = e_f.shape
b_idx_f, b_idx_v = [f_v.row], [f_v.col]
b_idx_f, b_idx_v = [[i] for i in f_v.nonzero()]
for bnd_key, bnd_vertices in boundaries.items():
if bnd_key[:-1] in periodic:
v_count = np.asarray([len(vs) for vs in bnd_vertices])
v_idx = np.concatenate(bnd_vertices)
f_idx = np.arange(len(bnd_vertices)).repeat(v_count) + f_end
bv_count = np.asarray([len(vs) for vs in bnd_vertices])
bv_idx = np.concatenate(bnd_vertices)
f_idx = np.arange(len(bnd_vertices)).repeat(bv_count) + f_end
boundary_slices[bnd_key] = {instance(elements).as_dual().name: slice(e_end, e_end+len(bnd_vertices))}
f_end += len(bnd_vertices)
e_end += len(bnd_vertices)
b_idx_f = np.concatenate(b_idx_f)
b_idx_v = vertex_id[np.concatenate(b_idx_v)]
f_v_b = coo_matrix((np.ones(b_idx_f.size, bool), (b_idx_f, b_idx_v)), shape=(f_end, n_v))
# --- Add virtual boundary facets to e_f ---
e_f_be = np.concatenate([e_f.row, np.arange(n_e, e_end)])
e_f_be = np.concatenate([e_f.nonzero()[0], np.arange(n_e, e_end)])
e_f_bf = np.arange(e_f_be.size) # every face assigned to exactly one element. Identical to np.concatenate([e_f.col, np.arange(n_f, f_end)])
e_f_b = coo_matrix((np.ones(e_f_bf.size, bool), (e_f_be, e_f_bf)), shape=(e_end, f_end))
# --- Compute connectivity and return element-pair facet properties ---
Expand All @@ -743,9 +766,9 @@ def build_faces(vertices: Tensor, # (vertices:i, vector)
assert np.all((f_f > 0).sum(1) == 1), f"Each facet should have one backside but got {(f_f > 0).sum(1)}" = f_f.nonzero()[0] + 1
e_e = e_f @ f_f @ e_f_b.T # stores the outgoing facet_index+1 for each element pair
shared_edge = wrap(e_e, instance(elements).without_sizes() & dual) - 1
shared_edge = to_format(shared_edge, face_format)
return edge_center[shared_edge], normal[shared_edge], edge_len[shared_edge], boundary_slices
shared_f_idx = wrap(e_e, instance(elements).without_sizes() & dual) - 1
shared_f_idx = to_format(shared_f_idx, face_format)
return f_center[shared_f_idx], normal[shared_f_idx], area[shared_f_idx], boundary_slices

def build_mesh(bounds: Box = None,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -942,3 +965,16 @@ def decimate_tri_mesh(mesh: Mesh, factor=.1, target_max=10_000,):
mesh_simplifier.simplify_mesh(target_count=target_count, aggressiveness=7, preserve_border=False)
vertices, faces, normals = mesh_simplifier.getMesh()
return mesh_from_numpy(vertices, faces, cell_dim=instance(mesh))

def element_types_3d():
# Conventions from
tetra = [(1, 2, 3), (1, 4, 2), (2, 4, 3), (3, 4, 1)]
pyramid = [(1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 5, 2), (2, 5, 3), (3, 5, 4), (4, 5, 1)]
prism = [(1, 2, 3), (4, 6, 5), (1, 4, 5, 2), (2, 5, 6, 3), (3, 6, 4, 1, 3)]
hexa = [(1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 8, 7, 6), (1, 5, 6, 2), (2, 6, 7, 3), (3, 7, 8, 4), (4, 8, 5, 1)]
elements = {4: tetra, 5: pyramid, 6: prism, 8: hexa}
vertices = {k: np.concatenate(v) - 1 for k, v in elements.items()}
v_count = {k: np.asarray([len(v) for v in e]) for k, e in elements.items()}
return vertices, v_count

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