Welcome to the donejs-example DoneJS application!
To install all dependencies, (e.g. after cloning it from a Git repository) run
npm install donejs -g
npm install
Tests can be run with
donejs test
Development mode can be started with
donejs develop
This example project includes advanced server configuration via configs.
is called with donejs develop. This file takes one parameter --no-live-reload
this uses a standard HTTP server.
You need to have commander
in your package.json
if you are building a new application from sratch. Then replace your develop
line to use ./bin/dev_startup.js
To build the application into a production bundle run
donejs build
In Unix environment the production application can be started like this:
NODE_ENV=production npm start
node --inspect ./bin/dev_startup.js
The application configuration is done via package.json
The majority of this is within the system
Most of what is in there is documented at CanJS and StealJS. Here are some exceptions:
"envs": {
"server-production": {
"renderingBaseUrl": "https://tucows.com/"